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  • Donald! Trump!
  • thols2
    Full Member

     I very much doubt the secret service will allow him to goto prison which means a fine.

    The secret service don’t decide whether he goes to prison, they would just be tasked with protecting him within prison.

    Realistically, it’s a white collar offence. A prison offence would be unlikely, an ankle bracelet and home detention much more likely.

    However, he has made a point of pissing off the judge and jury so the judge might just decide to make an example of him and send him down. Who knows, uncharted territory.

    Full Member

    I very much doubt the secret service will allow him to goto prison

    The secret service have already said that their job is to protect wherever he goes, and they have plans in place.

    Full Member

    Doubt he will get prison time but community service a possibility. Trump in an orange jumpsuit picking garbage at the side of the road would be worth seeing.

    Full Member

    He‘d turn that into a positive in the eyes of his potential voters.

    Full Member

    That politicsJOE vid is utterly amazing. 😂

    Full Member

    Screenshot 2024-05-31 205743

    Full Member

    Trump in an orange jumpsuit picking garbage at the side of the road would…

    …if he could lower himself to doing it…almost certainly win Trump the election.

    Full Member

     I very much doubt the secret service will allow him to goto prison which means a fine.

    The secret service don’t decide whether he goes to prison, they would just be tasked with protecting him within prison.

    Secret service protection for ex-presidents isn’t a written in tablets of stone. In fact it has only been since the early 60s that the Secret Service protection continued after leaving office at all – and only for ‘a reasonable amount of time’ – which at the time was considered to be 6 months.

    That was later extended lifetime protection. Then in the 90s it was reduced to 10 years. Then in 2012 it was extended to lifetime again

    The brief for protection is constantly changing. In Obama’s case – he was seen to be such an assassination risk he was  given Secret Service protection before he was even the nominee.

    So theres every opportunity to vary the provision made for Trump – he and his family have already rack up 10 times the annual  bill of for protected travel that Obama does mostly by using the service to facilitate their travel of various family member to Trump golf resorts. It’s quite possible they are sick of the sight of him and would happily let the prison service baby sit him for a while.

    The Secret Service decide how they want to do their job, Congress grants their request.

    Full Member

    …if he could lower himself to doing it…almost certainly win Trump the election.

    Oddly in the American system there is a pause between the sentence and the serving of the sentence – 6 months. So if he gets a prison sentence on July 11th he would not walk into the prison until after the election. What I don’t know is if community service or house detention would be delayed massively too. Apparently the maximum available to the judge is 4 years or the laughably insignificant $5K. If if that’s $5K for each of the 34 convictions, that’s still less than one day of lawyer fees for Trump.

    Full Member

    From the Manchester Guardian, an article about the truth social share price…

    Net losses at Trump Media widened from $210m to $328m in the first three months of this year. Revenue dropped 31% to $770,500 over the same period.

    Now I’m no city whizz kid, but that doesn’t seem like a sound business to me. And he’s encouraging people to buy shares.  That sounds dodgy to me, and possibly a future law suit for insider trading or similar.

    Full Member

    Net losses at Trump Media widened from $210m to $328m in the first three months of this year. Revenue dropped 31% to $770,500 over the same period.

    Now I’m no city whizz kid, but that doesn’t seem like a sound business to me.

    It’s perfectly sound business…. on its own terms. ‘Truth Social’ has the turnover and staffing needs equivalent to a single branch of macdonalds. It’s basically a forum, not dissimilar to this one, there aren’t technology parks full of developers breaking new ground, there aren’t giant server farms consuming gigawatts of electricity to cope with the volumes of webtraffic , it just a website with not that many users. So what do you think they are spending $100,000,000 dollars a month on?

    What the business is  very active in doing is paying its ‘executives’ tonnes of money – it pays Devin Nunes – ‘the stupidest man in congress’ a salary of $1,000,000 and a retention bonus for $600,000 plus about $5m of stock  for doing… erm not sure. He says nice things about Trump though.

    The whole business exist to shovel money into a handful of  peoples pockets. Its a tiny business that does next to nothing, employs hardly anyone but has a list of CEOs CFOs and other ‘executives’ as long as your arm – Kash Patel, DJ Trump Jnr, Dan Scavinio, and so on and dozens more that aren’t named in its returns – all taking large salaries and bonuses.  Those hundreds of millions of ‘loses’ aren’t being ‘lost’, its not expenditure or investment or R&D, its not the costs of doing business , it’s all just being trousered by trump’s pals.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Net losses at Trump Media widened from $210m to $328m in the first three months of this year. Revenue dropped 31% to $770,500 over the same period.

    The big thing is that the losses are absolutely structural; the bulk of it is borrowing costs, and they are longterm and essentially fixed. So it’s basically unfeasible that the company can ever make money. The best it can ever do is either write off a load of debt while still trading, which of course no normal investor would ever do, or continue to keep its head above water while spending money and borrowing more, which again no normal investor would ever do.

    Of course, it can attract money from idiots but idiots don’t generally have $100m to spend. So mostly what it’s doing is getting money from people who don’t expect to get a return on that investment, at least not financial. So you just ask who’s throwing them these millions of dollars and what they could hope to gain by essentially pushing dollar bills into the least ethical presidential candidate of all time’s g string. In the end it’s like Trump bibles, a way of pushing huge amounts of money to the candidate while avoiding all the electoral rules.

    Of course, the stock market is essentially a fever dream and you can make big money on a business that barely exists or lose your money on a completely sound profitable one and drag it down with you. But this is way more than that.

    Full Member

    Keep going fellas. I know this thing’s a racket but keen to hear the routes the money’s taking. I always assumed most of it was coming from small investor MAGA useful idiots but keen to understand if there are heavyweights, shells and foreign investors piling in…

    Full Member

    Whatever it is, I can’t believe the SEC aren’t taking a close look and gathering evidence…

    Full Member

    I always assumed most of it was coming from small investor MAGA useful idiots


    In summary

    $8m from ‘Putin-linked entities’ in Russia, $2m from ARC Capital a Chinese  firm specialising in getting Chinese companies listed on the US Stockmarket,  The CFO of Digital World Acquisition Corp is a Brazilian parliamentarian and ally of Jair Bolsonaro.

    All this foreign investment is obviously money well spent as it has helped to make Truth Social the  101ist most popular social media platform!

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Keep going fellas. I know this thing’s a racket but keen to hear the routes the money’s taking. I always assumed most of it was coming from small investor MAGA useful idiots

    Basically important to keep the initial investors who made it possible for the company to exist, and stock buyers. Small investors don’t have the spending power to fund the scam, they can only contribute and keep it rolling

    Full Member

    I can’t believe the SEC aren’t taking a close look and gathering evidence

    As the old joke goes, the scandal isn’t that what they’re doing is illegal, it’s that it’s legal.

    Full Member

    has helped to make Truth Social the 101ist most popular social media platform!

    But in the history of 101st most successful sites, it’s the best. There’s never been such an amazing site. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, it’s bigly and the best, by a long way.

    Full Member

    I don’t understand how a company with a turn over of  just 770k in a quarter and losses of over 300 million can exist? How does that work (serious question) as I feel I need to start up a company like that (not so serious)?

    Full Member

    It’s all explained quite succinctly in the posts that follow my similar question Andy.

    Full Member

    Another one of Trump’s buddies arrested on money laundering charges.

    CFO of right-wing Epoch Times accused of $67M money laundering scheme


    The Epoch Times grew from a free newspaper in New York to a media company with a presence throughout the Western world and Asia in languages including English and Chinese, though it is not banned in China.
    In 2019, it was barred from advertising on Facebook because of its pro-Trump ads that the social network said breached its rules about political advertising and transparency. The newspaper objected to the ban and said it had been running a “very popular digital marketing campaign for our print-newspaper subscriptions.”
    An NBC News investigation that year found the outlet had spent more than $1.5 million over six months to boost thousands of pro-Trump posts, the most of any organization besides Donald Trump’s official campaign. The Epoch Times said the report was “incorrect.”

    Full Member

    Just to expand a little on the ‘what does Truth Social spend all all its money on?’ discussion.

    Across Trumps various business, fundraising  and campaign activities there are employees. Employees that see stuff, and hear stuff and know stuff. Those people in the context of numerous court cases are also therefore ‘witnesses’.

    When it’s time to be a witness in any given trial or investigation Trump employees might just magically find their wages double. Or their daughter might be given a job with the campaign that just happens one of the best paid jobs in the organisation. Or they might get a severance package worth $2m that carries with it a condition that they don’t cooperate with law enforcement.

    In at least one case a witness was given a place on Truth Social board – just utterly coincidently been given that position right between being subpoenaed to appear and them testifying.

    Giz a job

    Full Member

    assuming Trump wins they are much more organised this time

    House speaker Mike Johnson elevated Ronny Jackson (R-TX) and Scott Perry (R-PA) to the House Intelligence Committee, giving them oversight of the entire U.S. intelligence community and access to the nation’s most sensitive foreign intelligence. The Intelligence community includes intelligence from the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Space Force, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Department, the State Department, the Department of Energy (which oversees information about nuclear weapons), the Treasury Department, and the Department of Homeland Security.

    It also oversees the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and that oversight is likely a key reason Johnson put Jackson and Perry on the committee.

    A former Navy admiral, Jackson was Trump’s White House physician. Trump liked him enough to try unsuccessfully to promote him into the cabinet and within the U.S. Navy, and then to back him successfully for Congress after he retired from the Navy in 2019. In 2022 the U.S. Navy demoted him from admiral to captain after a 2021 report by the inspector general of the Defense Department showed he had “disparaged, belittled, bullied, and humiliated” his staff and abused alcohol on at least two occasions when he was supposed to be providing medical care to government officials.

    Perry is more problematic than Jackson. Cassidy Hutchinson, former aide to Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows, told the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol that Perry played an important role in the plan to keep Trump in office after he lost the 2020 presidential election. She told podcast host Scott Lamar in October 2023 that Perry was “central to the planning of January 6,” and she has said repeatedly that Perry asked Trump for a pardon before he left office.

    Federal authorities from the FBI seized Perry’s cell phone in 2022 as part of their investigation into the effort to seize the presidency; he is the only member of Congress whose cell phone was seized. Like Trump, who has attacked the FBI since then-director James Comey refused to drop the investigation into the connections between Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russian operatives, Perry has complained bitterly about the FBI’s investigation of him.

    Now, Perry will be on the committee that oversees the FBI. In a statement, he said: “I look forward to providing not only a fresh perspective, but conducting actual oversight—not blind obedience to some facets of our Intel Community that all too often abuse their powers, resources, and authority to spy on the American People.”

    Former director of the CIA General Michael Hayden wrote: “That’s unbelievable. Both of them. Intelligence Committee? God help us.”

    Full Member

    ahh the old shark or battery conundrum

    Full Member


    Full Member


    Full Member

    What the hell did I just watch?

    And somehow people will still vote for that one…

    Full Member

    You watch that and you think, ‘No way, even Americans aren’t that stupid, it’s going to be fine.’

    Then you go on election odds checker and you realise we are all 100% ****.  The dip from his conviction has now more or less disappeared, by the way.


    Full Member

    “Nobody’s ever asked me that question before.”

    That part, I believe.

    Free Member

    That’s a standard part of his speech – he’s been doing it for at least 6 months 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Full Member

    In case he gets tried  for a crime and death sentence is decided…at least we know how he wants to go…

    Full Member

    The silent disinterest of the crowd is deafening!

    He needs to lose the lectern  – I’ve always though Trumps oration style would work better sat side on to the audience  with a nice sparkly grand piano


    Full Member

    This is worth watching, Jamie Raskin giving a Trump acolyte a history lesson.


    Full Member

    You watch that and you think, ‘No way, even Americans aren’t that stupid, it’s going to be fine.’

    Then you go on election odds checker and you realise we are all 100% ****.  The dip from his conviction has now more or less disappeared, by the way.

    If the dumb **** in the US are stupid enough to vote him in then they deserve everything coming their way

    Full Member

    Every day the film Idiocracy gets closer to being a documentary and we don’t even get Terry Crewes as the POTUS.

    Full Member

    Then you go on election odds checker and you realise we are all 100% ****.  The dip from his conviction has now more or less disappeared, by the way.


    Is it a coincidence that Trump’s line is orange?

    Full Member

    That video is bizarre, luckily he won’t ever be in a position of power…

    Free Member

    If the dumb **** in the US are stupid enough to vote him in then they deserve everything coming their way

    Its more than just the American population that suffers though isn’t it!

    Full Member

    Watch the acolytes in the shark / battery vid. Only one wide reaction in response to him saying ‘lots of shark attacks recently’. Compared to the wider recording where they’re whooping’ and hollerin’.

    Sorry Shitgibbon you even lost the faithful there you retarded ****.

    Full Member

    So, anything other than a collective “who cares!”shrug about the Hunter Biden guilty verdict on STW? Or do we think the Reps or the Dems will make political capital out of it?

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