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  • Cheapy drones, any good?
  • winerwalker
    Free Member

    My house has a leak somewhere among the roof slates and it’s pretty inaccessible. I know there are professionals who can come and do a quality visual survey, but I’ve just looked at super cheap drones – £50ish – on Amazon, etc. The reviews are all as you’d expect… lousy image quality, short battery life, dodgy controls, etc.

    Has anyone actually tried these and, if so, is there anything out there that would last 30-60 minutes before breaking? (No-one would want to watch my bike riding footage from a £700 drone, least of all me, so I’m not going to splash out on a proper one!)

    Full Member

    The better professional roofers I know, now use drones themselves, and will have spent the money on getting a quality unit & I’d expect them to show you the results.

    The cheap drones last about 10minutes on a battery and video quality is going to be poor, as per the reviews & you’ve still got to learn how to fly it. I’d suggest you’d be better off finding a local drone enthusiast to do it (off book, as you need licenses to do it as a job) or even a professional drone pilot, would be money better spent

    Lots of site to find local drone businesses : Find Drone Pilots Near Me | Drone Operators For Hire Near Me (

    Full Member

    I got aavic spark for less than £100 on eBay. It’s fine for looking at my roof and my parents roof also

    Free Member

    @onehundredthidiot, @z1ppy thanks for the suggestions. Yes, the roofer that did some work a while back has one but he’s rushed off his feet, so I thought I could speed things up a bit.

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