Freak accident on Monday night (crank on my commuter snapped) and I've been laid up in hospital with a broken femur. Give me your positive recovery stories to give me hope I'm going to have a pain free recovery and back on the bike in no time at all
Don't do what someone I know did: thought "I can't run or do anything involving my legs so I'll do pull ups to keep fit" The weight of his cast pulled the femur apart and he had to go back to hospital to get it reset
Lad I know did his (hit ice whilst commuting) at the beginning of December. He started commuting again last week.
Hope that helps!
I did mine in March 2012 - spent a week in hospital. The bike slipped out from under me an a uphill corner, knew I'd done it straight away. Then got an ambulance to hospital. Was the most painful things I have ever done. I loved the oromorph, the tramadol not so much. Was back to work after 6 weeks off. Non-weight bearing & on crutches for 3 months.
Was back on my bike the following July.
Netflix & video games were my saviour. Depending on the severity of the break & how they've patched you back together, try to keep it moving even it it's just lifting it up & putting you leg down. Set yourself little goals. Don't do what I did & try to be weight bearing before they say as I could've bent the metal work (as soon as I was weight bearing I was on the turbo). As soon as it's offered get all the physio you can...
& try & stay positive - that's the hardest part.
what cranks were they and how old, all I can say is that it will heal in time and I suppose it could have been worst, you now have plenty of time to start reading Books, watching all the films you haven't seen yet, get to eat lots takeaways, get waited on 24/7, start Painting/drawing, write a book or a list of all things your going to do when your better, like build a new commuter, Eat lots of nice foods to heal quicker and become stronger. Internet shopping, Online gaming, and lots of Beer drinking.
If I think of anything else positive I'll let you know.
Heal quick T_D
I segmented mine, shattered it, depends on the terminology.
I have a pin from top to bottom with 2 screws each end.
It bothers me 0%, i still ride plenty, crash plenty, crash motorbikes etc.. No adverse effects.
Sure, it took a while but i had a multitude of other injuries at the time too.
Don’t do what I did & try to be weight bearing before they say as I could’ve bent the metal work
My surgeon had me walking on it 48 hours after surgery, that was with a broken collar bone, 5 ribs broken, along with my hand and wrist. "It's better than new, get out of bed and start walking"
Yup was meant to be load bearing immediately from surgery apparently, in theory anyway, in practice too much pain to be without crutches for now.
what cranks were they and how old
Just over a year old, no other comment for now while I take it up with the manufacturer and place I bought it. Needless to say I'm none too pleased and wouldn't have expected a failure like this to happen any time, never mind on a one year old bike used for commuting 2 miles each way to work.
wouldn’t have expected a failure like this to happen any time, never mind on a one year old bike used for commuting 2 miles each way to work.
Does your commute involve a 6ft drop-off or any other sweet jumps?
Heal well
Did mine when I was 17, 3.5 months in traction, was walking properly 9 months later. Done all sorts on mine, motox enduro trials, mtb, surfing. Leg isn’t straight and I have a slight limp.
I'm just 9 weeks into collar bone plating and feeling increasingly optimistic that the surgeon managed to wake up the ends of the bones (after 3 months of non-union) and persuade the bone to start growing into the synthetic bone graft that he used to fil the gap.
I've been taking calcium and vitamin D tabs, vitamin C and zinc and I've never felt in better health. I avoided ibuprofen because the jury is still out on whether or not it hinders the body's natural repair mechanism but with that break and immediate plating you'll be fine. Paracetamol has been my friend, taken every 5 hours and keeping a log so that I don't let the level drop.
And yes, get mobile as soon as you can to prevent muscle loss. I didn't and my arm and shoulder ended up looking like sticks, I also have a frozen shoulder.
My brother broke both bones in the top of his leg about 7 months before his wedding, it was a long struggle but all sorted now!! Showering will be fun - by fun I don't mean fun at all
The best bit for him was not being able to fit into either car they had unless they unbolted the front seat so he could sit in the back
ouch, all the best OP
Ouch Doug that's unlucky sorry to hear that. Hope it's not a complicated heal !
My dad broke his falling off a horse a few years ago. They operated that day and he walked out of the hospital without a cast 48 hours later (crutches tho).
They put a big pin down the middle of the bone, then secured it I'm a couple of places. One of the screws caused a haematoma so he had it taken out, and that's been the only problem. It's not uncommon but the NHS wouldn't do the op, so he went privately.
I'd say that he was weight bearing within a week and is as fit and healthy as he ever was. Walks 10 miles a day over steep terrain, and he's mid sixties.
Just remembered that he was given big iron supplements and vitamin C when he left as he obviously lost a fair amount of blood etc from the inside of the bone.
Ouch Doug that’s unlucky sorry to hear that. Hope it’s not a complicated heal !
Cheers Terry. Seems relatively straightforward heal but in same leg as my already dodgy knee which is now up like a balloon so makes physio exercises even harder than normal right now.