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  • Fresh Goods Friday 697 – The Sprunnng! Edition
  • Ben_Haworth
    Full Member

    Spring is here! Woo! Yeah! Alright alright alright! Break out the shorts? Slap on semi-slicks? Here is your weekly allocation of Fresh Goods.

    By ben_haworth

    Get the full story here:

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    I am glad to see your first line mentions me by name.


    Full Member

    1. Interested to hear your thoughts on the brakes, one the face of it, they seem like amazing value.

    2. Fizik send you all the shoes, huh?



    Full Member

    It’s claimed to be Trek’s “fastest” helmet. We haven’t seen it move yet though.

    TBF it does look like it’s about to start moving away.  Turn your eyes away for a moment and it’ll scuttle off into a corner like a horseshoe crab.

    Speaking of eyes, how much is it? I can’t tell because whenever I try and look, mine start watering.

    Full Member

    1. Interested to hear your thoughts on the brakes, one the face of it, they seem like amazing value.

    I’m sat here wondering if 4 pot stoppers would honestly be excessive on my commuter bike. 😊

    Free Member

    ^^ they do a two pot version too.. if you find clarks ebay store and watch them, they sometimes send out offers :)

    Full Member

    the best sprung…

    Full Member

    ^^ they do a two pot version too.. if you find clarks ebay store and watch them, they sometimes send out offers 🙂

    You want to see the high stoke level gnar on the Chester greenway my dude. I’m not sure 2 pots would handle it.

    Thanks for the e-bay tip, the C2’s are also on Merlin for £109. If I put a link here, maybe Singletrack gets a small kickback.

    Full Member

    Those Shadow Stands are just proof that there are far too many brands out there making far too many products.

    Full Member

    Those Shadow Stands are just proof that there are far too many brands out there making far too many products.

    I saw them and had to check the calendar… 10 days too early.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Those Shadow Stands are just proof that there are far too many brands out there making far too many products.

    but it comes with a story!!

    Full Member

    the best sprung…

    No no no,

    Free Member

    17 euros for a wire coat hanger, sorry, Shadow Stand 😀. Gotta love the bike industry relentlessly mugging us off.

    Full Member

    Just because someone wants to sell something doesn’t mean there’s enough people buying. Recently there’s been plenty of evidence of that. The magic  Perspex sticks have been around a while though. Surely bike journalists etc are the main market and they’d get them free!

    Full Member

    I’ve always longed for a stupid way to stand my bike up for pics. Bonus points for being a sharp piece of perspex in my pocket to help eviscerate me in a crash. FFS the outdoors has sticks and stones and curbs and trees, and bike stands are made from all of these.

    Full Member

    Ah “Theme For Great Cities “ – tight bass playing and a reminder of how good those early 80s recordings were. Almost makes me want to buy a turntable to hear how good my vinyl copy sounds compared to the insipid digital noises coming out of Apple Music right now. Always had a soft spot for The American on that album and seem to recall my copy may be a double A side 12”.

    Full Member

    15mph? Double, no, more than double my regular off road average of ~6kmh. Sounds like some sort of bicycle magic!

    as for @zippykona s goldfinches. Seen those. I’ll raise you a ring necked parakeet in a nest hole in the park  IMG_8129

    Free Member

    the best sprung…

    Ha ha, good times!! I was part of the original Sprung crew down in Plym with Milan and Alex! A mix of hungover students (me) and sketchy locals. I wish we’d filmed everything that went on, definitely some Jackass style antics that I still bear the scars from…

    Full Member

    How is a egravel bike any sillier than another ebike?

    Free Member

    The crs4 by clarkes are indeed rebranded with no additional modifications made than the ones found on amazon ali exp etc the rotors are so flimsy I wouldn’t even rely on them as a coffe coaster

    The lever piston starts to swell and suck in air within months

    I sent mine back to merlin who refused to publish my review removing it every time I wrote it.

    Note as great as merlin are they remove ALL negative reviews of all products ts which i find unacceptable

    Full Member

    I can actually see that Boardman being popular with commuters. It’s not full on road, it’s not a Bafang special, it’s something that looks decent and has more range than normal for less effort. IT workers don’t always have showers at work…

    Also, I had to look at the picture of the parakeet twice to make sure it was not a comedy dildo that someone had put in a tree.

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