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  • chain device smaller than a blackspire Stinger?
  • crotchrocket
    Free Member

    I currently run a blackspire Stinger on an AM bike & all is good.

    also have a hardtail running a 2×9 setup, but occasionally it drops the chain off the 22t front which then traps behind the cog & the iscg05.
    I didn’t really want to put a blackspire stinger on as it adds a little drag.
    I seem to recall a small iscg05 plate which sits between BB & small ring, I saw on a scott LT which aims to prevent this – anyone know if it is any good & where i might get one?

    Bottom right, the red thing – see it?:


    Free Member

    I’ve not seen one of them before but wouldn’t an n-Gear jump stop work?

    Free Member

    I guess it might, it’s not the neat solution I was looking for tho.
    I guess I could use a stinger & remove the roller :/

    Full Member

    Can’t say I’ve ever notice the drag from my stinger- I’m sure it exists but I can’t feel it.

    A quick unrecommend for K-edge, they make a product that looks like it’ll do exactly what you want, but doesn’t work at all.

    Full Member

    Have you got a picture taken from the other side? It look as though it could be an e-type front mech mount, but in red. You can see an arm going up behind the down tube.

    Full Member

    If you think the Stinger drags just remove the roller and cut the arm down where the roller bolts on.

    What’s left of the back plate should look something like the red thing in the picture.

    Full Member

    Ok, it’s called a Scott chain blocker on page 26 of the manual here:

    I’ve done a quick google and can’t find one for sale anywhere. If you’re sure that’s what you want I’d visit your local Scott dealer, get a part number and ask them to price one up for you.

    If you do this, update this thread as I’m now quite interested in this.

    Free Member

    The drag on a stinger is near none existent imo.

    Free Member

    The drag on a stinger is near none existent imo

    +1 did bikefest as a pair with a stinger on my HT. Only know its there as 1) the chain never drops off and 2) theres a very slight whirring sound.

    Full Member

    so you want an anti chain suck plate? (cant find a iscg05 mounted one though)

    edit – this one is cheaper but not red

    Full Member

    Oh… I’m assuming you’ll want an iscg one but I’ve got a BB-mount stinger backplate with a big lump cut out of it, somewhere… Modified it to go round a hemlock swingarm, then broke the swingarm :mrgreen: Yours for a donation to the charity of your choice.

    Free Member

    Slightly different option, i just got a bionicon c guide 2 on my trek ’11 ex9 which was my only option due to press fit bb and no iscg mounts, first ride at cwm carn sunday it was bloody brilliant! All My chain dropping issues solved, and a quieter ride! Some pretty rocky bumpy desents there two and im not the smoothest of riders!
    Got mine here, delivered in four days…

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