I have much less patience for Howies and other rip off price brands who are not only greedy in thier pricing, but do everything they can to promote pure snobbery as a desireable quality in a person.
Howies promotes snobbery? How? Personally, anyone familiar with their end of season sales over the life of the company will recognise a lot of the cheap but comfy clothes in my wardrobe. Great clothes to wear again and again and again…
As for Charge, they really push the boat out with the marketing don’t they? Whatever is hot they are on it, currently that seems to be web video ads. I don’t see this as a bad thing myself, all bike companies have to do marketing to survive, never mind grow. It’s a very different approach to, say, the “Nike Catalogue” glossiness of Trek, or the “bah-humbug” of On-One, but each to their own. Marketing is essential, it often grates if it misses the mark (or just as likely hits the mark but that mark isn’t you), but it is essential.