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  • Exercise is a waste of time for weight loss
  • davidtaylforth
    Free Member

    It’s cuz their brains are full of chips.


    Full Member

    My HRM knows my resting heart rate, weight, age, VO2max etc, and gives about 700 calories per hour when riding fairly hard. Running is about 800/hour, but I hate running so have never actually run for that long…

    Free Member

    iDave +1

    High intensity intervals is where it’s at. Apart from actual mountain biking, any active exercise sessions I undertake are geared towards this.
    ie Spinning, Circuits, Superset weight sessions.

    Low intensity exercise is what I use for rest sessions ie Swims.

    Free Member

    What an impressive piece of research with a nice cut and dried conclusion – and all in only 15 minutes. If you’ve got an hour spare could you find a cure for cancer? Then if you’re free for a day next week maybe you’d solve world hunger as well?

    Free Member

    Interval training is the answer…you’ll continue burning calories for a while after training.

    Alternatively go to your local muay thai gym…you’ll lose more calories there than you will at the gym….or on your bike.

    Free Member

    Calories in is the thing that determines how fat you are. Calories out might make a bit of a difference, but not much.

    If you eat a cheese sandwich and drink a can of Red Bull in the car on the way to your bike ride, drink energy drink during the ride and then use the fact you’ve been for a bike ride to justify a couple of pints and a load of cake you will, unless it was a bloody long/hard/fast ride, get fatter.

    Full Member

    Polar’s Calorie counter seems to match my powertap pretty well assuming ~25% efficiency. Garmins seem very generous but then I don’t think their algorithm is anywhere near as sophisticated as Polar’s

    Full Member

    Running is the most efficient burner of calories, and as Jamie has pointed out it burns at about 100Kcal a mile, less if you’re slight, a bit more if you’re legging it, or you’re a bit of a biffer.

    comes back to the same thing everytime. Eating has more impact on how much you weigh than exersize does.

    Free Member

    although i agree with the OP I also think the a major factor with gymming it is the frequency of the excercise, not just the intensity.Regular training is much better as you will keep you’re metabalism burning, which has an accumtave effect after after the excercise too. Also if you eat well you may in fact get heavier too, as muscle is heavy and muscle mass may increase. Again this helps burning more calories too, even after the actual workout. The best guide to how you are doing is measurements, or how your clothes fit.

    Free Member

    Running is the most efficient burner of calories

    Utter rubbish

    Free Member

    Running is the most efficient burner of calories

    Isn’t that an oxymoron? You’re looking for inefficiency when exercising, surely?

    Free Member

    Running is the most efficient burner of calories


    Full Member

    aracer, instead of just the pointless exclamation, why don’t you take the trouble to enlighten us all.

    Certainly from what I’ve read, and been told, running burns more calories, but I’m happy to be corrected.

    Full Member

    If your calorie intake remains constant and you add exercise, even one which consumes 300 cal/hr you will lose weight. IRC 1lb of fat is the equivalent of 3,500 calories i.e. 12 hrs of 300 cal/hr exercise will see you lose 1lb – 2 hrs with the dog 6 times a week should do it!

    A Big Mac and fries is about 700 calories, or a couple of walks. I say: cut out the burger and let the dog get fat.

    IMO high intensity stuff tends to work better for me when I need to lose weight (w/ sensible calorie intake reduction) than the received wisdom of the low impact ‘fat burning zone’type exercise.

    Free Member

    I’m sure there’re studies that have proven high intensity exercise acts as an appetite suppressant, or at least a controller, more than low intensity does.

    Free Member

    From the first hit after searching for “is running the best way to burn calories”…according to this source you’re wrong. There might be more, in fact this is the internet, I’m sure there are sources which claim running to be best.

    Which Cardio Exercise Burns the Most Calories?
    Below are the top 10 cardio exercises which burn the most calories in 30 minutes.

    1. Step Aerobics – one of the most favorite cardio exercises preferred by women. Step Aerobics mainly target your legs, hips and glutes, and can burn approx. 400 calories in 30 minutes.

    2. Bicycling – stationary or outdoors is a great cardio exercises, depending on resistance and speed can but 250 to 500 calories in 30 minutes.

    3. Swimming – like cross-country skiing is an excellent cardio exercises as it is a full body exercises. Swimming is a great cross-training for other cardio activities. Doing the breast stroke can burn approx. 400 calories in 30 minutes.

    4. Racquetball – side to side sprinting makes racquetball and excellent cardio exercises. A 145-lb person burns over 400 calories in 30 minutes.

    5. Rock Climbing – is not only a cardio exercises, but also uses arm and leg strength and power. Rock Climbing can burn up to 380 calories in 30 minutes.

    6. Cross-Country Skiing – whether on a machine or outdoors on snow, is an incredible cardio exercises as it involves both upper and lower body. A 145 lb person can burn approx 330 calories in 30 minutes.

    7. Running – Running is an excellent cardio exercises because all you need is a pair of quality running shoes. Running burns serious calories. A 145 LB person can easily burn 300 calories in 30 minutes.

    8. Elliptical Trainer – is an excellent cardio exercises and a great way to build endurance. A 145 LB person can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes.

    9. Rowing – is both a cardio exercises as well as giving your arms an incredible workout. 145 LB person can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes.

    10. Walking – Brisk walking is a less strenuous form of cardio exercises. Walking can burn up to 180 calories in 30 minutes. Sprinting, adding hills or an incline can increase amount of calories burned.

    Free Member

    Isn’t the ‘fat burning zone’ just a myth to get larger sized people off their backsides and doing something…

    It allows them to sit there on the recliner bikes at the gym, chatting away at a slow pace, feeling the ‘superior’ fat burning workout, whilst scoffing that the whippets running at full wack on the treadmills are wasting their time.

    Free Member

    aracer, instead of just the pointless exclamation, why don’t you take the trouble to enlighten us all.

    Didn’t have time in the race to be the first to shoot your comment down, and didn’t really think it needed a lot more explanation if you’re going to come out with such poorly researched opinions.

    Certainly from what I’ve read, and been told, running burns more calories, but I’m happy to be corrected.

    More than lying in bed. More than walking on a treadmill. Or do you mean more than something else? What’s on your x-axis – time or distance?

    Full Member

    in fact this is the internet, I’m sure there are sources which claim running to be best.

    Aye, Mchamish, most of the stuff I looked at said pretty much running, then cycling, then swimming. Splitting hairs really, 300-400 per hour on those sports on your list, certainly running is up there.

    Full Member

    What’s on your x-axis

    oh, I dunno, more than say, typing on a forum… 😉

    EDIT: Didn’t have time in the race to be the first to shoot your comment down,

    does my comment really need ‘shooting down’? Perhaps I wasn’t specific enough to satisfy your pedantry, but the fact remains that for an average Joe who wants to loose some weight, running is about the best thing you can do, which was my point.

    Free Member

    It depends on your intensity.

    I suspect running is one of the most effective ways of burning calories however if you run at 15 mins per mile for 3 miles you may get less benefit than if you compare that with a 60 minute step class at much higher intensity.
    I would argue that running is more effective than cycling over the same period. Runners tend to run typically up to say 5 miles which may take around 45 minutes. Cyclists would maybe burn less calories in a typical 45 minute session.

    Also its difficult to estimate acurately the amount of calories per effort.

    Free Member

    It depends on your intensity.

    surfer wins.

    This is why i like Muay Thai…there’s an instructor shouting at you to train harder, kick harder/faster, and during sparring there’s a guy trying to punch you in the face and if you’re being lazy he will…frequently.

    Also its difficult to estimate acurately the amount of calories per effort.

    surfer wins again.

    I couldn’t tell you how many calories I burn, but I know I never get as good a workout doing anything else.

    Free Member

    The low impact fat burning theory is based on some studies done in the US back in the 1950’s IIRC.
    Basically some fella (I can’t remember who I’ll have to check my notes) put a load of GI’s on treadmills and measured the % of fat they used whilst walking.
    Then he did the same whilst they ran.
    Those walking used a higher % of fat than those running so he concluded that more fat is burnt with low impact exercise.
    However what he did not measure was the calories used, those with the higher impact exercise used more calories.
    Burning calories makes you loose more weight providing, as has been mentioned already, you don’t consume them all back again.

    The low impact story is still used today as its a way to get people to start exercising – as they think its not too hard, once they are started on a programme its easier for their trainer to increase the intensity.

    The faster you go (intensity) the more energy you use (fat).
    However best not to consume more than you need in the first place.

    Free Member

    for an average Joe who wants to loose some weight, running is about the best thing you can do

    Maybe – and that’s a very qualified maybe – but that’s not what you said. It really does all depend on how hard you’re going – you can easily burn more calories an hour cycling than running (that’s always assuming that burning the most calories is the best way to lose weight, but I’ll leave that one). However personally I’d comfortably top either doing XC skiing, as would anybody trained enough in that to be limited by physiology rather than technique. The same goes for rowing.

    Interesting list, but I’d suggest that’s even more rubbish than nick’s statement. A wonderful mix of “approx”, “over”, “about” and “up to”. Meanwhile I’m far from convinced about the numbers or the order – I find 400 calories in 30 minutes for breaststroke extremely hard to believe in comparison with 300 calories for rowing or 330 for XC skiing – that must be all out fast as you can go breaststroke and pootling along XC skiing.

    Free Member

    People were asking for evidence, and I provided ‘evidence’.

    My ‘evidence’ suggested that running wasn’t necessarily the best for losing calories…

    Here’s ‘evidence’ that running is the best –

    Here’s ‘evidence’ that aliens exist…

    If you can think of any other wild statements, I’ll spend five minutes doing a quick search and give you some ‘evidence’.

    My point is that the statement that running is the best form of exercise probably isn’t accurate regardless of what ‘evidence’ people have seen. As said, it depends on the intensity.

    By the way, I think aliens do exist.

    Free Member

    I agree,that’s why I never exercise.I ride or run most days of the week,but never class them as exercise,just do them because I like doing them….

    Full Member

    WorldClassAccident – Member

    My conclusion is that it is better just to cut out the calories in the first place rather than trying to burn them off afterwards.

    It’s not either/or – while there is in essence a straightforward energy in-energy out trade-off there is also a more complex set of issues relating to energy flux, basal metabolic rate, adaptive behaviours, and so on. It is of course possible to lose weight by diet alone, or by exercise alone, all other things being equal, but for most people it’s a balance of both.

    Free Member

    lorax – not suggesting it is either/or. Just think it is easy to not drink a couple of pints than spend an hour walking on a damn treadmill.

    Yes, walking on the treadmill not running.

    Somewhere on this thread I pointed out I cannot run through ankle injury. I have tried the cross trainer things where you run without your feet leaving the platform and they were a bit more entertaining (more fit girls using them) so I think I will use them at a higher intensity.

    Free Member

    The best way to lose weight and the exercise that burns the most calories don’t always correspond ime.

    Swimming is the obvious one. It’s a great way to burn calories and use energy, but most people are ravenous afterwards, so it’s not actually very conducive to weight loss.

    Running has more of an appetite suppressing effect so I can see how it could be one of the best activities for weight loss.

    I wouldn’t go as far as saying exercise is a waste of time for weight loss, but some people do seem to vastly overestimate the amount of calories they’ll burn through exercise (and it’s important to remember that lots of things tell how many calories you’ll burn in total, not how many you’ll burn over and above just sitting and doing nothing) and ‘treat’ themselves to the same amount of calories back or more in the form of beer/chocolate etc.

    Free Member

    Bad ankle? Go swimming bruv. I used swimming for fitness when i had tenonitis in my achillies and it was excellant. Works a different set of muscles and i got big shoulders. Double win

    Free Member

    Bad ankle and 2 dislocated shoulders. Double lose.

    The shoulders are getting better now so I can do breaststroke but still struggle to raise my arms over shoulder hieght

    Full Member

    WorldClassAccident – Member

    lorax – not suggesting it is either/or. Just think it is easy to not drink a couple of pints than spend an hour walking on a damn treadmill.

    Fair point! I hate treadmills so I share your perspective, but I know many people who would take the opposite view 🙂

    Free Member

    I read on the internet that cycling only burns 400 or so calories per hour, when I read that, i just thought, **** it! now I just don’t eat at all and sit playing xbox, and I’m so much thinner and healthier!

    Free Member

    A combination of eating smaller portions of “proper” food (fast food probably once every few months now) and cycing at least 30 minutes a day has helped me lose about 6 stone so far. It works, it just takes time to see results as you’re changing your lifestyle (as cheesy as it sounds). Can’t go a day without biking without feeling wrong now, it’s so ingrained in my routine after 2-3 years of doing it every day.

    Exercise is a waste of time for weight loss

    He’s got a point, you know.
    I used 5700Kcal in 4 hours at the Forest of Dean Enduro and was still fat at the end of it.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    molgrips – you are still trying to peddle your ‘advice’ on exercise but you had no idea how to use basic gym equipment???? why don’t you google high intensity exercise and fat loss…

    I did. I read the papers you linked to as well. The one that compared two groups who’d done 4 hours/week of intense exercise and 4 hours/week of low intensity exercise – it being aimed at time limited training programmes.

    The low intensity thing only works if you do it for much more time than the high intensity stuff. Which, because it’s low intensity, you can. This in my experience is much better at shifting the lard.

    It also seems to be widely recommended, from what I’ve read on Google.

    iDave is not the only coach in the world, and his view is not the only coach’s view.

    The rest of you – you do realise that unlike your car, your body has (at least) three separate fuel tanks, don’t you? Depending on how hard you work, you drain predominantly from one or other of them. They are also quite different sizes, and when they run out they have different effects.

    As for gym equippent – I’m a cyclist, so no, I don’t know how to use gym equippment.

    Free Member

    People were asking for evidence, and I provided ‘evidence’.

    My ‘evidence’ suggested that running wasn’t necessarily the best for losing calories…

    Here’s ‘evidence’ that running is the best –
    My apologies – wasn’t having a go at you, just astounded by how bad that list is. Though admittedly the “running is the best” article is worst (I don’t know enough about aliens to comment).

    Free Member

    clearly exercise is a waste of time. Tour riders pile in thousands and thousands of calories every day and look at them fat bastards.

    Free Member

    Running is good for weight loss provided you can a) do it without injury and b) train yourself to be able to do it for hours

    (both of which are very hard to do, this is a sarcastic post)

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