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  • Cushcore Bead Bro
  • montgomery
    Free Member

    I wasted too much time on a troublesome tyre/rim combination yesterday, snapping three tyre levers while I was at it. Any thoughts on devices like this?

    Full Member

    Never used one of those but I have the long, metal, Park tyre levers so I can basically make any tyre go on anything I want.

    I wrap the tips in electrical tape to stop them from scratching the rims to death and have no issues with tight tyres anymore.

    Free Member

    Yes, I was perusing the latest tyre lever thread and they’re on my radar, too.

    Full Member

    I have one. It’s a game changer. Despite having the huge Pedro’s DH tyre crowbar, fitting tyres with inserts has been a challenging experience, particularly with new tyres. Without inserts the Pedro’s lever is more than enough.

    The BeadBro makes it an absolute doddle. Holds the bead in place and frees up two hands to work on the other side. At the price it’s a no-brainer

    Full Member

    agree with @boardinbob, makes fitting tyres with inserts possible

    it does nothing to help taking the tyre with inserts back off though

    Full Member

    I wrap the tips in electrical tape to stop them from scratching the rims to death 

    Good idea, will try that on my big tyre lever (that the plastic wore off years ago).

    Bead Bro looks interesting, but I don’t struggle that much to fit my Rimpacts *touches wood*

    Full Member

    it does nothing to help taking the tyre with inserts back off though

    I have put a stubborn tyre/wheel combo in a vice and pushed it over (with a rag protecting the rim) to break the bead lock.

    Free Member

    Thanks. Think I’ll try the mahoosive Park levers first then take it from there.

    Full Member

    After watching a Jesse Melamed YT vid he recommended the Crank Brothers Speedier tyre levers which feature a hook end to hold the tyres on the rim, this was years ago before the Bead Bro was launched. I would highly recommend them, work well for holding the tyre and due to the shape can get a really good grip for taking tyres off.

    Quick google suggests you could get two of them for the price of the Bead Bro.

    Full Member

    I’ve had the joy of removing, fitting, removing, & refitting my cushcore insert & tyre over the last week, due to a failed wheel, then the loaner wheel also failing. I only use pedro’s levers, but the difference it made to have the tyres/insert sitting inside & being even relatively warm, compared to how tough it was after sitting in the  cold garage was huge. By all means buy the tool, but try and warm the kit up before fitting it, is definitely worth while too

    Free Member

    After more fruitless wrestling just now, I have ordered tools for both home and trail based on these recommendations and, once I’ve got them, I’ll be leaning the tyre against a radiator for an hour before going back in. I’ll report back…

    Free Member

    Good job I don’t have a swear jar.

    Full Member

    I love inserts but by God it’s my least favourite job to switch tyres these days.

    Free Member

    Closure is good so here’s the result after a next day delivery from Merlin. Didn’t have the patience to wait for the radiator to come on.

    Cushcore Bead Bro worked perfectly. Great little tool.

    The Speedier tyre lever mentioned earlier – just couldn’t work the bead on at the other end past a certain point, but the Feedback steel cored tyre levers I’d also bought worked very well – strong with enough length and an effective hook (unlike the Granite Talons in my ride kit that I’ve fortunately never had to use in anger).

    Not installing an insert, btw, it was just an awful rim/tyre combination!

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