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  • Fox DOSS dropper post – £350!!!
  • prezet
    Free Member

    Are they having a laugh? £100 more expensive that the Reverb…

    Free Member

    That’s a pretty penny more – I wonder how they are going to justify the price gap.

    Free Member

    Not sure, but the £60 front mudguard surely is, almost 8 times that price of a Muddy Nutz!

    Free Member

    That cable routing sucks

    Full Member

    i played about with it at corebike. its nice but not as nice as my reverb :)

    Free Member

    Fox in overpriced shocker.

    Wonder if you’ll need to strip and grease it every 15 hours of riding as well? And even if you do when it packs in and blows oil all over your frame it’ll be your fault. Oh but you can have a ‘Kashima upgrade’ for a mere £200 – getting the user to pay for rectifying a design flaw.

    No thanks, I’ll stick with my Gravity Dropper.

    Full Member

    I wonder how they are going to justify the price gap

    Well the reverb says Rockshox on it the doss says Fox on it.

    …in the MTB universe anyway

    Free Member

    Imagine what Ohlins could charge if they came to the engine-less.

    Free Member

    Cane creek use ohlins bits and pieces I believe….

    Stupid bloody price!

    Free Member

    Whilst I think that fox forks are worth every penny more than rockshox, there’s simply no way I’d go back to a cable post let alone it costing me £350. Fox missed the boat with droppers. They should have left it well alone.

    Free Member

    I’d like one of the mudguards though.

    But i wouldn’t be paying more than about £12.99 for a bit of plastic. £59.99 is just as ridiculous a price as the seatpost is……..

    Full Member

    Chris Porter (head honcho at Mojo) has been working closely with Fabien Barel and his mechanic Paul over the last few years to produce what could well be the best off road mud guard ever produced. This new front mudguard has had meticulous testing to make sure it’s as efficient as possible. Using an in depth computer simulation of a front wheel going through various types of mud they were able to refine the size and shape of the mud guard very precisely to ensure it gives the maximum amount of protection for it’s size. It’s so dialled in through testing that if you were to take just 10mm off the front of the guard it would be 50% less efficient.

    Computer modelling? For a mudguard? Methinks either Fox are taking t too seriously, or the author of the piece is a little gullible to marketing bullsugar, or both…

    Free Member

    Cane creek use ohlins bits and pieces I believe….

    Stupid bloody price!

    If you’ve ever ridden one, you’d realise they’re worth every penny. The difference its made to my Orange compared to the RP23 is massive..

    Free Member

    Somebody should send fox a reverb – “this is the competition…. oh, and it’s over £100 cheaper”. I wouldn’t mind if the lever and cable/post interface didn’t look like they’d been cobbled together by the YTS boy in 5 minutes.

    Free Member

    Computer modelling? We live in Britain – we’ve got plenty of mud of ALL different types.

    Not surprised their post is that expensive, TBH. How much are their 40s these days? £1500?

    The only reason I have 36s, is A) I picked them up dirt cheap on here, and they were in excellent condition. B) Zero problems so far (2005 TALAS R)

    Could that coincide with the price difference you paid being massive?

    Free Member

    The angle of the front of the mudguard explains the 10mm/50% bit. And the alu bracket must add a little cost…thing is it won’t replace the function of the crud-guard will it?

    Thing is, I bet both products are owned by stwers shortly after release!

    Free Member

    Could that coincide with the price difference you paid being massive?

    Nope, I bought it second hand. I think a new one (sans spring) is around the £450 mark, which is £100 more expensive than an RP23. Then you obviously need a spring…

    If something’s expensive but much better than a cheaper version, I think its justified. Unlike that Fox post….

    Free Member

    If that fox post proves to be reliable unlike any hydrolic post on the market at the moment then I’ll pay that without question.
    100 quid is worth paying rather than the hassle of repeatedly sending something off for repair, or having it fail in some remote location.

    Free Member

    £350? A fool and his money are soon parted. Although, I only know that because I bought a set of Crank Brothers Iodine wheels.

    (Mudguard is hideous too)

    Free Member

    Having had cable and hydraulic posts, the hydraulic reverb has been by far the more reliable.

    Computer modelling? For a mudguard? Methinks either Fox are taking t too seriously, or the author of the piece is a little gullible to marketing bullsugar, or both…

    I didn’t think that Fox had anything to do with the guard? I though it was chris porters cash cow baby?

    Free Member

    Although, I only know that because I bought a set of Crank Brothers Iodine wheels.

    I feel your pain brother….*fist to chest*

    Free Member

    flange – Member

    Cane creek use ohlins bits and pieces I believe….

    Stupid bloody price!

    If you’ve ever ridden one, you’d realise they’re worth every penny. The difference its made to my Orange compared to the RP23 is massive..

    stupid bloody price was refering to the DOSS, not the CCDB of which I would love to own one.

    Free Member

    Although, I only know that because I bought a set of Crank Brothers ……

    Insert name of any CB product.

    Free Member

    hugor – Member
    If that fox post proves to be reliable unlike any hydrolic post on the market at the moment then I’ll pay that without question.
    100 quid is worth paying rather than the hassle of repeatedly sending something off for repair, or having it fail in some remote location.

    My DSP bighorn has been faultless so far, only problem I had was down to me setting it up wrong. too soon to slag it off.

    Free Member

    I think FOX have lost the plot a bit recently. Pricing is out of control on most stuff anyway, but the servicing intervals on the recent Fox stuff combined with the pricing is a joke. I like the idea of them, I prefer the look over other stuff but RS just works better and is cheaper.

    Speaks volumes when Steve ‘I can’t understand you’ Jones slags them off….

    Full Member

    What a crazy price. It doesn’t even look to compare well with the Giant dropper post which is half the price let alone a Reverb.

    Free Member

    My DSP bighorn has been faultless so far, only problem I had was down to me setting it up wrong. too soon to slag it off.

    Yes I’ve read the thread. Agree its too soon to call on that one.
    I got burnt with the 1st gen Joplin so I don’t mind spending the dough but completely undertand everyones frustrations with all the failures.

    Free Member

    1st Gen anything and you’re taking a little punt really in my mind, even with the DOSS it’s not a proven platform…yet.

    Free Member

    The lever makes me laugh.

    Surely they could have come up with something better. I mean it makes the Reverb one look practical.

    Full Member

    I made my flippant comment without actually clicking the link (as is the STW way) but just looked and
    8O 8O 8O
    What the hell? cable up the side of the post? so right where my thighs are. Enormous sticky out lever, ever heard of unobtrusive and ergonomic?

    Mudguard looks just like every other fender out there only more compatible with fox forks, but £40 more compatible?

    Free Member

    Looks liek the mudguard is a Mojo product not a FOX Racing product.. at least that’s how it reads to me.

    Free Member

    They’ve left out the crucial detail – was the mudguard computer modelled with lasers? or just normally?…

    Free Member

    at that price I think the lazers were attached to these

    Some muppet on here will still buy it though

    Full Member

    Apparently you can get five hours out it without a full service.

    Free Member

    what the mudguard? Can’t be a fox product then if it lasts that long

    Full Member

    Fox in overpriced shocker.

    Fox once again pushing the envelope. Pricewise.
    Historically it doesn’t take the others long to catch up with Fox.

    Funny how typically everyone else increases prices to match what Fox demands, rather than Fox being forced to lower theirs.

    Full Member

    Funny how typically everyone else increases prices to match what Fox demands, rather than Fox being forced to lower theirs.


    Free Member

    Are they having a laugh? £100 more expensive that the Reverb…

    UK RRP on a 2012 Reverb is listed as £299.99, even if no one is selling them for that, incidentally I can supply them too :wink:

    Free Member

    Loco, are you doing reverb servicing? Mine has done a full year incident free and I would like to keep it that way but can not see an easy way to pack it back up with grease etc?

    Free Member

    Will be listing it as a service soon, but pretty busy at the moment, until I get some more staff trained.

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