Bit of an odd one this. I commute by bike and have to catch a train to complete the last part. In the winter i am gloved up etc and need to check the time on occasion, though we all know you the journey time never alters much.
However are there any small discreet timepieces that can be put on the handlebars, ideally not made by children or burst into flames due to dodgy batteries.
Basic cheapo bike computer? That's mostly what I use mine for.
Or a watch.
I've got one of these on the motorbike. zip tie a flat mount to the bars, stick it to that.
The point is when I am gloved up, I dont want to undo the jacket undo the glove etc. I have strava running etc via the phone, which is in the bag.
The stem mounted watches; I have my beer cap top cap there, mind going off piste... these look good
I OTTed it and bought an edge 25, can be paused on the clock function and will stay lit in the dark.
Unfortunately for me it was a gateway drug and now have a edge 520
£8.99, attach it to your bars, it's what I used to do:
+1 for stem captain. Lovely bit of kit
Put a bit of pipe lagging around the bars, then strap a watch on to that.
7dayshop have that Casio for £7.49.
I got one of them on eBay for £3.00 about a year ago
Garmin for Strava etc instead of using the phone, mount on bars/stem.
Will save the phone battery and be better quality tracking, and you can set it up with lots of other interesting things than just the time on the display. Or just have a big clock if you like.
Or just one of these
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Cheers everyone, love the one above!
its a weird thing when you are commuting or getting somewere, you can say to the minute how long it will take you ie to tell the family when you will be home, but when you are riding i cannot say what time it is when in the middle of it. Hope that makes sense!
Edge 25 is great but you do need to set it to clock mode. A cheap comp is probably better.
I found myself only using my old Garmin as a click on my MTB so replaced it with a Casio on a watch mount. It has a 10 year battery so just left it on there