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  • Cotswold Outdoor code expired?
  • alastairmilne
    Full Member

    Members’ section says expired 30/4/2021, so…. yesterday! Any plans to “renew” it? Am at Cotswold Water park and was thinking of a browse in Cotswold Outdoors at some point! They’ve got a decent Patagonia section I thought I might head towards.

    Full Member

    Apparently, I might need to post a second time to make the above visible… not sure how true this is or isn’t…

    Full Member

    No, I was able to see it before you posted a second time.  Maybe you will get a response now we are into the working week. Maybe

    Full Member

    I’ve been in a few organisations in the past that offer Cotswold Outdoor codes… I remember redeeming one in Betws-y-coed and being told that they’d usually offer a 10-15% discount, depending on the item, if you just asked.

    Doesn’t help online, I appreciate, but might be just worth asking in the shop.

    Full Member

    Ever hear on this? Just tried to use the code AF-STM-S1 but no joy.


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