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  • Emails
  • ratherbeintobago
    Full Member

    Is there a way of getting a single email that says ‘there has been a reply’ and then no more until I’ve visited the thread, rather than getting one for every reply?

    Free Member

    What would be really brilliant, is if, like when you hovered your mouse over a thread, you could see who the last reply was from. Can you imagine?! Dunno how I think of these things!

    Full Member

    What’s a mouse?

    Other fora do seem to have an option to have the option I describe…

    Full Member

    The unreleased Killfile v2.0 had a feature where it would show you the unread message count for each thread in the Posts column.

    Clicking on the number took you to the first unread message.

    Can’t find the code, but did find a screenshot. Even had a little icon thingy for threads with unread messages.

    Also look how our forum has got all grown up!

    Killfile v2

    Free Member

    8th thread down, from aracer … So glad we don’t have whinging gits like that around any more.

    Full Member

    8th thread down, from aracer … So glad we don’t have whinging gits like that around any more

    some things never change 😉

    Full Member

    And now the emails have stopped. I am puzzled.

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