Beards, metalheart, that's what the conspiracy is based on. Of course. 😉
And I've just looked in the mirror and realised I'm part of it!
Beards, metalheart, that's what the conspiracy is based on. Of course.And I've just looked in the mirror and realised I'm part of it!
Ye gods, me too! It's deeper than I dared thought!!! 😆
chewkw - Member
metalheart - Member
I'm pretty sure Enda Kenny also has warned May about any tie up with DUP could nullify the GFA. Not that he has any interest in matters of course....
Why do people have so much interest there out of a sudden?
Because people remember what the troubles meant, and whether it's a major risk or not, they are glad to have those days behind them.
Have you got any examples of labour supporters using a terror threat?
Do you use social media? There's an unhealthy focus on an "inevitable" return to violence. To use scaremongering as a means of undermining the government makes me very uneasy.
Those days are behind them so why do you lot keep stirring up the hornet's nest? 🙄igm - Member
chewkw - Member
Why do people have so much interest there out of a sudden?
Because people remember what the troubles meant, and whether it's a major risk or not, they are glad to have those days behind them.
I understand you want to bring down the govt no surprise there but you should let that region be. 🙄
deadlydarcy - Member
It's threads like these...
How come my post is missing from that quote? 😆
molgrips - Member
Somebody is unclear on the concept of "monarchy".
Someone is unclear on the concept of 'constitutional monarchy'
And someone need to take a look at what happened in Australia in 1975. That was monarchy, not constitutional monarchy.
@igm: please, don't feed the troll. It'll just spout more shite to get attention.
Fair point.
Anyhow, to change the direction a wee bit, the flip side of all this is that Labour does now have a decent chance to getting somethings through parliament if they play it right. Probably should be a thread of that on it´s own, but i´m no starting it. 😆 What opportunities does this all open up for Labour..
Those days are behind them so why do you lot keep stirring up the hornet's nest?
I don't know..
Ask the Torys maybe??
Talking flip sides. Most of the DUP manifesto would appeal to a Labour voter.
But it so happens there's a few indigestible lumps in there.
seosamh77 - Member
Anyhow, to change the direction a wee bit, the flip side of all this is that Labour does now have a decent chance to getting somethings through parliament if they play it right. Probably should be a thread of that on it´s own, but i´m no starting it. What opportunities does this all open up for Labour..
They actually believe they can govern and to turn back clock for Brexit. 😛
Another point of view, is the DUP aren't the only group that now have power. Loads of tory factions now, Ruth Davidson and her 13 MPs being able to out vote the DUP aswell is the first that springs to mind. So interesting dynamic there. What other factions are likely to emmerge within the tory party, any obvious?
Go away.chewkw - MemberThey actually believe they can govern and to turn back clock for Brexit.
If we look at the tories as the England football side they have just scraped a 1 nil win against San Marino and have been knocked out of the world cup qualifiers.
Would we say what a fantastic manager we have and I'm sure we will do well in the Euros?
No ,we would want the manager strung up from the nearest lamp post.
Tory boys, she is making you look shit. She has no laurels to rest on. She has always been shit ,why are you defending her?
You should want to get rid of her more than us normal people.
Do you use social media?
I asked for examples. So have you actually got any?
To use scaremongering as a means of undermining the government makes me very uneasy.
Whereas using scaremongering to attack the opposition seems to be fine for you to do?
Davidson appears to be threatening wielding the 13 scots tories as a block in Scortlands interests - whatever that means to her. She is pro European and could easily make common ground with Sturgeon over europe
Tory boys, she is making you look shit. She has no laurels to rest on. She has always been shit ,why are you defending her?
Agreed, she presided over a series of errors as home secretary, some of which we are still dealing with the fallout from today.
She has certain appealing qualities for the right wingers: she's a bit thatchery and she doesn't like immigrants.
So even in the face of her recent humiliation of her party and the country, she still tickles their fancy in some ways
Most of the DUP manifesto would appeal to a Labour voter.But it so happens there's a few indigestible lumps in there.
This struck me as an issue before the election and the DUP situation.
All the parties have some decent policies (even Lord Buckethead's 3 day weekend) but it's like going into a restaurant and looking at the set menus and then being told you can't swap stuff. So if I want the scallops to start with I have to have stuffed aubergine for main. And if I want steak for main I have to have parsnip soup to start. Now, I'd love scallops and steak, but I can't ****ing stand parsnips or aubergines.
And because I'm basically unhappy about that situation, I'm not getting ANY pudding either.
Why can't we have collaborative politics, rather than always confrontation?
if she's smart she should insist on a crossparty brexit talks/group in/coming from scotland. Tbh if davidson plays it right she could have sturgeon in her back pocket and cement the tory vote in scotland.tjagain - Member
Davidson appears to be threatening wielding the 13 scots tories as a block in Scortlands interests - whatever that means to her. She is pro European and could easily make common ground with Sturgeon over europe
What opportunities does this all open up for Labour..
I'm sticking with "Sit back and let it unfold." In the same way that '74 was a good election for the Tories to lose, this one has been good for Labour. There's a resurgence. But we're at the arse of an economic cycle, while the Eurozone is on the up. (Probably both due to QE, but at different times.)
She faces a negotiation that can [i]only[/i] lead to a bad economic outcome for the UK. She's at the mercy of factions within factions. In the old days, she'd have been given the tip on the shoulder and told to go quietly, for the good of the party. For whatever reason, there's a dearth of "talent" on the Tory front bench, and what talent there is is politically aware enough to know that now would be a disastrous time to launch a leadership challenge. Boris withstanding, I can't see anybody who's going to have a go.
Let Mummy cobble together this hubristic agreement. FFS, she's been [i]forced[/i] to apologise to her ex-MPs and activists. It's like getting a toddler to say sorry, and staying up till ten at night to finally hear it. I never thought she was a "safe pair of hands" but even I have been surprised at quite how incapable she was. I think it was that footage of her picking furiously at her hands when under slight pressure that shone a light for me. She's a disaster.
Ask yourself, what would Napoleon do in this situation...he wouldn't interfere while an enemy is [i]busy destroying itself[/i].
~The best thing the rest of the political groups could do right now is agree an anti tory pact for one five year term and introduce proportional representation. Each stands down in 50 seats the other chooses as best target means the tories get humped in any election. PR means no more tory governments and forces parties to co operate and seek consensus. Holyrood works well on this basis
It would seem to me Sinn Fein have little interest in making the process work currently, we cN't be too far from direct rule anyway as they won't work with the dup to form a government since McGuinesses death
It would seem to me
I love that May is taking her party back to the nasty days, just as the progressive youth are becoming engaged
Cameron had done so much to bring them into the modern era, since of the most ardent Tory fans I know are gay, one of them was also a staunch European so Brexit had left him with a dilemma as he couldn't stomach Corbyn, another stuck with the Tories thru everything and was always defending them on facebook but has now gone silent as all his mates are asking him about the DUP deal.
Keep it up Maybot!
TJ you have no idea where PR would lead. It could just as easily end up with a Tory / UKIP style coalition. Labour will never agree to it anyway, now they think they have a real chance at winning a majority
fair points, dd.
Not sure about that TJ..
[url= ]Indy100 - PR[/url]
Napoleon will indeed play the sit back and throw some fuel on the fire game, sure he'll offer an amendment to the tory version and both will have to go to the house for approval or otherwise .......
Corbyn has played a blinder without scheming , just being consistent , belief in his cause , and not buckling to anyone , it's a real sign of a leader . The inadvertent prime minister ??
councilof10I find it appalling that Labour supporters are effectively using a terror threat to try and undermine our democratically elected government.
It's not Labour supporters, anyone with a concern for peace and stability in Ireland should be alarmed by the situation. Do you really think people would be using a "terror threat" as you put it if the Tories had proposed a coalition with any other party?
Of course not. Other than the completely implausible scenario of the Tories forming a coalition with Sinn Fein this conversation wouldn't be happening. And it's happening because it has the potential to jeapordise the GFA (which the DUP opposed). To compound matters the DUP were the only pro Brexit party in Northern Ireland and it's entirely plausible that a post Brexit hard border in Ireland could also re-ignite the troubles.
flegs jamba, flegs. 😆jambalaya - Member
It would seem to me Sinn Fein have little interest in making the process work currently, we cN't be too far from direct rule anyway as they won't work with the dup to form a government since McGuinesses death
The inadvertent prime minister ??
It is a well known axiom that those who most desire power are the least suitable for it...
I agree. 😛molgrips - Member
It is a well known axiom that those who most desire power are the least suitable for it...
The Maybot ought to resign & back to another election imo
Gordon Brown sought a pact with the DUP in 2010 according to leaked Hilary Clinton emails
Did that earlier Jamba.
what does that prove anyhow, there's a democratic right for it to happen, no one is arguing against that, just saying it'll end tears.
oink1 - Member
The Maybot ought to resign & back to another election imo
I don't agree. 😛
Immediately no, few years later perhaps yes (election). 😆
When do you think is the right time? 😀
You just don't get it do you Jamba. Corbyn doesn't play your stupid little games. Your shite is as about as relevant as saying Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler. All the shots you Tories chucked about coalition of chaos, associating with terrorist sympathisers, relying on parties from 'another country' to form a coalition to rule... And surprise surprise everything you cast up you've had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for. It's called hoist by your petard. Well and ****ing truly sunshine.
And it looks exactly how it looks. Hypocritical. So, keep throwing yer shite, it's all worked out splendidly for you all so far!
Crikey ... 😯
Immediately no, few years later perhaps yes
oh absolutely
May is so gloriously incompetent and compromised with her minority government that its going just going to be interesting to see just how badly they can screw up
the longer she stays in the lower the Torys popularity will get
kimbers - Member
Immediately no, few years later perhaps yes
oh absolutely
May is so gloriously incompetent and compromised with her minority government that its going just going to be interesting to see just how badly they can screw up
Yes, to election.
However, what if Conservatives win again and PM May still the PM?
Another election of course ... 😆
The answer is simple, everyone just has to wait for the term to end no need to hurry.
the longer she stays in the lower the Torys popularity will get
I suspect the govt should take advice from the opposition in appointing the PM, coz the opposition is very concern about the person leading them. 😆
It is the other away round, the longer she stays the better she gets because people will see the stability in place after all she has just been a PM for short time.
Opposition will be in great joy if they see turmoil in the govt especially the change of leadership. I can predict that. 😆
Remember, look at Corbyn sticking two fingers up to the Labour own internal opposition ... yes, he won. 😆
Now the lesson learned. The simple rules is this hammer the opposition internally and externally just like Corbyn did. 😛
You should all just be thankful the TUV don't hold the balance of power 😆
Talking flip sides. Most of the DUP manifesto would appeal to a Labour voter.
They're in favour of the triple lock for pensions, I've not seen much else. Though to be fair I've not scrutinised it in detail. What else is there?
Why can't we have collaborative politics, rather than always confrontation?
Because Western politics has always been about how much mud you can sling at the other guy. It's not "you want us, we're great" but rather "you don't want them, they're terrible." Appeal to the heart, it was ever thus.
TJ you have no idea where PR would lead. It could just as easily end up with a Tory / UKIP style coalition.
Maybe it could. But at least it's be a fairer way at arriving at a shitstorm rather than loading the dice.
it's happening because it has the potential to jeapordise the GFA
I'd have thought - hoped, maybe, if that's even the right word - that it's happening [i]despite[/i] the potential to jeopardise the GFA.
Though "this could cause (literally) murders but bollocks to them, we're more important" is pretty odious.
It is a well known axiom that those who most desire power are the least suitable for it...
Douglas Adams: [i]"It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."[/i]
councilof10 - Member
I love how people who don't like a democratic decision come out with carp like this!
I agree with the democratic decision, my wife grew up out there.
It is the other away round, the longer she stays the better she gets because people will see the stability in place after all she has just been a PM for short time.
I'm half inclined to agree with your sentiment but not your conclusion.
For all the praise or criticism anyone might want to level at May and her government, you'd have to be either deluded or barking to think "stable" was a fair assessment.
A snap GE at a time where, y'know, we're on a timer regarding A50; a hung parliament; cosying up with a group who are... well let's be nice and say "questionable." That's the very antithesis of stable. It's desperate, is what that is.
Mac > expect burglary from Uncle Monty any time soon.
She might have to delay the Queens speech because she's busy ripping up the manifesto that not enough people voted for to give her a majority
She's an absolute clown shoe of a woman. 😆