yes. Mine are like tweezers but narrow and curved at the end. Millets sell them.
Been near ticks (in the countryside) and getting any of this? – Night fevers, crazy dreams and dreams within dreams, mild or severe visual disturbances, headaches, fatigue, lack of concentration, feeling of “other worldlyness”, light sensitivity, anxiety/paranoia, joint pain, rashes….. get to a doctor ASAP it gets worse if left and you can end up mentally or physically disabled or you could die.
You need to get them off asap. If you dont they crawl up somewhere dark(hair, armpits, groin etc) latch on and start to burrow in making them harder to get off. Once they’ve done that they can transmit diseases.
Also the longer they are there the more chance they give you something awful. More than three days and the chance is supposed to be very high.
Some of these guys are tiny, the size of poppy seeds so really hard to see. A good thing to do is put any kit that doesnt always get a wash (shell/camelback/gloves etc)on a dry spin cycle in the washing machine, any live ticks crawling around on it will die; rather than crawling off into your house..