Wasted opportunity on boarding Evans IMO. Whilst he’ll take his R2 listeners along, most of which know who he is and what he does, the other section of his audience listen to him because local radio is tosh and the commercial radio stations are just plainly wrong. They’ll either flock like pigeons around a bag of chips or get frightened off by his “inane” grin.
Format change or not, Top Gear it won’t be. A pale imitation ? Dunno about that. A new format constructed around the BBC’s current craze for recording everything on an iPhone, undoubtedly.
Thing that I will not like, and sorry lads, but there will be too many Northern Accents. It’ll be the same as BBC News does now, they walk out into Salford, grab a passer by and haul them in with some “human” story. In reality we can’t understand a word they say and really there should be subtitles.
I’ll watch the first two episodes and take it from there, 3 years though ? 3 whole years of chucking more of our License Fee into Evans already huge Bank Account ?
It’s seriously about time either WE took over the BBC or it generates it’s own income.