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  • Drastic weight loss here I come
  • molgrips
    Free Member

    For lunch today I have sandwiches made with sliced turkey that’s 3 days past it’s sell by date. If I end up on the bog all day tomorrow and Friday, at least I’ll lose a couple of kgs.

    Free Member

    Interesting programme on telly a couple of days ago – apparently in some experiment they fed this fat bloke only water and vitamins so he obviously started burning off his surplus fat supply. He didn’t need to eat for a year!!!

    Free Member

    You need some carbs to metabolise fat. You also need protein and amino acids etc to repair your cells.

    Full Member

    Boo, I thought this was going to be “Picolax II – The Shattening”. Imagine my disappointment :-)

    Free Member

    LOL. 3 days – it will be fine.

    Free Member

    A couple of years ago I went into hospital (pancreatitus cuased by gall stones). The only thing they let me have was 20ml of water an hour for 5 days. I lost nearly a stone in that time 8O
    Although I wasn’t wildly hungry at the end of it, I was desperate for something to taste – I everntually got some watered down fresh orange, tasted like heaven :)

    Free Member

    I spent 5 days on the loo earlier this year, due to a Wimpy burger. Despite only being able to drink water and eat two slices of bread and a can of watery soup in the whole 5 days I only lost just over 1 lb?!

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