I am a cyclist, and am very aware of the high profile being given to the cyclist vs motorist issues at the current time. This is further accentuated by the recently reported accidents resulting in injury and more tragically death.
In most cases I staunchly support the plight of the people trying to enjoy their bikes amidst the hoards of mad motorists ! However, recently and most notably today,I have been witness to situations and events that make me feel embarrassed to be associated with cycling.
I live and regularly drive around the Box Hill area, as all know this is very popular for road and mountain bikes of all abilities. Today the roads were damp and the weather was quite foggy severely reducing visibility. As I drove through the lanes in my van I was staggered at the amount of people on the road with no lights whatsoever. I was rounding corners to find (and I don't mean once or even twice) people on road bikes on my side of the road either a few abreast or taking a line through a corner riding fast. Now they were really difficult to see and were not in general riding to suit the conditions...... Scary stuff. I did at one point when I had to come to a complete stop politely suggest the the guy involved, who looked a bit shaken, invest in some lights to assist him being visible. His response to this invaluable advice? F### Off ! The people riding with good lights were giving themselves quite a lot of time and distance advantage, they amounted to about 10% though.
I am amazed how few seem to bother !!
Sorry rant over !