So having a Friday night movie night and fancied some microwave popcorn as a treat. Grabbed the salt and sweet variety. Munching away and thinking this tastes rank so check the ingredients and guess what. There is no sugar whatsoever in the product just 2 kinds of sweetener! I avoid sweetener at all costs normally as I don't like the taste and am dubious about it's health aspects. Since the introduction of the sugar tax for drinks I've found you have to check the ingredients of even non diet drinks now but I can't believe it's happening in treat foods like this. No where on the box did it say sugar free or reduced calorie.
I threw the rest of the bag on the fire and have a horrid aftertaste in my mouth now.
Rah Rah Rah
Butterkist toffee popcorn for the win
I make my own from Peruvian popping corn kernals, single sourced virgin olive oil and organic beet cane sugar.
And then sprinkle with splenda
Ignore those taking the p##s myti, this is a serious matter that should garner greater attention. Perhaps if you popped along to your local food bank and explained your predicament they may be able to assist.
Spray it with GT85, it will be fine....
I may lie....
I threw the rest of the bag on the fire and have a horrid aftertaste in my mouth now.
Don't inhale the fumes then.
I make my own from Peruvian popping corn kernals, single sourced virgin olive oil and organic beet cane sugar.
I hope the corn is Fair Trade, the olive oil cold pressed and the beet cane locally grown.
Poppycock ftw.
Fine well don't come crying to me next time you need a a quick sugar hit on your ride and start tucking into your favourite chocolate bar only to find its made of sweetener and kittens tears.
What a walloper! Haha!
I'm with the op.
We are all being punished for folks inability to control their sugar intake.
The guy next to me at work believes his 4 cans of monster a day is healthy now because its sugar free...I'd rather drink a pint of unleaded.
Don’t get me started on new recipe Irn Bru....
****ing around with the Irn Bru was unforgivable.
Spray it with GT85, it will be fine….
... unless you've already chucked it on the fire
Irn Bru is honkin anyway.
I thought this was going to be about the ever-increasing number of unpopped kernels you need to dodge in Butterkist. I'm sure prepacked popcorn never used to crack so many teeth.
I avoid sweetener at all costs normally as I don’t like the taste and am dubious about it’s health aspects.
It's an acquired taste for sure, but any "heath aspects" have no basis in fact. Aspartame is one of the most heavily tested foodstuffs on the planet, in part because of the volume of chain-letter scare stories doing the rounds. In any case, any health concerns would be insignificant compared to consuming huge quantities of refined sugar, at worst it's the lesser of two evils.
I'm not fussed either way but strangely enough I just got rid of a new bottle of tomato ketchup today. The taste was good but it had xylitol as a sweetener in it which is pretty toxic for dogs. I'd sooner do without than risk having Brân get ill. Some manufacturers have been replacing sugar with xylitol in peanut butter and there have been some fatalities.
So I'm happy with aspartame etc. Just not xylitol.
"In any case, any health concerns would be insignificant compared to consuming huge quantities of refined sugar, at worst it’s the lesser of two evils."
Which aspect of food science are you qualified in to make such a statement ?
The Internet is thataway ->
My quite posh Aunt used to say that word, along with, 'golly'
No help, sorry.
Some manufacturers have been replacing sugar with xylitol in peanut butter and there have been some fatalities.
I've read about this too.. Really winds me up as our dog is partial to a peanut butter treat now and again. If it's creeping into the food chain then it means no more cheeky treats for the dog.
Artificial sweeteners taste like arse at best. Why should literally everyman and his dog be punished because a few fatties can't control themselves?
Buying orange squash is an absolute mine field.. Trying to find one that isn't packed full of artificial vomit inducing sweeteners is nigh on impossible.
Sugar tax is preventing those of us who want to buy high sugar products for a quick glucose boost from doing so, but not really addressing the problem. Reducing sugar should be trying to turn around the habit that most humans (in 'western' society at least) have in becoming accustomed to sweet food. Replacing sugar with artificial sweetener doesn't fix that. Given the sugar tax, manufacturers should be taking out sugar and not substituting it; if I wanted my fruit squash sweet I could add sugar, like I might (but don't) add it to tea or coffee.
Sugar tax is preventing those of us who want to buy high sugar products for a quick glucose boost from doing so,
You still can.
Sugar tax is preventing those of us who want to buy high sugar products for a quick glucose boost from doing so
I bought a Mars Bars on Tuesday. From Morrisons. Easy.
I wouldn't fancy dissolving some Mars bar into my already gross orange squash though..
Which aspect of food science are you qualified in to make such a statement
I have no food science qualifications but he is correct.
Doesn't change the fact it tastes like arse though and limits choice for the rest of us.
Yes you could get used to it, but I've honestly found it more pleasant to just use less sugar.
I'll have one spoon of sugar in my morning coffee and drink any other cups throughout the day with no sugar.
I used to take 2 spoons in coffee, but it's so sweet now for me, I literally can't drink it, I'd sooner pour it away and have milk or water instead..
Claims have been made
And? I could claim that the moon is made of cheese.
Also, you missed off the last sentence in that paragraph. Purely accidentally I'm sure.
"However, studies done to date have not found any consistent evidence of harm."
One drink with the stuff in it will keep me from sleeping overnight. I know that much.
Went to buy some full fat coke from Tesco today, nothing but ****y little cans due to the fat ****s being unable to control their sugar urges. When will they start making beer cans and wine bottles smaller, never is the answer because it's too much of a good earner. ****ing government ****ers!
Thought as much.
No real science just other folks opinions.
there are as many claims either way.
It’s an acquired taste for sure, but any “heath aspects” have no basis in fact. Aspartame is one of the most heavily tested foodstuffs on the planet, in part because of the volume of chain-letter scare stories doing the rounds. In any case, any health concerns would be insignificant compared to consuming huge quantities of refined sugar, at worst it’s the lesser of two evils.
It wasn't aspartame though it was sucralose and isomalt and as I don't consume huge quantities of sugar the health comparison you made doesn't apply. There have been studies showing that artificial sweeteners can impact the gut microbiome and i'm quite into improving that as there are a lot of good studies showing the importance of it to overall health.
It's incredibly hard to do good quality long term studies on impact of dietary items so my approach is to play it safe and eat as natural as possible as much of the time as possible. Sometimes I still want something quick and processed but I would rather it was made up of generally naturally occurring compounds like sugar than man made like sweeteners. Any my main point was it tasted disgusting.
Also, you missed off the last sentence in that paragraph. Purely accidentally I’m sure.