It’ll be alright in the wet, but proper miserable as its exposed and quite high up.
There’s A LOT of boardwalk, but its all chicken wired so won’t be slippy.
There’s a lot of bedrock, which will be slippy.
There’s a lot of committing sections, which if you decide is too slippy and nail the brakes you’ll proper hurt yourself.
I’d say its the second or first hardest BLACK in the UK grade wise. Its not a red, I find the black at Laggan easier tbh. so…. If youre not happy on all of Kirroughtree mcMoab or Laggan black, riding it in the wet may be a bit too much.
Personally, its one to save for a dry, sunny and low wind day. Very much so, check the wind anything about 20mph will make riding it a PITA.
(Its a great trail, but £30 each for a day ticket, so worth saving for a good day).