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  • Close Pass: Worth a whine… or forget about it ?
  • redthunder
    Free Member

    Close Pass: Worth a whine… or forget about it ?

    Happened earlier today, camera date is always wrong BTW


    Free Member

    Perhaps I should have gotten on the pavement immediately,  but bikes are not allowed on the pavement ;-)

    Free Member

    send to

    Free Member

    How do you send it to ?

    Do they collect CP’s ?

    Full Member

    ****. Yeah report them. Most police websites have a ‘report motoring offence’ form.
    I reported one the other week

    Not heard anything though, probably cos I shouted swears on the vid.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t bother, looks like an industrial estate so your in their domain, swimming with sharks, I wouldn’t expect anything less, it’s not like they can give you a wide berth.  Get on the completely empty pavement, that’s what I’d do, it’s called self preservation.

    Full Member

    Happened to me this morning with a double decker bus. Caught him at the next traffic lights, had a polite word and he apologised. Fair play…

    Full Member


    I wouldn’t bother, looks like an industrial estate so your in their domain, swimming with sharks, I wouldn’t expect anything less, it’s not like they can give you a wide berth.

    Yeah, bloody cyclists on the roads where they shouldn’t be, getting in the way. Who do they think they are?

    Free Member

    Db I was responding to the op, you snuck in ahead of me, don’t get a bee in your bonnet.

    Free Member


    “I wouldn’t bother, looks like an industrial estate so your in their domain, swimming with sharks, I wouldn’t expect anything less, it’s not like they can give you a wide berth.  Get on the completely empty pavement, that’s what I’d do, it’s called self preservation.”

    The pavement is shite. The first lorry moved over slightly so he saw me/us and other was blindly following. He could of waited or slowed and let the van pass.

    But your right and I do most of the time…

    “dying aint much of a living boy” as Clint would say :-)

    It was scary though :-(

    Free Member


    Even the logo on the van looks like a cyclist….. ;-)   ;-)

    Ekkk close.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t bother, looks like an industrial estate so your in their domain, swimming with sharks, I wouldn’t expect anything less, it’s not like they can give you a wide berth.

    The road was perfectly wide enough – they could have moved further across although obviously that might have meant the second truck waiting for the oncoming vehicle so he could safely pass the obstruction on his side of the road.

    The good news – both clearly saw you and moved over, albeit not by as much as you would hope.  In fairness you were stationary so the risk of you wobbling in front of him was lower (although I’ve had the odd spd moment that would have been very messy!).  I personally wouldn’t do anything about the one, the one looked like it was a bit more stupid – there’s contact details for them on their website so you could contact them direct to express your concern – but don’t be surprised if they don’t care.  They do say they have detailed tracking on every vehicle so they should be able to corroborate your timestamp on the video.

    Personally I wouldn’t both reporting to the police with a dodgy timestamped video as whilst its explainable with your own evidence it would be an excuse to find “potential doubt” and therefore not have sufficient evidence of a prosecution.  The fact there were two of you helps your evidence too – but does the other rider care as much? ie. could they be bothered spending a whole day sitting around a court probably 12 months from now waiting to give 20 minutes of evidence to say “yes a truck passed me, no i didn’t note the number plate at the time but read it off the video, no I couldn’t see the driver, at its closest I was 50 cm from it, I was intimidated by it, it was doing more than 20 mph, no i’m not an expert in estimating speed but I’ve been driving and riding bikes for years, yes we were pulled over at the side of the road, no we didn’t stop suddenly, and umpteen other seemingly dumb questions”.  90+% chance it wouldn’t go to court/trial but no point reporting unless you can be bothered with the inconvenience to back up the video.

    Full Member

    I’d go see their transport manager….

    Free Member

    Maybe just ping an email to the company to complain.

    Something might happen, it might not, but it’ll feel like you’ve done something and that usually makes you feel better. They might give the driver an earful and he’ll give a wider berth next time, who knows. I wouldn’t bother the police with that one

    Free Member

    Your right.

    I alive, move on.

    Might send an email to Howel Transport with a link to video. Expect nothing, but it might help.

    Opex. Did nothing as such but made the situation tight.

    Keep safe out ther people.

    Ps Anyone know how to sort the date out on a Mobius 4k, it always defaults to 128 days out. Right pain.

    Full Member

    I was responding to the op

    Obviously! 🙄

    Full Member

    Maybe just ping an email to the company to complain.

    With a comment about the next one going to the local constabulary.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t bother. It was a bit close and they should have given more room, but as you were stationary I guess the risks of you veering into the road or avoiding a drain/pothole were much smaller. Not saying they were justified, but if the question is should you report it, I’d say no.

    Free Member

    Opex. Great response, even though not super wrong.

    No response so far.

    Not going to bother the Police.

    Sent mail of hanks to Halls for this one. He did’nt have wait for me :-)

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