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  • Drinks in London town on Tuesday (3rd)?
  • geoffj
    Full Member

    Anyone up for a shandy or two? Staying in Kings Cross, but have travelcard and will travel!

    Free Member

    Sounds like a plan….

    Free Member

    anywhere but a sam smiths pissdrink house.

    Free Member

    Oi, PK; we ain’t goin’ no poncy wine bar, you slaaag!

    Free Member

    fred – you can go to the captain kidd, we’ll go somewhere else. Should suit all of us nicely… :)

    Ill be up for it.

    Something central and easy? I dont particularly like the Porterhouse on Maiden lane but it’s big and serves okish beer.

    Full Member

    I’m afraid my knowledge of decent central London pubs is very poor, so I’m happy to go with the consensus*.

    * now that’d be a novelty for STW.

    Free Member

    Yeah, and you’ll sit there bored, like you did last time… :-)

    I never remember the names of good pubs I visit, or even where they are, exactly!

    Somewhere with secure bike locking facilities/can keep an eye on the bikes from inside, type place would be nice.

    Anywhere with an off-street beer garden?

    Free Member

    London Bridge area good for most people? Some nice places round there.

    Free Member

    oh blimey, they’re all dives in london bridge way.

    I suggest gordons at embankment, as bikes can be chained to the railings and we can stand outside.

    If I bring the bike in I’ll stay for a couple, if not I’ll probably nab a quick one and head home to watch hollyoaks on E4.

    Free Member

    PK, there’s no pleasing you, is there?

    Let’s find somewhere with a ‘trendy whine bar’ opposite, so we can laugh and point at Pk, and call him a ponce…

    Gordons? Are you having a laugh? You’re not serious, are you?

    I propose London Bridge, as it’s easy for many to get home from. Plus, there’s a couple of places on the river. And for nice beer, Brew Wharf does Meantime beers.

    Free Member

    So – did anyone make their mind up about this?
    Unless its snowing real bad I might wander up on the pink Brompton as the other half will be off in Aberdeen.

    Full Member

    Possibly. I may well still be in London Town at that point…

    Free Member

    problem with gordons is it is wine only, which the proles may find undigestible.

    Why not the ship and shovel
    – very close to gordons, has space outside and railings for locking bikes too, and most impotantly the beer isnt too bad – they sell Hall & Woodhouse

    and there’s something right about STW drinking “Badger” ale.

    BTW I’ll be there I should think

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