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  • Does anyone have XTR M975 of XT M775 Disc Brakes? If so…
  • Daffy
    Full Member

    … how do I get rid of the spongy feel of the RH lever. I’ve bled them about 4 times. The rear is superb and has a definate bite point, the front however has a definable squidge to it.

    What I’ve done so far is:

    Bled the font using a Shimano bleed kit from bottom to top as per instructions, repeated 3 times.

    Tried a Hope gravity bleed method and that was just awful.

    Any help. would be apprecieated

    Free Member

    There could be air trapped behind a piston. Pump out pistons as far as you dare before bleeding, bleed, then whilst reservoir cap is still off push the pistons slowly back in. You could also try opening the bleed nipple as you push them in if the first option doesn’t work.

    Have you tried bleeding them in the normal way before trying those kits?

    Full Member

    Cheers mate, I’ll give it a go.

    What do you mean by the normal way? fluid in the top, or inject fluid in the bottom?

    Free Member

    I had to tilt the caliper as well, there was a small pocket of air stuck just there…

    Full Member

    I’ve always bled mine from the top down, never bothered with the Shimano bleed kit. It’s a lot easier if you actually take the whole brake assembly off the bike, clamp the lever firmly and that way you can turn the caliper/hose to remove trapped air or even just mount it somewhere above the lever to give the from-the-bottom-up bleed that Shimano say is necessary.

    Free Member

    Daffy, by normal way I mean the traditional method of opening bleed nipple, pull lever, close bleed nipple, slowly release lever, repeat until no bubbles coming through keeping reservoir topped up at all times.

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