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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • gordimhor
    Full Member


    Full Member

    Unfortunately we cannot live for others nor them for us.
    I’m a white british citizen by the way.
    Nothing to do who or what we are because the people have voted

    Indeed, so I am actively looking to leave the UK, it’s becoming a horrible place.

    Full Member

    Spain has better trails anyway

    Full Member

    gordimhor – Member

    Yet fishermen were reckoned to be one of the stronger leave voting groups in Scotland

    It’s not too surprising tbh, the north sea fisheries undeniably got shafted by the CFP. I reckon responsibility for that lies squarely on the UK government not the EU- Heath chose to sell out the Scottish fleet to protect English and Welsh fisheries. But you can’t blame people from those towns devastated by it for being bitter, and the CFP was also very flawed. Leaving the EU won’t turn back time though.

    Full Member

    the public have voted so that’s that

    Yes they have. But they voted to leave based on a combination of two things.

    1. Not very clever, didn’t bother to look into anything
    2. Belived the media BS

    Free Member

    Graham, lamb indeed. I never did get the seasonal breakdown or look at total UK production / consumption.

    1. Not very clever, didn’t bother to look into anything
    2. Belived the media BS

    The people I spoke too whilst out canpaigning had mostly made their mind up years ago that the EU was broken, they’ve been hearing about that from Labour and Tory for decades. People voted Leave as the EU is crap, even Remain’s tagline was they would reform the EU from within which we all know simply wasn’t going to happen. The politcal project is sacred

    Indeed, so I am actively looking to leave the UK, it’s becoming a horrible place.

    Spain has better trails anyway

    They threw bananas at black England footballers and made monkey noises :cry:

    @gordi et all SNP do not want a referendum now, they know they’d probably loose again. They want to leverage Brexit to get a legally binding commitment to call a referendum at a point in the future of their choosing. You can’t fault them for barefaced cheek / aiming for the moon. I’m sure you have a phrase for that.

    Free Member

    Anyone from the leave side got any idea what brexit means yet? (hence the very accurate assumption that the campaign was lies)
    Trade with eu – no idea
    Freedom of movement – no idea
    Pay to trade – no idea
    Which laws the government wants to repeal – no idea
    But still the champaign flows… (English of course none of that French muck)
    The only bargaining position appears to be the old one two combo of don’t they know who we are, and they wouldn’t dare…

    The people I spoke too whilst out canpaigning had mostly made their mind up years ago that the EU was broken, they’ve been hearing about that from Labour and Tory for decades.

    And I guess like you they ignored facts, disputed them and just ignored what you didn’t like. Nothing from the die hard leavers has done anything to convince me it’s nothing but ideology and screw the consequences. The amazing belief that the UK will suddenly become integrated with the rest of the world and the eu will be begging us to sell them stuff.

    Full Member

    Well Jamba you’re undoubtedly the expert on barefaced cheek

    Free Member

    Anyone from the leave side got any idea what brexit means yet?

    Brexit means Brexit! didn’t you hear? lol

    Free Member

    mattyfez – Member
    Indeed, so I am actively looking to leave the UK, it’s becoming a horrible place.

    I once thought the grass is greener far away but in reality they have same issues just different place. Most importantly you make yourself healthy and be happy with wherever you are. Other people can deal with their own themselves.

    mattyfez – Member
    Yes they have. But they voted to leave based on a combination of two things.

    1. Not very clever, didn’t bother to look into anything
    2. Belived the media BS
    I don’t think media has done a lot to sway voters other than reaffirm their feelings so people voted for what make them happy. You can be poor but still happy and you can be rich yet miserable.

    Full Member

    So let me get this straight, according to tory orthodoxy, the deficit and national debt that was supposedly going to crash the economy was a result of profligate labour spending on schools, hospitals etc and had to be reversed at all costs. Yet now the tories are happy to increase the deficit and national debt to protect us all from a tory-created fiasco which was the result of David Cameron not being able to shut up the rightwing idiots in his party?

    Any of the tory usual suspects want to explain this seemingly contradictory position?

    Free Member

    Who picked Pound get weaker in the Brexit not actually happened yet sweep?

    Of course as we will be reminded amazing for exporters (as the FTSE rise suggests – analysis has it as export heavy) until the next invoice for raw materials hits.

    Remember a weaker pound means more expensive bike parts!!
    Less spending means less tax revenue (most essentials like food are VAT exempt)

    Awaits the spin

    Free Member

    or in pictures

    The Dr will see you now

    Free Member

    Well Jamba you’re undoubtedly the expert on barefaced cheek

    I am of the Vaxhaul Conference in comparison to the Premier League of Salmond and Sturgeon.


    Trade with the EU – substantail with or wirhout tariffs / single market
    Freedom of movement – definitely not
    Pay to Trade – not sure what you mean. EU budget contribution will be zero
    Which laws to repeal – to be decided, not a priority.

    Champagne – we drink more than the French I believe and long may that contiue

    Bike parts, Hope prices won’t change much. I probably soend a few £100 pa, so thats £10-20 more in a year.

    Free Member

    Trade with the EU – substantail with or wirhout tariffs / single marketGuess
    Freedom of movement – definitely notguess
    Pay to Trade – not sure what you mean. EU budget contribution will be zeroguess
    Which laws to repeal – to be decided, not a priority.guess

    You don’t actually know, you hope and pray but you have no idea what a post EU britain will look like.
    For reference the pay to trade is the Norway model (pay but no influence in case you have forgotten)
    Freedom of movement has some things attatched like ERASMUS (which you claim we will keep)
    Freedom of movement also works both ways (unless you subscribe to the need us more philosophy which might work unless a nation decides to take a ideological step not backed by facts and boot people out who they think are sucking their nation dry while in fact being contributors…)

    Free Member

    Remember a weaker pound means more expensive bike parts!!

    And petrol. That’s going to go down well :)

    Free Member

    within which we all know simply wasn’t going to happen.

    I can’t believe you actually said that.

    The ‘everyone knows’ fallacy.

    Full Member

    Legal challenge in Northern Ireland, they want a Westminster vote.

    Free Member

    Any of the tory usual suspects want to explain this seemingly contradictory position?

    Got to throw some money at the proles to stop them from figuring out who actually responsible for the chronic underinvestment in their communities (hint: it’s not the EU). At least until the next election is sewn up anyway.

    Free Member
    Full Member

    No money will be thrown at the proles though, it’ll be loans for business and housebuilders at best. Which will just drive inequality wider as the builders squeeze every penny out of their ‘affordable’ housing and the CEO s do what they do best which is make sure that the company shares are as high as possible, whatever the cost, so when they cash out theyll be minted, regardless of what’s actually good for the business.
    So the productivity gap widens and we continue to have greater inequality than the rest of Europe.
    Investment in infrastructure would be nice but, unless the Chinese pay(with garuantee huge payoffs long-term) it’ll never happen.
    While our very poor standards of basic education among the Plebs will only get worse, as more libraries and more and more money is taken away from councils and schools.

    All of this is a problem now, Brexit and the loss to our GDP will just make it so much worse.

    Free Member

    the CEO s do what they do best which is make sure that the company shares are as high as possible, whatever the cost, so when they cash out theyll be minted

    It’s not just that though. They are morally obliged to do the best for their shareholders, which is fine and right in my book. Within certain moral constraints of course.

    But this is why essential services (including basic accommodation) should be publicly run.

    Full Member

    Bike parts, Hope prices won’t change much. I probably soend a few £100 pa, so thats £10-20 more in a year.

    I think we import aluminium. And the oil needed for transporting everything is annoyingly priced in dollars. And the people doing the work will find that their petrol and food is more expensive.

    And not everyone can afford to buy shiny parts from Hope, some of us have to slum it and buy from Shimano.

    Full Member

    So it begins,

    Don’t be silly, johnny foreigner will just have to accept that we’re better than them and do what we say. We’re Great Britain, and if it wasn’t for us they’d all be speaking german blah blah blah.

    Seriously though, this is the stuff (amongy many other things) that’s going turn brexit into a nightmare. If people think we’re full now, what’s it going to be like trying to repatriate all the expats once they can’t afford to live out there after the EU hits them with all sorts of taxes, charges and levies that they don’t have to pay now.

    Full Member

    I see the pound sinks further, every time a Tory cabinet minister gives a speech it gets worse,
    Buy XTR now, sell it for twice the price in April? ;-)

    Free Member

    repatriate all the expats once they can’t afford to live out there after the EU hits them with all sorts of taxes, charges and levies that they don’t have to pay now.

    And the locals start harrassing them to leave…..

    Free Member

    Currency. There is a strong narritive about why a strong country like Germany is supportive of the euromwith all its problems. The euro is effectively an “avsrage” of the exchange rates of individual countries if they had their own currencies. As all the other countries are weaker than Germany the euro fx rate comes out much lower than it wouod for a Deutsche Mark. Germany likes this as it wants a low fx rate to make it’s good cheaper and a low fx rate always encourages people to spend more at home and foreigners to spend money in your country. Both are good for your economy.

    A Westminster vote is going to be won easily for Brexit so legal challenges in NI etc are going to fail to achieve their objective even if they do prevail in the courts (highly unlikely). Also see Theresa May’s Marr interview.

    Crowdfunding lies campaign is a total waste of time. The £350m slogan and Take Back Control tagline was created well before Boris joined the campaign as despite the photo with the poster that doesn’t mean Boris said ir or that a coirt wouod decide that statement was particularly influential amingst all the other issues. Farage wasn’t part of Leave campaign, not sure what he is supposed to have lied about

    You don’t actually know

    Indeed, no one knows the future for certain. We wouldn’t have know the future had we voted Remain. I am firmly if the view that Remaining was the high risk option. I have to say Brexit is playing out as per my predictions/desrire.

    Government now working to ensure British Troops are exempt from ECHR laws while on combat duty. International Law and Geneva Convention will apply


    Full Member

    Graham, lamb indeed. I never did get the seasonal breakdown or look at total UK production / consumption.

    Well feel free to try to find those figures – http://beefandlamb.ahdb.org.uk was my source website – they don’t change the fact that you were complaining about protectionism and “European lamb protected by 40% tariif” while forgetting that protectionism includes us (for now)!

    94.4% of our mutton & lamb exports were to the EU. Over seven times more than we imported from the EU. If we start paying that 40% tariff or sheep trade will undoubtedly suffer. Or are you are predicting the pound will fall so far against the Euro that we can charge 40% more and remain competitive?

    Full Member

    Government now working to ensure British Troops are exempt from ECHR laws while on combat duty. International Law and Geneva Convention will apply

    I feel I should remind you again that the ECHR is not the EU.
    The referendum was not about leaving the ECHR.

    What the government are “working to ensure” is allowed within the framework of the ECHR, as the article says.

    Free Member

    A Westminster vote is going to be won easily for Brexit

    Care to break that down? You sound awfully sure. Especially of this:

    I have to say Brexit is playing out as per my predictions/desrire.

    I think it’s FAR too early to tell yet. Come back in 5-7 years.

    Anyway – is a commons vote likely to be a free vote I wonder? I wonder how many MPs will sell their principles out in the hope of preserving their majorities? It’s democratic, but is it right?

    Full Member

    The £350m slogan and Take Back Control tagline was created well before Boris … a coirt wouod decide that statement was particularly influential amingst all the other issues.

    Well you and other Brexiteers are still repeating that £350 figure on this thread – so clearly you think it had a great deal of influence.

    Full Member

    And the locals start harrassing them to leave…..

    Indeed. I can easily imagine a scenario which is going to result in a mass movement of hundreds of thousands or even upwards of a million people in the years post-brexit. Given the demographics of the British expats and the fact they are mostly property owners, where EU migrants here are younger and mostly not property owners, this will result in a net influx of (mostly retired) people to the UK. If people think the NHS and social care system is stretched now, they may be in for a bit of a shock.

    Free Member

    94.4% of our mutton & lamb exports were to the EU. Over seven times more than we imported from the EU. If we start paying that 40% tariff or sheep trade will undoubtedly suffer. Or are you are predicting the pound will fall so far against the Euro that we can charge 40% more and remain competitive?

    No, we can buy our lamb cheap from New Zealand without a punishing an unnecessary import tariff, and rewild our own hillsides to reduce flooding and enhance wildlife, just like George Monbiot says we should.

    Free Member

    OK good you want to decimate the UK lamb industry while shipping food from nz? Genius

    Full Member

    Excellent – a return to our green and pleasant land?
    Will our 10,000 sheep farmers be employed as gardeners?

    Free Member

    It’s OK graham the increased suicide rate will help the NHS. Anyway it won’t really matter because with some of these amazing ideas most people won’t be able to afford to eat.

    Full Member

    most people won’t be able to afford to eat.

    Nah, they can live wild in our newly repopulated forests.

    Full Member

    rewild our own hillsides to reduce flooding and enhance wildlife, just like George Monbiot says we should.

    That’s about the most sensible thing I’ve seen you say on here. People should just eat less lamb though to be honest instead of transporting it across the globe.

    Will our 10,000 sheep farmers be employed as gardeners?

    They could retrain as foresters and wildlife managers. Far better than doing what they do now which amounts to laying waste to the countryside by preventing anything other than grass from growing.

    Free Member

    Well you and other Brexiteers are still repeating that £350 figure on this thread – so clearly you think it had a great deal of influence.

    Not me, I use £10bn pa or £190m per week. Also the contribution changes based on many factors including relative performance of UK economy and estimates of black market. Its been going up steadily for years.

    Full Member

    Churchill would be horrified to see that we want to opt out of the ECHR that he had drawn up after the horrors of world war 2

    Or is it OK for British soldier to torture chubby hotel clerks to death for fun


    Or drown children at gunpoint


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