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  • Donald! Trump!
  • oldnpastit
    Full Member

    It had revenue of about 5M last year. It’s only worth that much because a few die hard MAGA are buying and no one is selling. If trump tries to sell the price will tank.

    Full Member

    It will tank after he has put the collateral to good use securing loans on it ect it’s the same old grift. Reddit has never made a profit but the IPO amount is 50% up some people just believe the bull$_+t.

    I’ve got money on Elon being involved.

    Full Member

    There will be a number of Saudis willing to buy shares off trump

    Full Member

    Surely the Saudi’s will just buy the shares – keeping the value up while Trump sells, then it’ll collapse. He’ll walk away vindicated etc. They’re not lending him the money directly so everyone’s a winner. Except decency, truth and justice.

    Free Member

    Can he sell before 6 months though?

    Full Member

    Surely the Saudi’s will just buy the shares – keeping the value up while Trump sells, then it’ll collapse. He’ll walk away vindicated etc. They’re not lending him the money directly so everyone’s a winner. Except decency, truth and justice.

    What’s the win for the Saudis? I’m not up to speed on this.

    Full Member

    futon – my understanding is that he cannot sell for 6 months after the flotation; nor can he lend, offer, pledge, encumber or donate any of his shareholding during that time.

    As for Saudi involvement – they ‘invested’ $2 billion in kushner’s business; we don’t yet know what hey got in return.

    trump is now exposed as an individual who, because of his need to divvy up $500 million within hours, can be bribed, bought or otherwise ‘influenced’ by what US law would refer to as bad actors.

    Half a billion of ‘support’ – followed by trump winning the election – would ensure a lot of valuable ‘favours’

    Full Member


    Full Member

    The Biden crew trolling Trump again.

    Full Member

    What can we expect to happen today?

    Full Member

    Bigly tantrums.

    Full Member

    MAGA wins at “Top Trumps”

    Full Member

    “Most debts”?

    “Largest bond in history”?

    Full Member

    Just in…NY appeals court gives trump 10 days to put up $175 million to appeal against fraud disgorgement decision.

    This does not reduce or otherwise change the size of the disgorgement decision; that will be determined if/when an appeal goes ahead.

    Full Member

    Don Poorleone trending on X/Twitter 🤣

    Full Member

    I am pretty disappointed with that, in a country where poor people are frequently badly served by justice just because they can’t afford to fully engage with the legal system, it is pretty disgraceful that once again the rich are given special dispensations for “affordability”.

    Full Member

    As I just said to a friend: “I don’t understand how they get away with this shit. I mean, If I was bragging about having the money, IN CASH; but then said I was not going to hand it over to a court, they would fricking bury me”

    Full Member

    That was surely predictable though…we knew it was too good to be true that today was going to be the start of the great fire sale…

    It is hilarious though – hearing how fit and proper the law is and watching it all fold around a rich person who has done wrong…

    This is going to be absolute gold for Trump…

    Free Member

    Lame 😒

    Full Member

    Next time I get a speeding ticket I’ll offer them £5 instead, and if they don’t take it I’ll bring a load of my friends round to the local police station and smash some stuff up.

    Free Member

    Trump, Stormy Daniel’s fraud trial date set, 15th of April. Is this the only criminal trial that will actually go before the election ?

    Full Member

    Mind you 175 mill is still going to hurt and deplete his coffers for the next one. Im not 100% convinced he will find that much in 10days.

    Full Member

    His protestations that “nothing like this has ever happened before in US history”

    Correct Don, because there’s never been a **** criminal US president before, you weapons grade numb nuts.

    Full Member

    “Mind you 175 mill is still going to hurt and deplete his coffers for the next one. ”

    It’s all depleting republican campaign funds too – his lawyers bills are being paid from his electoral PAC – to the tune of more than a $million a week. Last month they paid out more in legal fees than they received in donations.

    Full Member

    Seems absolutely shit to me, if you had a $5000 fine to pay for a normal person crime you wouldn’t get a discount or delay.

    Still, it’ll be interesting to see what happens next- if after all the talk of “excessively high” and the totally logical bit of “I have $500m cash but I can’t pay this bill for less than $500m for totally authentic presidential reasons, can he now pay the reduced amount?

    Full Member

    He’s going to be President again and everyone will suffer as a result. That’s what’ll happen next.

    Full Member

    Worth noting that the fine of 454m stays, it’s just a lesser bond amount to enable appeal, still liable for the full amount.

    Full Member

    Worth noting that the fine of 454m stays, it’s just a lesser bond amount to enable appeal, still liable for the full amount.

    To me, that’s irrelevant. Let’s face it, that fine is never gonna be paid in full.

    This is just another delaying tactic. He’s probably got a full team of lawyers working 24/7 on tactics to delay each case based on nonsense arguments and he’ll deploy a single tactic (nonsense arguments) at a time which most suits him, then deploy the next tactic just before things get really expensive or critical.

    At his age, he’ll die of natural causes before justice is served – which is very depressing.

    Are there any lawyers present in STW? I’m curious if such delay tactics are used much by defense lawyers? Are we (those outside of the justice system) just being naive expecting the wheels of justice to turn fairly and efficiently? Or is such devious behavior typical? Are judges really so gullible to fall for this?

    Hats off to Trump as I’d probably do the same if I was in his position and had his money…

    Free Member

    Meh – I’m a bit torn.

    Seizing his assets and flogging them off for cents on the dollar would have been so easy for him/his team to spin as persecution/unfair/unwarranted.  Having him admit he “only” has $175m available is somewhat of a win in itself.  Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved for them to start seizing assets and absolutely decimating him in the process – but I don’t know what the precedent is for lowering the bond amount is, and I don’t know whether $175m (on top of the E Jean Carol payout) achieves more or less the same thing.

    The anti-trump campaign is (instead of criminality, morality, lying, corruption etc) now focusing on painting Trump as a “loser” – they have figured out that this is the best way to convince people who would vote for him, not to do so.  Biden is beginning to talk up all of his (considerable) achievements since taking office, and pointing out Donny’s failures.  It’ll be interesting to see how they position this.

    Full Member

    While the media was focused on trying to convince us that the bond reduction was an unmitigated win for Donald, the results of a hearing in a courtroom a few blocks away was an unmitigated disaster for him… Here’s what happened and what it means: As Donald sat in the courtroom, Judge Juan Merchan cut through his attempts to delay his election fraud case and scolded Donald’s attorneys for accusing the Manhattan DA’s office of prosecutorial misconduct with zero evidence. As Merchan grew “uncharacteristically furious,” Donald reportedly “stood and scowled.” Scowl harder, Donald. But why did the New York election fraud case became Donald’s worst nightmare? At the close of the hearing, and despite protests from Donald’s attorneys, Judge Juan Merchan set the trial to begin on April 15. Prosecutors have told the court they will need 15 to 17 days at minimum to present their case. Judge Merchan has already made it clear he won’t tolerate any unnecessary delays. What this really means is that today’s decision made it more likely that we will get a criminal verdict before the 2024 election, possibly with a few months to spare.  Up to 53% of key swing state voters say they would refuse to vote for Donald if he were convicted of a criminal offense. While the media will tell you Donald won today, he actually faces a better chance of being a convicted for a crime and being sentenced to prison before the election. That, in turn, makes it significantly less likely for him to win in November. On top of that, New York State is one step closer to being made whole if they can secure that $175 million bond. That is, if Donald even has that much. I’ll take that news. How about you?

    Full Member

    That was surely predictable though…we knew it was too good to be true that today was going to be the start of the great fire sale…

    The appeals court has to consider the possibility that the sentence will be reduced or overturned on appeal. If they order a fire sale now in order to pay the bond and the penalty is overturned on appeal, there would be no way to remedy things. This way, he’s still liable for the full amount if the appeal is rejected and still has to stump up a huge chunk of cash. Not really the major win for Trump that people may assume.

    Full Member

    The prosecution in the Stormy Daniels case relies on some pretty hazy reading of laws linking election funding and business records and making them felonies that are [almost] unique to Trump’s situation, and it’s most likely the weakest case against him. Frankly if his lawyers can’t get him out of it, they’re a bit shit. But then to do that they’ve got to say “these are personal matters and a bit of dicey booking keeping to cover it up” I’ve no idea how keen Trump is about having that said in court.

    Full Member

    Oh look.

    He is currently barred from selling his holdings for at least six months, making it difficult for him to tap the windfall immediately.

    The company’s board, which is stocked with allies including one of his sons, could potentially change that rule, but analysts have said they think that would be unlikely to happen immediately.

    I reckon the board might just change the rules. Got to admire to sheer brass neck.

    Free Member

    I’m surprised Trump has not yet claimed the Baltimore Bridge Accident would not have happened if he had been in the White House

    Full Member

    ^^ That had crossed my mind too.

    Unrelated… Saw this earlier and it amused me.


    Full Member

    Big mouth donny has just earned himself a gagging order in the Manhattan hush money case.

    Full Member

    I reckon the board might just change the rules

    Surely that would absolutely tank the price though? It would basically be an imminent warning that a major shareholder was about to sell a shitton of shares?

    Even without that, they must surely be ripe for short selling now.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Big mouth donny has just earned himself a gagging order in the Manhattan hush money case.


    Full Member

    What’s the betting that even at $175m Don still can’t put up the money for an appeal – its still $75m more than the bond he was able to raise.

    Full Member

    “Big mouth donny has just earned himself a gagging order in the Manhattan hush money case.”

    For slagging off the judges daughter, if I read it correctly. What an utter arse!

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