Was also going to throw in Minecraft for the girls.
Minecraft is kind of great for everyone, and dads I’ve known playing it in survival mode with young kids have often had instinctual “must protect child” moments 🙂
It’s still early enough in the xbone’s life that there’s not a great deal around for it. What kind of games has your son enthused about for previous consoles? Building off that’s your best bet.
Oh, and don’t bother with anything for Kinect; even if you have a McMansion to run around in rather than a typically pokey British living room, it’s still such a load of bobbins that even Microsoft have pretty much killed it. Rumours are that the mood at Rare was “jubilant” after years having to crank out stuff for it 😀
Call of Duty all the way. Irresponsible parenting it may be but my kids turned out ok 🙂
I think it comes down to how well people can contextualise it. Obviously despite the games industry rating stuff there’s a lot of peer pressure at school to play the latest stuff. Probably the best approach I read of in dealing with it was a dad who gave his kid homework because they wanted to play Medal of Honor; it offset any glamorisation of war and his son ended up understanding a lot more about what kind of thing he was playing through.
Alternately, I’ve known some proper little sh*ts who turned out all “WAR! DEATH! GUNS! I HATE WOMEN! WAR! **** YEAH!”