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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • teamhurtmore
    Free Member

    Jezza’s going solo – the only guy arguing against the single market but pro freedom of movement. Perhaps it’s an age thing? Hard to understand otherwise.

    Full Member

    It really seems to stink. They are forgetting that 48% of people want to stay.
    It’s hardly a green light ,full steam ahead result is it?
    Now that people realise their holidays will cost more ,the nasty foreigners aren’t being sent home and hospitals will still be shut would they’d still vote the same way?
    They should have held the referendum in November as the **** wits would be more bothered about voting for someone we’ve never heard of having a dance off.


    It’s the fact that both sides spouted so much shite and lies that irks me and the fact that all that whole fiasco has been neatly brushed under the carpet and it’s all steam ahead.

    A lot of jobs for the boys on the horizon and the b list MPs get centre stage with the keys to the Kingdom and the ability to tweak the law carte Blanche, they’ve definitely taken control :-)

    Free Member

    I think Corbyn’s problem (in this context) is that he isn’t actually pro-eu anyway. But let’s be clear where the blame lies. He isn’t in power, hasn’t set any govt policies, all he did was stand for leader of the labour party and got far more votes than any other candidate, twice. It’s the tories who are actually building the bonfire.

    Full Member

    So, which party leader was it that campaigned for Remain but really wanted to Leave?

    Full Member

    So, which party leader was it that campaigned for Remain but really wanted to Leave?

    Go on, then tell us. I May be able to guess with a clue…

    Full Member

    all of them ?

    Full Member

    mrmo – Member

    maybe even get Pegatron or someone to set up a factory?

    He’s too busy having an internal civil war with the europhile Starscream. FOOLS! THERE IS NO ESCAPE!

    Full Member

    Corbyn may have been next to useless during the ref


    The whole thing was a giant miscalculation by Cameron and co, to placate his own bunch of xenophobes that have been festering away ever since farige failed to become a Tory MP. Gove and Johnson led the out campaign, inspite of their actual beliefs they saw a career advancement opportunity.
    Tory Austerity fuelled popular resentment of immigrants as it stripped public services to the bone and the meeja reminded them to blame the EU.

    We’ve now got Hasbeen MPs suddenly catapulted to the most important ministerial positions in a generation, who are now suffering delusions of grandeur at b the worst possible moment.

    Full Member

    Cameron drives country off a cliff. Everyone blames Corbyn. The majority of Labour voters voted to remain- just not enough to outweigh the primarily Tory and UKIP voters who voted to Leave. 63% of Labour voters voted remain, according to Ashcroft- 70% Lib Dem (which admittedly, is 2 people) and 64% SNP- but where are the people claiming it’s Nicola Sturgeon’s fault? Not even THM thinks that. Or whoever the Lib Dem leader is?

    Blaming Labour for Brexit for failing to stop the Tories, is like blaming firemen when your house burns down after you set it on fire. Why on earth would you let the real architects off the hook?

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    The whole thing was a giant miscalculation by Cameron and co, …

    Interesting view that but history will treat Cameron well. I sense a sympathetic secret admirer of the ex-PM there.

    Hypothetically speaking …

    So the question is if you could turn back the clock would all of you vote for Tories so that the PM would be confident not to call for a referendum? I mean all of you to vote Tories.

    Free Member

    Watched May’s speech with Brexit FIL :( and was surprised at how forceful May was, but it was this…

    We’ve now got Hasbeen MPs suddenly catapulted to the most important ministerial positions in a generation, who are now suffering delusions of grandeur at b the worst possible moment

    ..that was truly sickening. Thank goodness we flicked over to the footie instead.

    Free Member

    but where are the people claiming it’s Nicola Sturgeon’s fault? Not even THM thinks that.

    No, just laughing at how silly her immediate response about joining the Euro was. Jezza is clearly out of his depth on this issue, but Nicola is into total la, la land. If there is one thing that is obvious, the € is the last thing ANYONE needs. But in her rush to react she just showed how desperate she is and how her understanding of basic economics is totally flawed. You guys really do deserve better…but you know that.

    Full Member

    teamhurtmore – Member

    No, just laughing at how silly her immediate response about joining the Euro was

    Citation needed…

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member
    But in her rush to react she just showed how desperate she is and how her understanding of basic economics is totally flawed. You guys really do deserve better…but you know that.

    She is riding the wind of success of her majority so decide to strike it home while she is still hot (hot in the sense of popular).

    Free Member

    FFS, no wonder the SNP get away with it!?!?

    Full Member

    Too much to hope for a response I suppose.

    Free Member

    Well folks i am afraid you are all going to have to do as Mrs May says for the next few years. An analysis of the opposition tends to indicate 9 years of Right wing rule is the minimum we must endure regardless of the procrastination of the SNP Labour UKIP Lib Dems so suck it up folks and crack on –
    I must admit the shite put out by the three musketeers (Boris DD and Liam Fox trot) is staggeringly stupid and everytime someone says “well BMW need us more than we need them” I just wince! As I am sure the BMW buying (leasing) customer base will happily stump up another £50 a month to keep the “status symbol” no large UK based manufacturers will shut up shop and run to France but they will cease to invest long term – it’s just simple maths. We will agree a trade deal that allows free movement of people as this is a very low price to pay for retaining wealth – so Brexiteers we keep the laws, free movement and no one gets sent home, not quite what most were voting for.

    Fiscal interests will always win regardless of politics (or referendums)

    Free Member

    Oh and by the way the bits that can be changed (legally) Grammar schools, European Human Rights etc will simply isolate even further the poor in the UK

    Free Member

    Obviously given your response to the last time. What is the point?

    But try google(hint try The Herald) oh and your econs dept, they don’t bite honestly

    Free Member

    Wonder how Renault Nissan will respond?

    and to be blunt, most people who can afford a new car will still be able to afford a new car, it might cost a bit more and worst case a few options get dropped.

    For those at the bottom it is not going to go well, as always.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    Anyone actually WON any contracts against EU competitors since brexit? Seems like lots of stories of companies losing out. Wonder if there are any other stories?

    A guy I’m acquainted with up Stratford way has secured what could be a quite lucrative distribution of German produced food products, not sure exactly what it is, he buys and sells starch, they decided they now need to appoint distributors for the future and he got the deal, so it’ll mean more jobs in his outfit.

    Full Member

    Oh THM, you used to be worth arguing with. If you can’t or won’t back up a comment, why make it? It just makes you look silly. Your original comment is so vague, how on earth can anyone else google it even if they want to? “Sturgeon said a thing! Google for it! Whatever it was”

    Full Member

    Oh THM, you used to be worth arguing with. If you can’t or won’t back up a comment, why make it? It just makes you look silly.


    Free Member

    oldmanmtb – Member
    An analysis of the opposition tends to indicate 9 years of Right wing rule …

    Why does everything that deviate from your views (assume you are on the left) is Right wing?

    Shouldn’t there be say Centre Left, Centre, Centre Right then Right?

    My view is that PM May is the right person to lead and will be a good non-needy PM that does not give running commentaries.

    mrmo – Member
    Wonder how Renault Nissan will respond?

    They are foolish to get involve in politics. They should simply concentrate on their business. If they leave I can bet that Nissan will struggle to sell any in the UK unless they give massive discount.

    Free Member

    So did you NW but this recent blinkered approach makes it a waste of time. If you want to deny what Sturgeon said, then so be it. The truth is blindingly obvious. The SNP rely on this type of behaviour.

    Don’t give up the day job Doc.

    Full Member

    she said she wont give any running commentaries .

    Free Member

    cchris2lou – Member
    she said she wont give any running commentaries .

    I already like her even more with her no nonsense approach.

    She gets my vote.

    Full Member

    teamhurtmore – Member

    If you want to deny what Sturgeon said, then so be it.

    I’m still waiting for you to tell me what comment you’re referring to :roll:

    “Sturgeon said something!”
    “Which thing?”
    “Google it!”
    “Which thing in particular would you like me to google?”
    “If you want to deny what Sturgeon said, then so be it”
    “TBH I’d just like to know what you’re talking about”
    “Ask someone else!”

    I feel like I’m in a Beckett play

    Free Member

    The vague (sic) point (you even highlighted it 8O )

    No, just laughing at how silly her immediate response about joining the Euro was.

    The quote

    NICOLA Sturgeon has opened the door to the possibility of Scotland adopting the euro if a new independence referendum is triggered by Thursday’s EU vote.

    and a link to a nat source


    So who looks “silly” with comments about being vague and no links? Ok not a silly as Doc’s comments but not far away.

    Two days running too. The board will need constant wiping at this rate. Alternatively you can up your game. Your choice….but cmon if you want to push a point make an effort to make it a half-reasonable one

    Full Member

    only a few voted for her . not the whole country .

    Full Member

    They are foolish to get involve in politics. They should simply concentrate on their business.

    They are.

    They gave fair warning before the vote that Brexit might mean it is more economical for them to manufacturer elsewhere. So now Brexit is going ahead and it looks like Nissan are scaling back the Sunderland plant as they said they would.

    Full Member

    and they wont be the only one .

    Unless May and co screw up workers rights so much that manufacturing in the Uk becomes good again .

    Full Member

    Oh I see, so it’s all some mad THM overreaction to when she said that SNP policy isn’t to join the euro, but it’s something that could be discussed? And from that you’re trying to imply that she’s pro-euro? I don’t think I’d have ever guessed that tbh but OK.


    I just noticed the other thing… “So who looks “silly” with comments about being vague and no links?”. You do realise you clarified your post and added the link after I said that, right? Actually, after I had to ask you several times to do just that? Forget I said that, I’m sure you do but want to imply otherwise.

    Free Member

    She is very lucky to have voters with such quality of thought – it must feel like Xmas every day. What would Jezza give for the same.

    edit for edit – have plenty of water before you go to bed, it should help :wink:

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member
    They gave fair warning before the vote that Brexit might mean it is more economical for them to manufacturer elsewhere. So now Brexit is going ahead and it looks like Nissan are scaling back the Sunderland plant as they said they would.

    More economical? Or more like a brand on the way out asking for a favour? They better go now so everything can start with a clean slate without having to listen to a company getting clever in politics. Then we can see how long Nissan as a brand will survive.

    cchris2lou – Member
    only a few voted for her . not the whole country .

    I am not bothered who vote for her. I vote for her.

    Free Member

    They better go now so everything can start with a clean slate without having to listen to a company getting clever in politics. Then we can see how long Nissan as a brand will survive.

    Lol… Business goes where it works, governments try and bribe businesses to stay. Large employers are linked to the politics of an area like it or not. The good ones (Nissan for instance) probably cared a lot about the area and the workforce but could see like every other rational person what brexit would mean for their business.
    But none of this matters to you chewkw does it? You couldn’t give a shit about the workers in Sunderland or anywhere else. Another ideology driven muppet.

    Free Member

    Thought i would do a bit of an internet trawl of the foreign press, and it seems no one really gives a $hit, a few papers don’t even mention TM’s speech some place it way down the list of news stories. Bulgaria Hungary seems the popular story.

    Mind you one paper was leading on cape verde islands!

    Free Member

    Not Hungary?

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    Lol… Business goes where it works, governments try and bribe businesses to stay. Large employers are linked to the politics of an area like it or not. The good ones (Nissan for instance) probably cared a lot about the area and the workforce but could see like every other rational person what brexit would mean for their business.

    LOL @ “… cared a lot …”? That’s new. So organisation/company cares for the people now.

    Very simple until they are not making profit they are just being political. Profit might dip but that does not mean the company is not doing well. Just the stakeholders complaining about less return on investment.

    But none of this matters to you chewkw does it? You couldn’t give a shit about the workers in Sunderland or anywhere else. Another ideology driven muppet.

    How come all of a sudden you have forgotten how Sunderland voted?

    mrmo – Member
    Thought i would do a bit of an internet trawl of the foreign press, and it seems no one really gives a $hit, a few papers don’t even mention TM’s speech some place it way down the list of news stories. Bulgaria seems the popular story.

    Good the less the media mention PM May the better.

    I think the referendum in Hungary should be much more interesting.

    Free Member

    The leave vote conned them, they are now going to find out what that means. Unfortunately for an area that has suffered so much it’s going to be another set back.

    Very simple until they make a lost i.e. no profit, they are just being political

    Remind us again which bit of government you work for?
    You can’t operate a business like that, if you invest millions today then make a loss you could forsee tomorrow your an idiot.

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