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  • Frame Decals.
  • singlespeedstu
    Full Member

    Got a frame away being powder coated at the moment and will be wanting some new decals for it when I build it back up.

    They’re pretty simple in design being just cut out lettering in one solid colour.

    I have the design file from the frame builder but not sure where to get them made up?

    Had some done in the past but no idea where I had them done as it was years back.

    Any suggestions please?

    Full Member

    You could try INDIPRINT I’ve found Lucy to be helpful in the past.

    Full Member

    Dunno if Crawford C-A could do it? He’s in your neck of the woods (sure you know).

    Full Member

    Does Gil still do stickers?

    Full Member

    Thanks both.
    I’ll give them both a shot.
    Any other suggestions welcome.

    Full Member

    Slik Graphics did mine and they’ve been on a good few years now so they’re hard wearing enough

    Full Member

    Thanks Simon and binners.

    A nice forum member has contacted me and may be able to help me if not I’ll give those two a shot as well.

    Full Member

    Another vote for indieprint

    Free Member

    Lucy at indiprint is efficient but the finished vinyl is not in the same league as slick graphics .

    Full Member

    Just dug this out of when I’d just built it. Freshly powder coated Matt blue with Slik custom graphics then a gloss lacquer over the top. Not a bad job and still looks good years and many miles later

    Greggs Orange

    Free Member

    Got my Banshee ones done here, but possibly not what you’re looking for .  Really good finish!

    Full Member

    A few friends have had good results and service from Indiprint

    Full Member

    A big thanks to the very kind forum member who sorted these out for me.

    I won’t name him as he’s not posted on this thread.
    Anyway he’s done me a bunch of decals for the refreshed frame all for a couple of charity donations to Air Ambulance and Tweed Valley mountain Rescue.
    Top job and the very second hand frame is looking like new again.

    New Life For The Old Donkey. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Refreshed. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Chrome by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Nice, but I bet that stinks when it gets wet.

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