So im coming up the m42 this morning and i come up behind a clio in the outside lane behind a bmw 325 in the outside lane doing 60mph??
clio pulls over and i move up behind this bmw and give him a friendly flash to let him know and get him to move over as the inside and middle lanes are empty for at least 1/2 mile.
anyway bmw isnt moving so i indicate and go to undertake as i want to get to work on time and this bloke is holding me and a queue forming behind me.
as im over taking this nobber starts accelrating but im wanting to make a point so im not giving up and we get to about 100mph (funny how he can speed up then !!) and i get in front (well actually just stay in middle lane) and then this prick moves behind me and then starts flashing me for the next mile or so every other second!!!!
why couldnt he just move over or is it his god given right as bmw driver to sit in the outside lane all the time??