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  • complicating the simple…
  • crikey
    Free Member

    Road junctions; what is it about the modern car driving public that makes planners of whatever description think that the best way to manage traffic is to un-neccesarily complicate simple junctions?

    Why do we have to put a set of traffic lights in at every **** opportunity? what is so hard about a simple T-junction that requires us to **** up the flow of traffic on a once free-flowing road?

    Why do the builders of new estates need to stick a fricking mini-roundabout where a T-junction would suffice?

    All of the routes I regularly ride on for training (on a roadie) or just to get to places (on an MTB) have been progressively fecked up by the stupid addition of cacky little complicated junctions.

    And it’s getting on my nerves.

    Free Member

    It’s so us, cycle trainers, can make some money ;-)

    Free Member

    6/10. Not enough anger.

    Free Member

    I’m too chilled to do anger properly, and i’m too old to make it full of vitriol and hate, it’s more of a complaint than a rant, and i think it should be judged on that. :-)

    Free Member

    come to Swindon, we’ve got a little treat for you ;)

    Free Member

    Free Member


    thought this was a thread about putting gears on my single speed

    Free Member

    If I lived in Swindon I reckon that I’d get myself a gun and shoot someone.

    Free Member

    TBH when I last went to Swindon I wanted to get a gun to shoot myself

    Free Member

    I could complain on and on about this; my local authority seem to think a roundabout is best served by putting traffic lights at every possible point on a roundabout; no, tw(a)ts, the point is that when you are on it you can keep going until you get off it….and so on.

    The flow of traffic is constantly interrupted by stupid, pointless additions, until you cannot travel more than 100 yards without being brought to a halt.

    Then, on the most dangerous (for cyclists) roundabouts, they are designed to process traffic too quickly, thus making the negotiation of said feature a life threatening manoeuvre.

    Not to mention the absolute idiocy that occurs when a supermarket gets built….

    Free Member

    roundabouts are cheap. T junctions slow everything down. It’s really simple. Traffic lights only go in when a roundabout or t-junction is found to be a problem.

    Free Member

    and there’s a magic roundabout like that in hemel hempstead too. Which is another place you’d shoot yourself if you ever had to live there. I was only there a week and wanted to kill myself.

    in fact, the only thing that kept me going was that at the end of the day I would go down the gym in the basement where a nice lady would go on the machine that can only be described as ‘the vag tightener’ where she sat there most of the night it would seem and opened and closed her legs….and well, it would have been rude not to at least find out if it did any good. ;-)

    Free Member

    I can only hope you did to her what town planners have done to my town.

    Full Member


    thought this was a thread about putting gears on my single speed

    It’s not just me then!

    Free Member

    justifying budgets?

    Free Member


    Full Member

    There’s a new roundabout in Sheffield with traffic lights to get onto the roundabout, then traffic lights on the roundabout at each junction.

    Free Member

    with traffic lights to get onto the roundabout, then traffic lights on the roundabout at each junction.

    That’s normal isn’t it ? If you have traffic lights to get onto the roundabout, then you must have traffic lights on the roundabout exits.


    Full Member

    I guess so. I just thought if you timed them properly you’d just need lights for traffic getting onto the roundabout – they do it on others

    Free Member

    so samuri, is your vag tight after trying out the machine?

    Free Member

    I’m afraid that the point of mini roundabouts is that they provide better and more even traffic flow than T junctions and without expensive traffic lights. They’ve spent a lot of time testing, analysing and gathering data on it to figure out the best methods. But bear in mind that /sometimes/ they put in a complex junction purposefully to slow people down and in general slower moving traffic means more closely packed traffic which means a higher flow rate despite a lower average speed.

    The problem I have with it is the fact that people cant figure out how to use mini roundabouts. I’ve no idea why anyone struggles but it seems some people just come to a grinding halt when faces with a small roundabout!

    Free Member

    Rings cops about posting on forum regarding tomorrows shootings in Swindon…

    4 T junctions and nobody gives way…mini roundabout solves it.

    Besides stopping, powering up-will help your mtb riding anyway.

    Offer a solution? become rich and remember your posting and buy me a new bike too.

    Free Member

    Mr Nutt – sure Swindon is nothing compared to Hemel Hempstead?

    Free Member

    i remember living in Cumbria where a mini roundabout became a Mexican standoff with cars all looking at each other until somebody got out the highway code and checked whos turn it was.

    Free Member

    Roundabouts? Pah! We’ve got a throughabout!

    Free Member

    Swindon aka roundabout town! I love ’em :lol:

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