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  • Chain, chain, chain, CHAIN letters!
  • kayak23
    Full Member

    Who remembers chain letters?

    There seems to be a modern day version these days that you get on the social media sites.

    This week, Facebook friends have mostly been knocking this one out in their multitudes.

    Following on from the news that a school banned a child with autism participating in a school trip I feel the need to write this. There are boys and girls that nobody invites to birthdays for example. There are kids who want to belong to a team but don’t get selected because it is more important to win than include these children. Children with special needs are not rare or strange, they only want what everyone else wants: to be accepted !! 😡 Can I ask a question?? Is there anyone willing to copy and paste this post to their wall without sharing it #STANDUPFORAUTISM

    Seems like it’s trying to put a good message out there, but it has this weird old-school chain letter feel to it.

    Funny old world…

    Free Member

    Anyone who posts one of these up gets automatically unfriended or unfollowed. I can’t put my finger on why, but it always feels like there’s something sinister about them and the people who pass them on.

    Free Member

    9 out of 10 of my friends will scroll past this post….

    Can I get just one of my friends and family to like my post….


    Full Member

    Yeah. I don’t get what anyone gets out of it. 🤔

    Free Member

    Yeah. I don’t get what anyone gets out of it. 🤔

    Like right wing conspiracy theories and left wing purity spirals, the poster momentarily feels like they’re better than everyone else with some special knowledge or one-upped morality.

    Free Member

    I didn’t know that Beadle presented Chain Letters

    Full Member

    I didn’t know that Beadle presented Chain Letters

    No. Thought it was Henry Kelly or suttin.

    Full Member

    It’s not a new phenomenon. I guess it’s an ego thing, seeing how far your viral meme travels?

    There is an insidious side to this though. The “like and share” ones have a monetary value with sufficient traction, you might be sharing a post which gets sold and subsequently edited into something quite different. Generally speaking, anything that insists on a course of action like “just hold down your finger” is best ignored. Can I get an Amen for this dying child if you agree?

    Full Member

    Anyone who posts one of these up gets automatically unfriended or unfollowed. I can’t put my finger on why, but it always feels like there’s something sinister about them and the people who pass them on.

    i think it’s because if they’re so simple as to spread this shite, I don’t really want them in my life…or worse they’ll start becoming a proper right wing flat earther…

    Also… shite like “spread this or you won’t find love this year” is pretty harmless, but I’m REALLY concerned about the spreading (with ease) of other mis-information that CAN lead to harm… anti-vaxx, “cough to stop a heart attach” and other such shite.

    I really don’t know what someone would gain from making up a health lie like cough-CPR etc, but I guess how people get their kicks is beyond me sometimes!


    Full Member

    Anyone who posts one of these up gets automatically unfriended or unfollowed. I can’t put my finger on why, but it always feels like there’s something sinister about them and the people who pass them on.


    Use to see more of this shite, but less and less real people post to FB now, so see very few….

    Full Member

    I don’t get any now as I’ve unfriended anyone who posts one. Natural selection innit.

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