I don't mean glaring plot holes, just little details that annoy you.
Watching one of the newer Star Trek films (and also noticed this in Discovery) and the size of the inside of the spaceships are massive compared to the outside. Everything outside seems fine, the inside seems to be the size of a large oil refinery.
I know it's spaceships and that, but I've been drinking
Wait til you see Dr Who...
How can you tell how big they are from the outside?
Unnecessarily dark scenes and insanely loud music / noise. The number of films where I can’t tell what’s happening because of shitty lighting or sound that drowns out the dialogue seems to be growing. Either that or my eyesight and hearing are deteriorating quicker than I thought.
According to Picard in First Contact the Enterprise E is nearly 700m long.
That’s plenty big enough for any of the internal sets that appear in in any of the TV shows.
It’s about 3 times longer than an Aircraft Carrier.
‘Night’ scenes in old black and white films that are obviously shot in broad daylight
Similar to the night scenes but when they turn the room lights out and suddenly the room gets brighter as the moon magically becomes as bright as the sun
In Crocodile Dundee there is a water buffalo blocking the road . Dundee gets out of the jeep ,hypnotises the buffalo which then falls asleep.
He now has a buffalo that's fast asleep blocking the road.
Film thing, but applies to TV series too...
Nobody locks his or her car!
Nobody says “Ok, cheers, see ya...” or “Goodbye” when finishing a call on a mobile.
Continuity errors. Some major gaffs and like how hard is it to remember what someone was wearing..
Everything outside seems fine, the inside seems to be the size of a large oil refinery.
As pointed out above, the ships are humongous!
Oh, and Highlander 2. All of it.
Ronin. "Hereford". Also the smoke effects added later on the car tyres.
In 24 he never goes for a piss or shit.
Gravity just way too many to mention.
The fact that, no matter what the driving surface, the tyres squeal when a car stops. It’s the stupidest thing.
Also, no one - and I mean NO ONE - ever says goodbye on the telephone. There is no indication that a conversation has ended, other than when the two speakers hang up. One might say, “okay”, then... click.
Continuity errors. Some major gaffs and like how hard is it to remember what someone was wearing..
It’s actually exceedingly easy to forget when the shooting of the scenes are three months apart.
I absolutely ****in hate empty suitcases and cups.
In 24 he never goes for a piss or shit.
I know a few people for whom that could take up a good portion of the 24 hours.
I'm probably one of them
The express train from Edinburgh to London that goes via the Glenfinnan Viaduct
Car chases or most car scenes. For whatever reason they never sync gear changes, speed of the car in shot, and the sound. Oh, and they always have another gear and an extra 6 inches of accelerator pedal travel they’ve not yet used.
Oh, and one more thing. I know a good number of you aren’t interested in church stuff, but it’s fair to say that there are a fair few “church scenes” in film and on tv, whether it’s a funeral, a wedding, or some other service.
Anyway, the priests are never properly vested. Never. It’s the stupidest thing. How hard is it to call up a local vicar and ask “how does a priest dress when he’s doing a wedding?” Or whatever?
I have seen church scenes so inaccurate it would be like dressing police officers like fire fighters, or something equally as bad.
There’s a bit in 5th Element where he necks a drink from a Sigg bottle. When everything else is so well done it stuck like sore thing for me.
My son just said gunshots not being loud enough, and bows that creak when drawn.
The way people act eating! It’s absolutely nothing like real eating, even when they do actually chew something, I’ve never seen an actor who can make it look like real eating. Especially when they have to say a line at the same time.
They all must learn ‘eat acting’ at acting school and so all do it the same. Bugs the hell out of me.
Noise and explosions in space. People repeatedly hit by bullets but able to carry on. Instant ace: car drivers, motorbike riders, plane and or heli pilots. Too dark to see. Too loud to hear and I’m half deaf.
Pre-existing skid marks on the road surface during car chase scenes so they've obviously fluffed the first take(s).
Body work damage which miraculously fixes itself during car chase scenes...
I know that the Bond franchise has its own sound stage at pinewood... and that it can be filled with water. Thats no reason for every big action scene in every bond movie to be in a space thats exactly the same size and shape and always have water in it
Not so much these days but in the 70s/80s there were only two kinds of injury that could be sustained in a car crash:
a: A graze on your temple which meant you were going to be fine and just needed to dust yourself down and get on with it
b: A trickle of blood from your ear which meant you were either dying or already dead
Noise and explosions in space
Well, both Gravity and Interstellar fixed this gaff and to mighty good effect too...
Most of the people in the films seem to have steady income without any worry in the world ...
Dreadful science, forensics, genetics, stuff I can critique
A specific one for me is Hurt Locker-they wear Peltor Comtac active ear defenders, but the ones without communication stuff in them and then use the volume button on the side like a PTT.
The use of the word ‘fire’ when referring to arrows in pre gun era films.
Than hardly anyone ever has to stop for a wee.
Nightclub scenes. Have any of them ever been to one?
Phones that only have no signal or run out of battery at important plot moments. Also when a smartphone is used but the screen doesn’t go off when it’s by their ear
How aircraft fly in CGI sequences.
Get a ****ing 1990s era flight simulator and overlay the cgi over the movement and it would still look more believable.
this kind of shit
Apparently the most common reaction to being shot is to soil yourself. You don’t see that happen in the movies - not even to the bad guys or cowardly characters.
I hate it when a character is badly wounded, then is up skipping about again a few scenes later (unless it’s Jackie Chan, as he’s probably carrying the injury for real).
I'm with thegeneralist on the empty cups thing... after I first noticed it, you end up seeing it everywhere in films and TV... you'd think actors would be able to manage carryingband drinking from cups by now!
Oh, and am not sure what the problem I drinking from a Sigg bottle...
this kind of shit
You do know that it’s fiction?
Apparently the most common reaction to being shot is to soil yourself.
Bad guys can be shot in the 'off-switch' and obediently and silently lie down.
You do know that it’s fiction?
I know that its fiction - its just lazy thinking
Empty cups
Car tyres squealing on gravel
Guns that never run out of ammo
Gunshots in enclosed spaces that don't deafen
Constant revving and endless gear changes in car chases
Car chases with massively mismatched cars, where the crap/slow ones keep up without issue.
CCTV analysis where 6 pixels are enhanced to a full colour image of a person with tattoos, hair details, make up, scars etc....
It's been years since I saw it, but I am sure there is a reference to the Challenger Shuttle disaster in the film Wall Street. The film is set in 1985.
I know that its fiction – its just lazy thinking
But a big indestructible green guy is Ok?
Just seen ad Astra. Please don’t get me started. More plot holes than an allotment with a gopher infestation!
But a big indestructible green guy is Ok?
I didn't vote for him
More plot holes than an allotment with a gopher infestation!
I've got to remeber that one.
Also, when an ugly or fearsome CGI beastie fails to dispatch a petrified hero because they are too busy bearing their teeth by letting out a roar in their face.
Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit and Harry Potter are prime offenders.
Huey helicopter audio with a eurocopter in vision.
The "onboard" shot in Senna from the 88 Monaco Grand Prix (he wasn't carrying a camera for that race) and the out of synch sound from the onboard at Jerez.
All archers have magic auto-refilling quivers.
Except when they must make that shot but it’s the only arrow left.
When there's a standoff with two guys pointing guns at each other and one of them cocks his gun to show that he's getting serious now. I'm just guessing here, but I suspect that trained soldiers would cock their weapons as soon as they realized they were in a fight.
Similarly, when there's a car chase and they're flat out, but then they decide to get serious now so they change down a gear and accelerate away. I have more experience of driving like a dick than I do of armed combat, and I can testify that you can't be going flat out and then change down a gear and go faster.