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  • Couple of things…
  • oceanskipper
    Full Member

    So, great idea having a women’s forum, but does it need to be totally private? Perhaps make it so only women can post in it but anyone can read? It does strike me as a being bit excusive rather than inclusive, if all the posts are hidden from everyone else. Secondly the tab being at the end after “News” kind of makes it seem a bit on the fringe, maybe between “Bike” and “Members” would seem more welcoming.

    Also, Rule 1 – might be an idea to update it slightly so it doesn’t say “Don’t be a dick”. If I was a woman, new to the forum looking at the rules I might even find that a bit offensive. Maybe it should read something like “Do as you would be done by.”

    Anyway – just my thoughts.

    Full Member

    That there is a women’s forum is cool. That men don’t have access to it right now, is fine, we can barely manage in the ones we have.

    I will bet money that Don’t be a Dick translates just as easily. I’m pretty certain no one is going to have an attack of the vapours

    Full Member

    if the aim is to provide a safe space for women to discuss stuff then of course men have to be excluded.  same as say womens only swimming pool sessions.  Its not much good if no men are swimming but there are loads watching.

    Full Member

    Pretty sure they aren’t talking about you, so you can relax.

    I think it’s a great idea, btw.

    Full Member

    There are lots of places women don’t get to feel welcome because of men and I think it’s totally fine to have a place to discuss things without the threat of some possibly well intentioned but misguided and unwanted “well actually” landing in their lap.

    It’s okay that the women’s forum isn’t for you or me.

    Full Member

    ‘Safe space’ what a terrible phrase – I don’t object to the notion, just the nomenclature.

    Full Member

    Great idea

    Full Member

    So, are they talking about us over there? Any crumbs of gossip leaking out or have all the women taken a vow of secrecy?

    Full Member

    Anything better core?  Its how these things are usually described I think.

    Full Member

    So, are they talking about us over there?

    I bet they are.  I mean how could then not?

    *strokes ego”

    Full Member

    if the aim is to provide a safe space for women to discuss stuff then of course men have to be excluded.  same as say womens only swimming pool sessions.  Its not much good if no men are swimming but there are loads watching

    I take your point – I think,  but the analogy is awful.  Reading what someone has written virtually anonymously is hardly the same as allowing men to watch women swimming!

    Anyway before the pile on happens my point is that it might be useful for (some) men to have an insight into the viewpoint of women that is endorsed by other women too. I’m not suggesting men are allowed to respond. I hadn’t really considered that STW might be offering a safe space for victims of something to discuss issues in private. Fair enough if that is the aim, I misunderstood obviously. Carry on. 👍

    Actually – here’s a thought . Why not have two women’s forums? One totally women only no men and one general but men not able to post…🤷‍♂️

    Full Member

    Out of curiosity, what drove the need for a women’s forum? Do women feel unable to contribute to the regular forum? If so, perhaps that needs to be addressed more directly.

    Edit, ignore me, just saw Hannah’s article.

    Full Member

    Ah yes, gentlemen should have view only access to the ‘Women’ forum but formatted so you view through a vignette in the shape of a keyhole.

    Full Member

    just saw Hannah’s article

    Yeah, this has all been discussed.

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