It's about time I looked after my bikes! Can anyone recommend a good degreaser?
White spirits.brush it on with a paint brush then hose off. Works better and faster than any degreaser I have tried.
Petrol and a toothbrush
Park Tool chain scrubber with MucOff degreaser works well
I use the green Gunk from Halfords, about a fiver for a big tin.
Works well, is cheap.
Citrus degreaser. Big 5ltr bottles available from cleaning supply shops.
Just blitzed my horrendous motorcycle chain with mine nay bother.
Jizer. A tin will last you years
ScrewFix degreaser - 5ltr £8.99
paraffin and a Park Chain cleaner
Washing up liquid and a brush.
+ 1 for the 5ltr degreaser from screwfix recommendation. It's lasted ages so far and makes my chain sparkle!
Just to say, the label on white spirit is pretty explicit. You don't need a qualification in environmental management to figure out what it means.
Be sensible, put the chain in a jam jar, shake it up with white spirit/paraffin/petrol/diesel, then re use it. When you're done with it, pour it into a container with all your other oil wastes and take it to the tip for recycling.
Don't just pour it down the sink or hose it into the groud.
Less than £2..from my village hardware store a treat
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[url= ]20170819_125137[/url] by [url= ]Neil Hodgson[/url] - [url= ]Flickr2BBcode LITE[/url]
Screwfix sell big containers of degreaser that works fine.
I've got 2 x 5L of Virosol from ebay. It's good at degreasing but I'm pretty sure it's responsible for removing some of the anodising too. Can't be certain but I'm very careful where I apply it and I wash it straight off the metal afterwards with a hose.
Fenwicks foaming chain cleaner about £11 of eBay for a couple of cans.
Spin chain spray on foams right up leave for a bit and wash if done regular works like a charm.
Perfect, thanks so much.
I've always found petrol or Finish Line eco tech work very well the former much cheaper than the latter.
Anything else, Screwfix, Halfrauds, Muc Off absolute baws.