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  • Blur LT – medium vs large seat tube and standover geometry
  • agentdagnamit
    Free Member

    I’ve had a medium BLT for the last few years which has always been a bit small, after speaking to SC, they would recommend a large for me (5’10”, about a 32″ inside leg).

    Their website shows a 0.7″ increase in standover (large v medium) but a huge 2.5″ increase in seat tube length. I’m not so sure I currently have that much spare, especially with a Reverb and its fat collar.

    Has anyone else gone from M to L and found any problems, I’ve heard about people cutting off the top of their seat tubes (and invalidating the frame warranty)

    Free Member

    I’m about the same leg length as you and ride a large. The reverb is butted to the collar for max extension (it’s the long travel one).
    I’m in Bristol too, and you’re welcome to try it.

    Free Member

    thanks, that’s reassuring! I did ride a large BLT around a car park in Molina last year and it felt the right size, but I wasnt paying much attention to the post.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Wrecker, or any one else with one, dont suppose you want to measure the height of the top of the seat tube to the ground? Actual height, not the seat post length (I did try some trigonometry to calculate it, but it’s not happening…)

    Free Member

    Just measured my large BLTc.
    It’s 815mm to the top of the seat tube from the ground. That’s with 160 Floats though.
    I’m 5’11 32” inseam with a reverb and I’ve not really needed a lower seat tube, I reckon a medium would be well cramped up, I love my 55mm Haven stem.

    Free Member

    Thanks – should have looked into this before buying, I think I’ve made a sizing mistake….

    Free Member

    Wrecker, or any one else with one, dont suppose you want to measure the height of the top of the seat tube to the ground? Actual height, not the seat post length (I did try some trigonometry to calculate it, but it’s not happening…)

    No probs. I’m off for a mendips ride after work but I’ll get this to you later.

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