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  • Donald! Trump!
  • dissonance
    Full Member

    trump, same as leonara helmsley, believed that the law only applies to little people

    To be fair they are right a lot of the time. Its just occasionally they find someone who has an as large or larger fund for lawyers.

    Full Member

    trump has always seen himself as the biggest dog in the fight; bully, threaten, see you in court etc – all to be seen as a winner


    There is no bigger dog than the US government.

    Free Member

    100% agree.  The problem is even that Trump ends up as a busted flush – disgraced and penniless, the “base” that supported him still exists, and will be just floating there, waiting for somebody to pick up the playbook that Trump/Bannon et al have written, and hook them with it again.

    Yep.  The Citizens United vs FEC  ruling removed campaign donation limits, which in turn meant that a few well heeled individuals can pony up enough cash as a policy incentive to dwarf the spending power of the 99%. The fact that quite a few of Trump’s megadonors appear to want to continue to support him speaks volumes.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    There is no bigger dog than the US government.

    Which isn’t entirely reassuring, when you’re dealing with a criminal, disgraced, failed former president who has a very real chance of being a criminal disgraced failed president.

    Full Member

    Are we still pretending that she’s his wife, and not an employee?  At best, she’s a prop.

    Rather, I think Dementia Don is her piggy bank, just someone to tolerate (just), while enjoying the trappings of his lifestyle. In pretty much every photo I’ve seen of them together, her face is an expressionless mask. She’s no dummy, and I’m sure she’s just waiting for the right moment to drop the hammer and announce the divorce she’s been planning for this situation.

    She’s almost certainly not short of money, I’ll bet she’s been squirrelling away money for years, while letting Don pay for everything.

    Full Member

    I wonder what so many criminal convictions does for his credit rating? Could banks call in loans early? Will his House of Cards collapse spectacularly?

    Let’s hope so…

    Technically, he’s now barred from entering Canada. I bet there’s some other countries have similar rules…

    Free Member

    The gag order is still in place BTW. Any further efforts to attack witnesses etc could see problems for Felony Don.

    Full Member

    And even more so for republican politicians, a bunch will make noise and then come round to supporting him anyway after pointless tokenism.

    Sadly it looks like the grandees of the Republican party bypassed the noise and pointless tokenism and went directly to shaming themselves on the court steps. I wonder if any of them wake up in the morning and look at themselves in the mirror and wonder how it came to this.

    Whilst the prosecution system is politicised in the states, which to my European eyes in madness, the concept of an entire political party the size of the GOP denigrating the justice system is one of the most worrying aspects of this. Hands up who wants to be a juror at the moment?

    Full Member

    Disappointed, they really, really should have had his sentencing date set for the 4th of July 😉 😜

    Full Member

    Whilst the prosecution system is politicised in the states, which to my European eyes in madness, the concept of an entire political party the size of the GOP denigrating the justice system is one of the most worrying aspects of this.

    I suspect this will come back over the coming years in civil unrest and individual actions as anyone who doesn’t like the result of a prosecution decides to object…

    Free Member

    Thoughts and prayers

    Thoughts and **** prayers

    Full Member

    It’s definitely affected the odds (in Biden’s favour by about 3%) but Trump is still very much the favourite


    We’ll see what happens but unless this turns into a trend and not just a blip I’m not getting my hopes up.

    Full Member

    given that Trump has given the GOP control of Scotus, they’ll back him even if he turns out to have been murdering babies all this time.

    Full Member

    given that Trump has given the GOP control of Scotus, they’ll back him even if he turns out to have been murdering babies all this time.

    Did he though? He just happens to have been the Republican president in the hot seat when some of the old guard croaked. And I’d contend plenty of other republican candidates would have been successful in 2016. Statistically they were probably due a win and the Dems had offered up Hilary Clinton who is quite hard to love. He wasn’t some sort of Messiah doing something no one else could have done. He just did it in such a divisive way (mainly by weaponising the cheb-ends with fears and dillusions) as to fundamentally change the political landscape…..possibly in a way that will take a couple of generations to undo.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    All great news, but is it going to stop him doing anything?
    Suspect it won’t stop the presidential attempt…would be great if it did, but unlikely I reckon – but if it did, who would be stepped in? He won’t do jail time…

    Free Member

    what I can’t figure out is that, barring Hilary Clinton, the democrats could roll out pretty much anyone as their candidate and trump wouldn’t have a chance . They must know this.

    If Biden really had America’s best interests at heart he’d step down gracefully and let someone hand trump his arse.

    Full Member

    Sadly that was probably true about a year ago but it’s now too late – both procedurally and in terms of public exposure.

    Full Member

    what I can’t figure out is that, barring Hilary Clinton, the democrats could roll out pretty much anyone as their candidate and trump wouldn’t have a chance . They must know this.

    That just isn’t correct. Bidens best ally, and Trumps biggest risk is the sofa. Disgruntled Trump voters won’t move elsewhere, they certainly won’t jump to Dems, they will just stay at home and not vote. But they hate Clinton, like really, really hate her. Passionately hate her.  So much so that they would get off the sofa and vote for Trump, not because they want Trump to be President but because they really don’t want Clinton to be President.

    Full Member

    both procedurally and in terms of public exposure.

    On the first point, they could still have a contested Convention (think the last one was in 68).

    On the second point, probably.  But if it becomes clear Biden is not going to manage a campaign then they need to at least think about it.

    Full Member

    So much so that they would get off the sofa and vote for Trump, not because they want Trump to be President but because they really don’t want Clinton to be President.

    That’s why he said “barring Hilary Clinton”.

    Full Member

    as mentioned above it won’t stop him, will enable more fundraising and he won’t do time but it will move the middle group voters and that is where the huge battle ground is.  In the days of single issue politics (Gaza is enough to ensure some people will never vote for Biden – yes, I know)  having an issue like this that can be micro targed to the right swing voters is a great tool for the Democrats to have in their toolbag

    Full Member

    I guess we also have to remember how toxic a Trump endorsement was in the mud terms too. There might just be enough voters in the right places with some level of decency to ensure he’s on the way to a care home and not the white house.

    Full Member

    Melania, please do the right thing here.

    File for divorce in September / October….

    Free Member


    agreed.. which is why I said ‘ barring Hilary Clinton’

    Full Member

    agreed.. which is why I said ‘ barring Hilary Clinton’

    my bad, I didn’t read your post properly.
    i agree with Badger!

    Full Member

    given that Trump has given the GOP control of Scotus, they’ll back him even if he turns out to have been murdering babies all this time.

    Did he though? He just happens to have been the Republican president in the hot seat when some of the old guard croaked.

    He ‘achieved’ it – but only because he’s an empty vessel. Any other Republican president would have had their own ideas about who they might or might not nominate, others did that for Trump. Trump had no idea about Supreme Courts  or anything else – the consistent them of his presidency was a Whitehouse that mainly consisted of unfilled senior roles because he had no idea who to fill them with. Hundreds of key Whitehouse posts were vacant during his presidency, for no reason other than he didnt have the first idea who to appoint. Why would he, he’s a game show host. Once he’d run out of members of  his own family there were still another 3000 jobs to fill.

    His political naivety meant a few shrewd operators were able to use him as a door mat – get themselves into the Whitehouse, and use their position to make the appointments that suited them, many of them lifetime appointment,  and quietly sidle off without anyone noticing – least of all Trump. Putting themselves and their allies on court benches was their main objective and it worked. For all the fall out and legal strife that has befallen Trump and his cronies nobody is talking about Jones Day who helped get him into the Whitehouse, used him to get themselves in, did what they wanted, took what the wanted, and quietly left. They are now a legal firm who can represent you with in a case with the compelling USP that the judge that is overseeing the case owes their company their job and may even be a former Jones Day employee.

    The people who did notice are the Heritage Foundation – and if Trump does get reelected theyre primed to echo what Jones Day did, but do it in every department and every strata of the legislature. Not just primed – they are shouting it from the rooftops. And Trump will, again, willingly, let them walk in over him, do whatever they want, and wipe their shoes on him on the way back out.

    Full Member



    (Edit:Why does it not embed?)

    Full Member

    (Edit:Why does it not embed?)


    I can see it, but whenever I try to post Twitter posts, all I can see is the link. I assumed nobody else could see them either, but it may be that you can’t see the links that you post, but others can.

    Here’s the one you posted, can you see it?


    Edit: All I can see from mine is the link, not the embedded post.

    Full Member

    Matt’s works for me, but Thols2’s doesn’t – no idea why

    I’ve seen others say it’s better to share twitter.com links, rather than x.com to get them to embed reliably

    Full Member

    Matt’s didn’t originally, but now it does. It’s the only one in a while (days maybe) I’ve seen that works.

    Full Member

    Politics Joe have done well there, that is ace.

    Free Member

    Is it just me that finds it slightly ironic that now he’s a convicted felon he can’t legally own a gun but he can have the nuclear codes?

    Full Member

    Anyone listening to the speech. nutter

    Full Member

    Live from Trump Tower…


    Full Member

    He must be on some top notch blood pressure and statin meds. For all the odious character that he is, you’d think all the courtroom drama, guilty verdicts and some more juicier trials waiting in the wings. It must be putting his anxiety and stress levels through the roof.

    Shame they don’t dive him Smartie placebo’s!

    Full Member

    WTF did I listen to in that speech? Rambling, incoherent, I genuinely worried about his mental heath.

    Full Member

    I was driving and the whole thing was live on R5. Laughed out loud at the Chinese army invasion over the southern border with their primus stoves and brand new mobile phones. What is he on about?

    Full Member

    He must be on some top notch blood pressure and statin meds. For all the odious character that he is, you’d think all the courtroom drama, guilty verdicts and some more juicier trials waiting in the wings. It must be putting his anxiety and stress levels through the roof.

    He might one of the least appealing human beings I am aware of but you do have to admire his genes – to eat a diet of shit and put the levels of stress through his body he does in his late 70s is remarkable. I really wish he was cozied up with a blanky and an ovaltine mind.

    Full Member

    Assuming any appeals fail what will actually happen. I very much doubt the secret service will allow him to goto prison which means a fine. How big would it have to be to make any difference. He could still campaign and win the presidency

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