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  • Does anyone make their own smoothies?
  • juiced
    Free Member

    What are your favourites? Do you make any real healthy ones.
    My current fave involves a can of spinach, milk and a bit of protein powder.

    Full Member

    Banana, blueberries, strawberries, sometimes some mango, semi-skimmed milk and a dollop (well a couple of large dollops) of vanilla ice cream.

    Free Member

    sounds nice.i must confess to being a complete beginner. I have made others with yoghart and other mixed fruits. :D

    Free Member

    Yes, only in summer when there's loads of lovely English fruit about. Strawberries are good, whatever fruit juice I fancy, and always vodka too.

    Free Member

    vodka too. lol. sounds great.

    Full Member

    Frozen banana (makes you think you have icecream)
    Vanilla flavored protein powder

    Free Member

    All of the above + a snickers bar (or two)

    Free Member

    Use bags of frozen fruit from the supermarkets – add juice, couple of bananas, happy days!
    Full Member

    Every morning! Whatever softish fruit looks good in the supermarket. A couple of yoghurts and a bit of OJ. Blend, drink. If I've had a hard day on the bike then I pop some protien powder in too.

    This morning it was strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, banana, OJ, 2 natural yog's.

    Free Member

    Yup like others, for me it tends to be whatever fruit is turning! I have a habit of buying lots of fruit which doesn't keep as long in the summer.
    So the other day raspberries, strawberries, grapes, soem orange juice and a small vanilla youghurt! LUURVVELLY
    Summer fruits are the way forward for smoothies though IMO.

    Free Member

    Milk, ice cream, banana and muesli….


    Full Member

    Natalie Savona does a really good book on Juicing,she was the MILF on the faddy eaters programme, the book is brilliant


    Full Member

    most of the ones in here are fantastic!

    Free Member

    Same as others, any fruit but mainly strawberies banana pineapple mango, natural yoghurt, but I also add a coconut or blueberry actimel and use alpro vanilla soya milk (this seems to thicken it up) some runny honey, and some mint can add a nice touch, protein powder if I have one for breakfast and a bit of ice when the weathers hot … yummy!

    Full Member

    The second book does a fantastic one which has Mango, banana, yoghurt and orange juice blended together and is just like custard, yummy

    Free Member

    Used to, but why make your own when Innocent smoothies are so good!?

    Full Member

    Because you control whats going in them, rather than the s**t that some of them have

    Free Member

    Thats why is stated Innocent rather than anything else. :roll:

    Free Member

    I like mixing fruit with yoghurt. My favourite combinations are strawberry & banana, and raspberry & blueberry.

    Free Member

    Banana, oats, honey, brownsugar, vanilla essence, milk. mmm

    Keep meaning to try with ice cubes or ice cream.

    Free Member

    banana, strawberries, frozen blueberries, yoghurt and protein powder – maybe some oats too. yumyum

    Full Member

    Yes, makes a really good recovery drink.
    1/3rd honeydew melon, 1/2 a Galia one, a couple of apples, half a tub of plain yoghurt (that Yeo valley stuff), red grape juice, a little bit of root ginger, a teaspoon of runny honey and a sprinkling of vanilla ReGo. Makes about 3 pints of lovely pink-ish recovery drink. :-)

    Free Member

    banana, porridge oats, yoghurt, honey, milk

    Full Member

    I'm tempted to start doing this, but I was wondering what sort of yoghurt you use, I'm guessing nice a normal muller corner!

    Free Member

    I use plain greek style.

    Free Member

    1 banana and add milk….thats it.

    I like the sound of the oats though, never thought of that.

    Free Member

    half a fresh pineapple, handful of frozen berries, bit of water and a pinch of salt, awesome…. and the salt makes it.

    Free Member

    bananas, ice cubes, honey, milk

    Free Member

    The important question to ask is what smoothy machine do you have/which is best as i need a new one which can do ice and frozen fruit. Recommendations????

    Free Member

    Hand blender'll do it!

    Just had one. Strawbs, 'nanas, cranberry, blueberry,oj.


    Free Member

    Any/all of raspbs, strawbs, blueb, kiwi, banana, grapes, apple, a bit of fresh ginger and a little turmeric. Yum.

    Free Member

    apple juice + ice cubes as a base then just add fruit as you can get it. I picked up a big bag of overripe bananas last week for next to nowt. Added a few bananas to said base and one cheap and lovely smoothie. Have used strawberries/mango/pineapple/apples/raspberries before. Just make it up.

    Free Member

    wow. Thanks everyone.inspirational.
    Full Member

    Had one of the best smoothies ever today. Cherries, strawberries, a banana and a squeezed lemon (from the garden :-)) with a bit of OJ. The cherries are a PITA to do but it was so worth it. My GF tasted it and instantly forgave me for going biking until 11pm last night leaving her locked out of the house for 3 hrs. It was that good!

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