• This topic has 23,330 replies, 793 voices, and was last updated 6 days ago by 10.
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  • Donald! Trump!
  • maccruiskeen
    Full Member

    So, anything other than a collective “who cares!”shrug about the Hunter Biden guilty verdict on STW? Or do we think the Reps or the Dems will make political capital out of it?

    The case itself was pretty cut and dried – what will be interesting is the sentencing in that quite large jail terms are an option but that would typically call for other aggravating factors – organised crime and violence  basically. Its unlikely he’d get jail time but the fact that quite a long sentence is possible will make it seem like not receiving a custodial sentence will be the result of favouritism  or interference

    Will be interesting to see how the MAGA crowd react – I’m not sure how the republican gun lobby can square it with their insistence on wider gun use and fewer checks if the whole case is just about a bit of admin

    – the specifics crime – ticking / not ticking the right box in relation to drug use when purchasing a gun… its a fairly low bar in terms of gun control to leave it up to the purchaser to self declare their suitability for gun ownership in that respect –  but the republicans would argue  that even that check shouldn’t be there. (or that the form itself should be armed or something, other that drug councillors should be armed or something )

    Theres also…


    DJTJ’s ex has discussed his drug use publicly (and there was evidence of cocaine use in the Whitehouse during his time there)  – so if theres a similar tick on a similar form somewhere he’s in the frame for the same chargers.

    Full Member

    On these guilty verdicts regarding Biden and Trump, last time I checked only one is a presidential nominee 🤷


    Full Member

    Full Member
    On these guilty verdicts regarding Biden and Trump, last time I checked only one is a presidential nominee 🤷


    Just a general comment, not specific to Biden here.

    MAGA/the far right across the world have no problems doing some huge mental gymnastics on stuff like this mostly helped by an amazing ability to cope with planet sized hypocrisy… Yet the slightest sign of that from the “liberal left” is jumped on like it’s an afront to humanity.

    Hence, far right types can go all nationalist and patriotic to the nth degree yet still pal up with Putin who would love nothing more than to weaken the democracy/country they profess to love.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure it belongs in this thread, TBH. But it also doesn’t fit with the Gaza thread. But Poop’s comment above highlights a weird trend here where far-right knobbers, who were previously threatening synagogues, are now flying Israel flags. There is nothing that defines them but their desire to be opposite to liberals. So yeah, they will bang on about how gun control is working because it caught HB while simultaneously opposing gun control. It’s just owning the libs. Thankfully, even though it seems worse, it is a small minority. Apocryphally, I’m seeing fewer Trump stickers and flags in this painfully red county. While still seeing election shit for ‘Vote conservative with…’ type boards and adverts. Even these staunch reps are shying away a bit from openly cheering Trump even though they’re surely going to vote for his shit-soiled arse.

    Free Member

    Recently saw a video where Trump supporters were played “new found audio” of supposed Trump dialogue. The clips were created with AI but the supporters reactions to it were genuine.

    Despite Trump “admitting” to various nefarious things including being late to in interview due to a blood test to verify whether Ivanka was his, because your know, who’d want to miss out on hitting that ass.

    Full Member

    Excellent point, well summarized Poop 👍

    Free Member

    In reply to 10’s comment. I think there’s a fair dose of trying to own the libs but also a case of white nationalism… if there is an option to choose sides and one side isn’t white, well its a no brainer for them.

    Full Member

    I wonder how this latest example of the United States losing its previous grip on the region is going to be seen:


    Full Member
    Full Member

    Well, at least Lindsey Graham is still the shit-eating **** he’s always been. Why would the highest court in the land need to have any ethics? They should be able to have their lifetime positions, with no electoral oversight, and do whatever the **** they want. This would never pass anyway; there would always be someone looking to curry favor and try to block it. And Graham is the kind of feeble-minded **** who would see this as a great way to advertise himself to the Trump-loving skidmarks of the conservative voters.


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