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No, he was busy attempting to send info to Masi via a private means. Doubt he’d CC’d anyone at Red Bull and didn’t hear that he visited the stewards with his evidence as Masi suggested

I am on about about the interviews afterwards. CH was way way over the top of his criticism of Lewis. Toto kept a much cooler head

Posted : 19/07/2021 12:06 pm
Full Member

Of course he did, he'd just won the race. He's not going to bring more attention to the event when he can't possibly benefit any more.

Basically, they are all sneaky ****ers and would sell their Grannies if they thought it would get them the upper hand

Posted : 19/07/2021 12:12 pm
Free Member

Good, that’s what you want in the fight for the Championship, a boss (that in public at least) fights like a bulldog in your corner. Nowt wrong with that.

The way MV and CH have reacted here is not the way champions go about their business - it smacks of fear and an inferiority complex.

Posted : 19/07/2021 12:18 pm
Full Member

Surprised nobody had posted this yet. Crowd reaction seems pretty normal, they all know it’s a biggie

Posted : 19/07/2021 12:25 pm
Full Member

The way MV and CH have reacted here is not the way champions go about their business – it smacks of fear and an inferiority complex.



Posted : 19/07/2021 12:45 pm
Free Member

Surprised nobody had posted this yet. Crowd reaction seems pretty normal, they all know it’s a biggie

That's the only exciting moment of the entire F1 day out.

Posted : 19/07/2021 12:49 pm
Full Member

^^^ OOft, shit just got real

Posted : 19/07/2021 12:49 pm
Free Member

I don't see what's odd about that crowd reaction.

Edit: not sure if you were meaning it was somehow odd or not. But it seems normal enough, like when someone drops a tray in a canteen some folks go way-hey.

Posted : 19/07/2021 12:51 pm
Full Member

Max Verstappen unfollows Lewis Hamilton on Instagram after British Grand Prix crash

I’m sure Lewis will cry himself to sleep tonight over that revelation. 🤣

Posted : 19/07/2021 12:58 pm
Full Member

^^^ OOft, shit just got real

Ha, ha, unfollowing someone on social media must be the modern equivalent of getting your mate to tell your other mate that you're not talking to them any more.....

Posted : 19/07/2021 12:58 pm
Free Member

The problem with the Daily Express is that it's mainly written by cynics for the benefit of the lobotomised so I'd treat anything they publish or tweet as fiction until it's verified elsewhere first.

The view of the crash from the stand is quite terrifying, Max hardly slowed before thumping the tyre barrier. Regardless of what we might think of Max, it was a nasty impact.

Posted : 19/07/2021 12:59 pm
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I don’t see what’s odd about that crowd reaction.

Edit: not sure if you were meaning it was somehow odd or not. But it seems normal enough, like when someone drops a tray in a canteen some folks go way-hey

There were earlier comment(s) saying the crowd cheered when Verstappen went off. Think the video shows the crowd in a good light; excited then muted

Posted : 19/07/2021 1:01 pm
Full Member

I’ve got five quid on “Christian Horner replies to Mercedes tweet with poo emoji” 👍

Posted : 19/07/2021 1:15 pm
Full Member

The noise the crowd made was *exactly* the noise any crowd at any motor racing event I've ever been to have made when there's been a big crash - nothing partisan about it.

Posted : 19/07/2021 1:18 pm
Free Member

Yep, there was an "oof!" when Max hit the tyre wall and some stood and clapped as the marshals went to help him from the car.

Posted : 19/07/2021 1:22 pm
Free Member

I don’t see what’s odd about that crowd reaction.

There's been a lot of fuss about the English/Hamilton fans supposedly cheering the crash, but it's pretty overblown from the videos I've seen. There's a kind of gasp as he goes off, then (on the video my mate who was there sent me) lots of booing presumably from Verstappen fans, followed by cheers and applause from everyone when he gets out seemingly unscathed.

Posted : 19/07/2021 1:44 pm
Free Member

There were earlier comment(s) saying the crowd cheered when Verstappen went off. Think the video shows the crowd in a good light; excited then muted

From where I was sat at Village (watching on the big screens at that point) there was an initial big cheer as he was coming up alongside and it looked like the moved was on followed by shouts of astonishment when it all went off. From what I could see on the big screen was a lot of dust and an onboard of Max's rear view that cut out and went static before the impact so no-one could really see just how hard it was. There was some sounds of relief when it was seen that Hamilton was still running then it all very much quietened down until it was clear from the commentary and screens that he was moving and able to get out. Big applause and cheers as he got out of the car.
Obviously a very different experience from being right next to the barrier where the impact was as it simply wasn't clear just how bad it had been, especially once they had pulled the car out and you could see the damage.

From my opinion it was a racing incident. Max could have left more space, backed out or gone over the tarmac run off if needed. Lewis was being optimistic but could have made it stick if Max had played a bit nicer. Both championship contenders refusing to back down. It was always going to happen at some point this season.

Posted : 19/07/2021 1:47 pm
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Really stretching things to say that Red Bull have anything at all to do with racist ****s abusing Hamilton. They might be annoyed with him (or its part of the act) but I'm not aware of race ever having anything to do with any of it. What a dumb post.

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:10 pm
Full Member

Really stretching things to say that Red Bull have anything at all to do with racist **** abusing Hamilton

Because of the way they basically accused him of attempted murder? Gave the trolls extra ammunition and they did nothing at all to try and diffuse the situation?

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:13 pm
Free Member

I think when the other drivers are saying it's a 50/50 incident what they really mean is "Max had it coming".

The reason he's had less crashes in the last couple of seasons isn't because he's got better as a driver, Its because other drivers have learned to stay well out of his way.

Far from being cowed by all the crap being thrown his way, Hamilton looks more energised and determined than ever and I swear Toto Wolf looked about 6 inches taller than usual in the post race interviews. Men and boys.

Though there's a rumour that CH is pissed because LH still owes him money... rent for all the time Lewis spends living in Horners head.

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:21 pm
Full Member

Because of the way they basically accused him of attempted murder? Gave the trolls extra ammunition and they did nothing at all to try and diffuse the situation?

Where does race come into that?

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:24 pm
Full Member

Because of the way they basically accused him of attempted murder?

1. I didn’t hear anything along those lines. Did they actually “basically accuse him” of that, or is that just people on social media blowing things out of proportion?
2. You do realise you can criticise, even hyperbolically, the actions of a person of another race whilst still abhorring racism, right?

In answer to your original question of “am I being too harsh?” Yes, you are. Stop trying to create some sort of ugly narrative that just isn’t there.

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:29 pm
Free Member

I'm no aficionado, but do watch racing when it's on and I'm passingly aware of the 'personalities'

Having  read a few more articles this weekend and followed on here, this sounds a bit to me like school bully pushes everyone around and because no-one stands up to them keeps getting away with it. Until one day someone does and now they're whinging to teacher and  moaning like a cry baby.

I though LH caused it, both could have avoided it, but the side by side videos do clearly show MV turning right. As he did two corners previously. Just this time LH thought sod it, I'm not getting pushed around forever.

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:30 pm
Free Member

"What a dumb post"

If Red Bull hadn't come out with all the bull in the first place then they wouldn't have to be tweeting out their disgust now. So the Pritti Patel analogy would be correct.

Not saying CH is being deliberately racist, just that he's a complete moron. You're either part of the problem or part of the solution.

I'm sure his sponsor is 'proud' of him.

As I said earlier, Red Bull gives you whinge.

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:31 pm
Full Member

Not saying CH is being deliberately racist

By qualifying that statement you seem to be rather implying that he’s being unintentionally racist.

What are you basing that on?

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:35 pm
Free Member

I broadly agreed with the BBC's take here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/57882992

I'm not sure that Hamilton had as much choice as people make out - at some point he was going to have to 'not yield' to Verstappen else MV will be continuing to drive this aggressively. He picked the right moment it seems!

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:35 pm
Full Member

So the profit Patel analogy would be correct.

Apart from Patel works very much in the race business, RB do not.

If LH had deliberately shunted him off would RB not therefore be allowed to claim because of a racism issue they do not appear to be part of?

Stop trying to create some sort of ugly narrative that just isn’t there.

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:36 pm
Full Member

I am not saying that Red Bull were being even unintentionally racist but, as a global team they should think carefully about the kinds of comments and statements they put out there and how those may be used as ammunition by distasteful factions in society.

CH on no less than 3 occasions very publicly made some pretty wild accusations about LH's character and driving as did Max as did Marko - all of which helped fuel the abhorrent abuse that followed.

As I said in an earlier comment, robustly defending your employees (in this case driver) is one thing, chucking out hyperbolic rants about another team's driver - particularly in such a charged atmosphere - is unwise. Especially so when they are quite clearly bollocks.

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:51 pm
Full Member

CH on no less than 3 occasions very publicly made some pretty wild accusations about LH’s character and driving as did Max as did Marko – all of which helped fuel the abhorrent abuse that followed.

That’s what I was (genuinely) asking about, though: what actually are those three or more statements that you think directly feed racists?

It’s not like racists need anything to latch onto anyway. They’re racists: they just hate for no good reason, they need no reason. We can’t all stop saying things just in case a racist retweets it.

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:56 pm
Free Member

Lots of rules for drivers, maybe some rules needed for mud slinging team principles.

Posted : 19/07/2021 2:58 pm
Full Member

That’s what I was (genuinely) asking about, though: what actually are those three or more statements that you think directly feed racists?

They were very inflammatory and unfounded comments that were repeated and then reinforced on numerous occasions and yes, I think the whole Red Bull team were very unwise in the way they handled the matter and yes, when such comments were so explicitly aimed at a Black driver I can see it being fuel thrown on the fire.

These teams are meant to be media savvy enough to understand their words may be attached to more unpleasant comments later on and I feel, if you read the Red Bull statement, they have rowed back significantly from where they were yesterday saying it was hard racing etc and they have dropped the whole 'Lewis was trying to kill Max' narrative hence my comments.

Maybe I am being overly harsh - I am happy to accept that could be the case however I just feel they have handled the aftermath very poorly and put Lewis, unfairly, up as a target.

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:01 pm
Free Member

I used to quite like Horner for his honesty, but he has got whingier and whingier over the last few seasons.

He was really annoying me by his repeated use of the phrase ‘chucking a wheel up the inside’, implying that Hamilton out raked himself into the corner when in fact he had been much further up the inside and was essentially backing out/braking when Max turned in. And to keep going on about the consequences making a 10 sec penalty unjust is ridiculous - there have been hundreds of incidents that ended one driver’s race penalised with a 5 or 10 sec penalty previously. I’m sure Max has caused more than a few himself.

I’m sure a lot of the drivers are not too upset that finally someone stood up to Max, who has long been someone known for giving no quarter. Quite incredible that Hamilton drove away with virtually no damage.

Great that Max is ok, and should make the rest of the season even more interesting.

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:01 pm
Free Member


For the last 5 years CH has been consistently disrespectful to LH, contemptuous even and yesterday he crossed the line, he clearly implied that LH had deliberately pushed Max into the wall and that he should be ashamed of himself. You could see the C4 team interviewing him were having to hold themselves back, they could see what CH was doing and what was likely to ensue and were having to censor themselves. I bet the RB marketing team were tearing their hair out watching the interview and relieved that questions that were on the tip of the interviewers tongues weren't being asked.

Someone once said "the thing about football is that it's not about football" and I think the same thing applies across a lot of sport, especially where large corporate interests are involved. Given what just happened post Euro's, CH's behaviour was moronic and the outcome inevitable.

Of course you can condemn the actions of a person of another race whilst still abhorring racism but as Winston Churchill once said, "there is what you say and what is said"

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:02 pm
Free Member

"Apart from Patel works very much in the race business, RB do not."

Sport not in the race business?

Sport is front and centre in the race business, has been since Jesse Owens, whose sponsorship by Adidas demonstrates the triangulated relationship between sport, race and commerce.

So you couldn't be more wrong. Shut up and dribble (over your keyboard) you plonker.

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:18 pm
Full Member

There ought to be a penalty the FIA can impose for talking utter bollocks! 🙂

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:19 pm
Full Member

There ought to be a penalty the FIA can impose for talking utter bollocks!

On forumistas or team principals 😀

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:20 pm
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Free Member

“Apart from Patel works very much in the race business, RB do not.”

Sport not in the race business?

Sport is front and centre in the race business, has been since Jesse Owens, whose sponsorship by Adidas demonstrates the triangulated relationship between sport, race and commerce.

So you couldn’t be more wrong. Shut up and dribble (over your keyboard) you plonker.

Yes, the principle of a F1 team is just the same as our cretin of a Home Secretary who seems to take great delight in chucking people out of the country. You've entirely convinced me, especially the part where you resort to insults, that sealed it tbf

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:26 pm
Free Member

Is that right, Verstappen stopped following Hamilton on Instagram?  Really?  is he still a child. How pathetic.

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:27 pm
Full Member

I'm not surprised RB are complaining, neither Max or Perez scored any points, any lead they'd built up after wining the last 4 races has pretty much disappeared in a puff of tyre smoke for the sake of a dodgy overtake on the opening lap...I'd be spitting feathers as well. M'leh, It'll all blow over.

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:39 pm
Full Member

*looks at the calendar to see what thriller will keep this entertainment going*

Hungary ffs, can we not just skip straight to Spa?

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:42 pm
Full Member

They were very inflammatory and … explicitly aimed at a Black driver

OK, but… I’m still curious as to what they are. You said there were at least three.

For the last 5 years CH has been consistently disrespectful to LH, contemptuous even

Has he?

He’s been a little over-reaching in his defences of his drivers and in particular Max, eg implying that Ocon deserved more of an assault than just a shove when he and Verstappen collided in Brazil, but in all the interviews I’ve seen he’s fairly consistently expressed the view that Lewis and Max are the top two drivers and if I’ve heard anything contemptuous from him before this week then I’ve forgotten it.

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:46 pm
Full Member

Hungary could be pretty good, especially if the weather plays it's part. Lewis has won there 8 times before already and there's arguably more chance for the drivers to make the difference given the layout. If they line up on the front together, could be fire works!

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:47 pm
Free Member

I just wanted to add, how much of a team player is Bottas? Consistent podiums and in his own race for 3rd overall but still has done a lot for Hamilton recently, not just yielding on track but punching a hole in the air for him during qualifying at previous races.

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:56 pm
Free Member

Sorry for the (mild) insult mashr, but if you going out there saying sport has got nothing to do with politics then you're asking for a bit of a ribbing really.

I understand that CH and PP may not share the same motivations but the consequences of their actions are the same. Another similarity is that they have both had to roll back on their earlier comments.

If you find yourself saying 'I didn't mean to say it' (That's what a roll back is) then you didn't have to say it in the first place.

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:56 pm
Free Member

Yes fooman, Bottas a proper wing man at the mo. He always does this doesn't he? Just when you think he's about to be shown the door he comes up good. Any talk of him being replaced after the break is silly surely?

Posted : 19/07/2021 4:02 pm
Full Member

Any talk of him being replaced after the break is silly surely?

Depends if Mercedes want a wing-man or a Hamilton understudy in Russell?

And of course if Bottas is happy being a wing-man.

Yesterday showed that Bottas isn't the one to lead a championship challenge. In those circumstances and with Lewis's 10 second penalty he should have won that race yesterday.

Posted : 19/07/2021 4:17 pm
Full Member

OK, but… I’m still curious as to what they are. You said there were at least three

He made the same statements at least three times, both on the radio to race control at the time and in subsequent interviews - that Lewis' driving was unacceptable, that he was dangerous, That Lewis should be ashamed of himself, that a driver of Lewis' calibre shouldn't drive like an amateur etc and with the strong inference Lewis had deliberately put Max in hospital. It was totally over the top and then Max and Helmut carried on in the same vein.

This is the same team principal who said, when Max took maybe Lewis, maybe someone else out (I cannot quite recall) in not dissimilar circumstances, that if drivers couldn't take the odd collision as part of hard racing then they should quit.

He was relentless in his criticism of Lewis and yes, I do think that was inflammatory and played a part in giving people the justification for the abuse they gave Lewis.

EDIT - it is better to just watch Horner's Sky interview. The hate in his voice and the way he puts his words across is the definition of inflammatory in my book. Other view points are available of course


Posted : 19/07/2021 4:22 pm
Full Member

I just wanted to add, how much of a team player is Bottas?

It's an interesting problem. Russell, like Verstappen, has something of a reputation of a "stuff it in, see what happens" attitude when it comes to wheel to wheel overtaking. I've heard an accusation of  "reckless" thrown at him. I wonder if Mercedes need that right now? Its OK to smash your car to bits when you've nothing to loose, another thing all together when it's the championship on the line, and I think everyone understands that your biggest rival is your team mate...2022 could be an interesting one from Hamilton's perspective if Russel joins

Posted : 19/07/2021 4:25 pm
Full Member

I bet the RB marketing team were tearing their hair out watching the interview

I think you'll find that they were the ones conducting the interview. At least DC said at least once that "LH was not a dirty driver". I too am a little tired of the partisan commentary.

Thought Bottas played a very straight bat yesterday.

Posted : 19/07/2021 4:29 pm
Free Member

Is that right, Verstappen stopped following Hamilton on Instagram? Really? is he still a child. How pathetic.

Yep, I heard that too.

He might as well just hand the championship over to Hamilton right now.

Posted : 19/07/2021 4:29 pm
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