Home Forums Chat Forum Covid vaccine appointment – long queue despite booking?

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  • Covid vaccine appointment – long queue despite booking?
  • rOcKeTdOg
    Full Member

    What? I didn’t get a KitKat! Get me Matt Hancock on the blower!

    More importantly, 2 fingers or 4?

    4, got a bottle of water too. Key worker innit.

    Had 2 AZ now, had to wait 10mins each time Incase of a reaction.

    Free Member

    /Tick consent given.

    But that is potentially open to error/abuse.
    We have to have the form signed.

    That said, sitting down and rolling up your sleeve is inferred consent which is OK, so 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Full Member

    I didn’t sign anything at my GP, or have to wait around.

    Full Member

    I had Moderna last week, had to wait 15 minutes afterwards, but the area doing AZ didn’t have a waiting area set up.

    It took 30 minutes between going in and getting to the jab which wasn’t too bad.

    My wife was very upset that she didn’t get a sticker but I did… But then I’m upset I didn’t get a KitKat or a free beer 🙂

    Free Member

    Had second jab arrived at 11.10 for 11.20 jab – jabbed at 11.19

    Free Member

    4 fingers is a stretch..

    Already got me coat and the line i passed is so far back i can’t see it.

    Free Member

    Second vaccination today in Barnard Castle. My wife’s appointment was 1 hour in front of mine but we went in together with no waiting. It seemed quieter than for the first jab.

    Full Member

    Do I have your consent to give you this vaccination?


    /Tick consent given.

    Yep, I was just asked, didn’t have to touch anything, just sat down, answerd a few Qs, was jabbed, stood up and left…

    Full Member

    Better half has been working at one of the big centres.
    All I will say is the staff have been monitored by a Time and Motion individual and they are expected to give the jab in a given set time.
    And to counteract what Drac has reported it’s a dam site more than a simple check box (a lot of people present with conditions and health issues, a number of people have fainted and this causes delays etc.)
    Given the amount of job adverts out there for qualified staff I would say it’s probably staff shortages.
    Not ideal but a lot of the people helping are volunteers.

    Full Member

    Better half has been working at one of the big centres.
    All I will say is the staff have been monitored by a Time and Motion individual and they are expected to give the jab in a given set time.
    And to counteract what the check box to give consen it’s more than a simple check box (a lot of people present with conditions and health issues, a number of people have fainted and this causes delays etc.)
    Given the amount of job adverts out there for qualified staff I would say it’s probably staff shortages.
    Not ideal but a lot of the people helping are volunteers.

    Free Member

    My appointment they didn’t even ask who I was until after they jabbed me, and even that was just writing it down from scratch rather than checking against a list of expected people.

    4 mins total

    Full Member

    But that is potentially open to error/abuse.

    Only if they pin them down to give the injection. People wouldn’t turn up at the centres if they don’t want the injection.

    And to counteract what the check box to give consen it’s more than a simple check box (a lot of people present with conditions and health issues, a number of people have fainted and this causes delays etc.)

    Everyone is asked the same questions and one of those is consent.

    Free Member

    First jab …. straight in straght out total time 15 mins max.
    Second jab … software/conection issue Total time 40 mins.

    No issues all 1st world problems.

    Free Member

    St Helens no queue, in out and back in car before appointment time.
    Did look to be busier for 2nd jabs side

    Free Member

    Awesome singletrackworld post…. I had to queue for my free, potentially life saving jab… I am outraged!

    Free Member

    People wouldn’t turn up at the centres if they don’t want the injection.

    Which is why I put the bit about inferred consent (which just turning up could be).

    Free Member

    Only had 1st jab (AZ, I was told to wait 15 mins) and had to wait in car until 5 mins before appointment, small queue but once inside took about 25 mins, including the 15 min wait afterwards

    Full Member

    20 mins for me including the 15 minute post jab waiting period. Castlemilk Sports Centre in Glasgow

    Full Member

    Which is why I put the bit about inferred consent (which just turning up could be).

    Not quite no, which is why they go through a series of questions when you turn up.

    Free Member

    Waited for about 15 mins and we’d only moved forward by 4 people or so, so just binned it off – I’d have pissed myself before I got anywhere near the front!

    This is pretty poor. Jabs need to be used and you not turning up to your jab means thats likely going to end in the bin.

    Full Member

    Got my second jab at this centre in July. First was a model of efficiency and service at Blackburn catherderal. Would happily have gone back there but couldn’t get a second appointment. It hasn’t helped in the Northwest that mixed messages have been sent out about them jabbing anyone just turning up which aren’t true, hence loads of people queuing and being turned away.

    Full Member

    This is pretty poor. Jabs need to be used and you not turning up to your jab means thats likely going to end in the bin.

    Our hub will use up spare doses on volunteers that need their second, or will call in people. AZ can also be stored.

    We ask people to wait for 15 mins after AZ if they are driving. If not, they can got straight out. As we’re now putting more people through per day, we’re asking people to wait their 15 mins in their cars.

    Full Member

    I went to one of the large scale vaccination centres for my first jab (Bath & West Showground). I had a time to turn up but still took about 1.5hrs.

    It was quite an operation with parking lanes and holding bays.

    It was a long wait but was happy to be getting a vaccination.

    Free Member

    “This attitude is why there an issue in some areas. Just because you think your low risk doesn’t mean you can’t pass it on.”
    Just because you’re vaccinated doesn’t mean you can’t pass it on. According to a triumphant Matt Hancock carriers are 30-40% less likely to pass it on if vaccinated, but that’s it!

    Free Member

    When I had my first jab there was a big queue. The volunteers were walking the queue to check for people who had booked, and if found moved them to the front.

    Free Member

    Haha unbelievable!

    Someone actually posted about their intense frustration at a long jab queue! Poor wee boy, my heart bleeds for you.

    Full Member

    Volunteer vaccinator here, mostly working at a large mass vaccination centre (800-1100 people per day). A big issue there is people turning up outside their alloted appointment time. Sometimes an hour or two before, this causes queues to quickly build. More recently they’ve been taking a much stricter line with this and turning people away if they turn up more than 15 mins outside their appointment time.

    It’s a huge logistical effort to process that many people, but it mostly does work very well. It’s a slick operation and at our centre has been subject to “time and motion” style assessments. However, people faint, require translators to be consented, have complicated medical histories which need to be checked, insist on male/female vaccinators for cultural reasons, come dressed in 5 layers and take 10 minutes to bare their arm etc. All this chuck spanners in the works and can slow things right down.

    As a vaccinator I typically see each person for a minute or less before I wipe their chair down, sanitise my hands as the next person is walking up. We get bollockings from the nurse in charge if we chat too much to the ‘customers’ as it slows things down, it really is a production line!

    Full Member

    Had the first Pfizer jab Friday. Booked in for 12.30 got there for 12.15, only 2 people in front of me so was out for 12.45 including the post jab wait. No Kitkat though 🙁

    Free Member

    As we’re now putting more people through per day, we’re asking people to wait their 15 mins in their cars.

    Eh, how does this work, if you have a reaction sitting alone in your car it could be a while before anyone notices?
    Fully supportive of the amazing effort at these centres, and no complaints about any waits though.

    Full Member

    My first one was fine (yet to have the second), was given a 15 minute window, I arrived at the start of that and had to queue outside for about 10 minutes then took less than 10 minutes once I was in the door and have given details etc.

    People that arrived before their 15 minute window were told to wait in their cars (or stand away from the main queue) until it was their time. Seemed a better system than having the long queues that are shown on the news

    Also I have a 75 year old aunt who had to wait outside in the cold and rain when she had her first jab (early March), seemed a bit crap way of doing it for the elderly (at least she was wearing a coat, others had apparently expected to go straight in and were shivering in a shirt)

    Full Member

    Re the waiting in cars, we have lots of people in the car park who can get help if needed.

    I was there yesterday, the number of solo drivers who actually waited the full time was about 20%.

    With AZ people who weren’t driving are allowed to leave straight away, so I think the anaphylaxis risk is negligible.

    Still, I don’t make the rules! I just wave at cars.

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