As one who put off learning to drive until relatively late (and as one who's not yet um quite passed his test), my question is:
Is it [i]definitely[/i] a very bad idea to buy a quick ish / interesting first car?
Obviously I'm aware of why it could be a Bad Thing but the vaguely logical part of my brain argues that I know I'm not going to be trying to show off to my mates in the back seat or drag racing down dual carriageways. I also am of the mindset that small cars can still do 90mph as well as a faster car, hence surely it's down to the driver not to be a stupid pr!ck?
As such I'd rather not have a corsa or similar and could afford the insurance to get something 'interesting' ish (not much difference between quotes, I guess due to my age).
Balanced opinions welcomed and please refrain from dishing out the pasting I'm half expecting! 😀