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  • Coed Llandegla, hmmm….
  • sootyandjim
    Free Member

    Well I popped up there today for the first time and, as one of my ex-girlfriends might have said after a drunken fumble, I was left strangely unsatisfied.
    Whilst they have everything the MTBer might need there facilities wise I felt the actual riding fell woefully short of that which I expected based on the hype over the place.
    And whilst I understand that its a Sunday so its likely there’d be a few about I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a large amount of ATGNI’s at any place I’ve ridden at and I used to be a regular on the Surrey Hills! Yes I am talking about you, man on black SC Nomad with white 66’s who when asked if he needed any help as you were walking down what could basically be described as a fireroad section of the red route, felt the need to sneeringly fob off my actual concern having thought you might have injured yourself with “I just haven’t ridden this bit before”.
    The black route part was fairly entertaining but I couldn’t work out which was the part that I’d seen on Youtube where folk felt the need to walk it.
    I wish I’d just gone up to Edale instead as I originally planne. You live and learn I guess.
    Yours, disappointed of Nottingham.

    Full Member

    Go at night, park up at the Ponderosa Cafe at the top of the Horseshoe pass and come in over the moors, much better.

    Free Member

    Dunno if I would feel the same if I had gone on a busy weekend, but Llandegla is great fun imo. Don’t know why you went if you were expecting something technical, though the black run grading is a bit of a joke.

    The black sections flow really nicely though and lots of opportunities to jump everywhere.

    Full Member

    I felt like that after my first visit.

    Liked it much better the second time when I didn’t have any expectations to be disappointed.

    I can definitely see why it’s so popular, even though it’s not my preferred kind of riding.

    Free Member

    I’m there next saturday for the first time. Only pre concieved idea is that it’s gonna bear some resemblance to Follow The Dog, which I enjoy very much – even though The Peaks are my favourite place now. Sounds like we can expect it to be busy, but that doesn’t bother me either. It’s then Penmachno on Sunday – can’t wait.


    Free Member

    I’m fairly certain that when asked, people on here have said time and time again that it’s not that technical or difficult, but it can be good for a laugh.

    Full Member

    ^ What he said. S’alright, imho.

    Free Member

    S&J I was there today as well. It was abit slippy in parts buy otherwise standard fair. I’m sure I saw someone on a Black nomad/white forks as well right at the last section before you get back to the ‘hub’. I did my weeks main ride yesterday over in Calderdale :D
    Its better than FTD (no offence any Cannock locals!) but Penmachno leaves Llandegla for dead.
    Ps S&J I was on a cheap On One with Pikes so can’t be described as a ATGNI…more of a GNI :roll:

    Free Member

    Llandegla is fun for a blast
    Penmachno blasts Llandegla to pieces. muchos fun.
    but what do i know? :)


    Free Member

    Llandegla good fun on a weekday mor ing when it is pretty quiet, ot for a summer blast after work when it is light til late, would make it my weekend ride though

    Free Member

    Loddrik- I was thinking that. A late Summers evening after work. Back in the carpark at dusk.

    Free Member

    I went to Llandegla today, too. It was the second time I’ve been, first was this time last year. I live in right next to the peaks, but I fancied a bit of variety, and I like the fact there are jumps along the trail. Got all the way round to the little black loop bit with the bridge and jumps, only to find it was closed because someone was doing jumping lessons! Balls. And they’d come up there in a 4×4! The main black bit before that is superb though.

    Free Member

    This is exactly what I thought when I went. It was pretty boring.

    I live in the lakes and usually ride there. If I travel somewhere else, its usually to ride dh tracks like innerleithen or hamsterly, places that push your abilities.

    Perhaps I had the wrong mindset and was hoping for something a bit challenging, but all the riding there was incredibly simple. Most of it was just flat fire road type tracks, and there was nothing on the black routes that really tested you, even though some of the bits flowed nicely. My mate who I went with who barely rides bikes (he doesnt even own one, he had to hire) cleared everything on the black routes first time aswell.

    After all the hype, we were both a bit dissapointed. I imagine if i lived next door I would probably ride there all the time though.

    I also didnt like the centre parks feel to the place either

    Free Member

    Yes I am talking about you, man on black SC Nomad with white 66’s who when asked if he needed any help as you were walking down what could basically be described as a fireroad section of the red route, felt the need to sneeringly fob off my actual concern having thought you might have injured yourself with “I just haven’t ridden this bit before”.

    lol… i think trail centres employ such people to cower on the side to make the rest of us feel all skilled and gnarly. There’s at least one every time!

    Free Member

    I also didnt like the centre parks feel to the place either

    Thats what makes it work and attract more and more people into mountain biking though? It feels…accessible to all.

    Two things I cant get my head round though……people leaving their bikes propped up outside unguarded and unlocked. Thats **** madness. Its an open public place, why do people feel lulled into a false sense of security? Even when I’ve left my bike inside the car I’ve covered it up as best as possible.

    The second thing is although the cafe staff are polite and very nice (take note CoedyBrenin)…..they are painfully slow with food orders. After all its standard fair. Surely it cant take THAT long?!

    Full Member

    The black route part was fairly entertaining but I couldn’t work out which was the part that I’d seen on Youtube where folk felt the need to walk it.

    They removed it ages ago as it was too difficult.

    Free Member

    What the heck is that bloke doing with a SC Nomad if he cant ride the thing, The Black at Llandegla is like the blue at Glentress and nothing there warrants having to get off and walk a section. I can uderstand if he was coming down a big drop off but there arnt any at Llandegla unless you know a few naughty bits that bring you back to the fire road with some nice drop offs and steep techy bits.

    Free Member

    flippinheckler I once went nosey’ing around there, went down a brilliant rocky and fast footpath, came out at the bottom of the valley by some houses in the wrong valley. Jeesus it was a long climb back upto get back on track but it was fun all the same!

    Free Member

    there used to be one tricky drop straight into a berm but they smoothed it out, people saying it is easy could always push it a bit more, noone has ever said it was a welsh Laggan

    Free Member

    Loddrik, used to be a small wooden platform? I see why they got rid of it, you came across it and had no choice, go straight down into it or stop and fall down it if you’d never ridden it before. They’ve got to cover themselves incase of sueing etc I guess.

    Free Member

    I enjoyed Llandegla the first time I went. I thought it was fine. It was during the week and there was no one around but me and my mate. Bacon butties lived upto their expectation and the atmosphere in the visitors centre was great.

    Off to Penmachno tomorrow so will be able to judge fuzzyjimble’s comment by tomorrow night.

    Free Member

    You have to be careful as the bit I’m on about is on the way in on the blue and brings you out to the road in front of the centre on the way to the overflow carpark. Oherwise the jump section after the bridge is where the most injuries occur, if you cant jump or old enough to know better than roll em.

    Free Member

    Been to Llandegla three times and loved it every time. Went to Penmachno yesterday and Betws today – Betws was OK in places but apart from the drop into the car-park it was a bit stop/start and never really got going. Being honest, apart from the last little bit at Penmachno thought it was pretty sh*te.

    Suppose it all depends on what kind of riding you are into and we are all different.

    Free Member

    Penmachno is less jumpy (though still possible if you see the oppurtunitys in time), but flows a lot better, is just generally a nicer place to be, and has far more variety in terms of corners/trail features and what not (such as switchbacks, bits of boardwalk, rocky features and some climbs interesting enough to stop you from getting bored). No massive berms though, or doubles/tabletops

    Free Member

    simondbanes – Too difficult for who?

    Its was on the black run wasn’t it? (Thats what the videos on Youtube often had in the descriptions).

    If the bits that made it ‘black’ were removed why is it still called ‘the black route’?

    Loddrik – I couldn’t really have pushed it much harder. I’m no riding God by a long shot but considering it was my first time around Llandegla and that I didn’t know the route it threw no real surprises up other than how un-black the black route was.

    If I lived near by it’d be alright as a place to go for a quick blast but I really don’t think its worth traveling any real distance to see. Perhaps they are riding a little on the coat tails of trail centres that really do offer a technicality in their trails.

    Free Member

    Whats happened with that lad who was in court action with Llandegla over his fall in the carpark? (he was mucking about, pulled a wheely and fell off)

    Full Member

    simondbanes – Too difficult for who?

    No idea, even I could ride it and I’m crap :)

    It’s a fun trail on a rigid singlespeed, a bit like a big bmx track and the cafe is ace.

    Full Member

    well no one compares to you S&J, you are a riding God of course, just coz a guy can afford an expensive bike doesn’t mean he’s had much experience, not all beginners start on a Halfords special

    i found ‘degla to be fun, very much like FtD at cannock, the black bits being very entertaining, even if it’s soon over, i didn’t look down on anyone for not riding stuff i managed though, i just had fun

    Free Member

    I think there is an element of snobbery involved in some of the anti-Llandegla sentiment. Its not middle-class enough for some people.

    Free Member

    I think there is an element of snobbery involved in some of the anti-Llandegla sentiment. Its not middle-class enough for some people

    Dunno, I just thought it was pretty boring. If I hadnt read about the place before hand I probably wouldnt have been expecting much and I might have enjoyed it more.

    I reckon I prefer the descents at whinlatter to the ones at llangdegla, bit steeper and a bit more technical.

    Free Member

    No snobbery at all grumm, I went with a completely open mind and actually looking forward to it as all I’ve heard (especially on here) is positive things about the place (which kind of counters your second sentence as SYW is the epitome of middle-class MTB sites.

    rOcKeTdOg – As I said “I’m no riding God by a long shot“, I’m proud of my mediocreness.

    As for the bike that the chap who was so short at my genuine question over his well-being was pushing, plenty of people on ‘Halfords special’ bikes were passing him (it was on the red route after all) and the fact he was wearing a pretty battered set of knee/shin pads and SPD shoes marks him out, at least in my humble opinion, as someone who has upgraded rather than someone who has loads of money and decided to buy the most expensive bike that the shop offered him.

    Oh and don’t forget, I’ve ridden Leith Hill. I’ve seen the ‘mtbing is the new golf’ crowd with their brand spanking new bikes that they’ve pushed to the tower from the car park and will probably push back after cakes. I recognise the breed. ;)

    Full Member

    don’t dis the pushing for cake riders either, cake is a BIG part of cycling, closely followed by beer….and then some riding

    Free Member

    RD – Yes cake IS a big part of riding bikes, as is beer of course, but if you are like me you earn it through riding in a calories out/calories in weigh off.

    Free Member

    Whinlatter, if you had to score…how do Llandlegla and Whinatter compare to each other?

    Full Member

    i tend to ride for fun and not stress about calories in/out, maybe the slow guy with all the gear hadn’t had enough cake to justify using the extra calories of riding?

    Free Member

    Hmmm, perhaps thats it. Or perhaps he had had too much cake and didn’t think he had the energy in him to burn it off.

    Professor Dog, your theory has legs.

    Full Member

    MTB rule no.1….always carry an emergency cake!

    Free Member

    The only rule I ever stick to that RD, it goes without saying.

    Free Member

    First time there I was expecting a right rubbish ride & yet really enjoyed it.It’s not very technical but if you can get up a bit of speed it’s fairly interesting.Went mid-week & never saw a soul,wouldn’t fancy going there when it was busy though….

    Free Member

    Whinlatter, if you had to score…how do Llandlegla and Whinatter compare to each other?

    Havnet ridden the South loop of Whinlatter yet so hard to pass judgement.

    But, the descents at whinlatter are better because you dont need to pedal as much as at Llangdegla. They also have roots, rutted corners and rough bits whereas I think I remember llangdegla just being smooth.

    I also like the fact Whinlatter is on the side of a mountain and it feels a bit more like mountain biking to me. Plus Whinlatter isnt to far from where I live so its much easier to get to for me (no motorway driving)

    If the south loop is decent then I reckon whinlatter for sure.

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