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  • black ice broken bones….
  • white101
    Full Member

    walked up my driveyesterday about midday with flowers for the late mil’s grave and slipped ended up breaking myankle and tearing ligaments. having not long got a new bike to replace my stolen stumpy i was just starting to get out in nov and dec, last proper ride was boxing day, sadly my mam died on the 30th and i was just planning to get back out next week. So, keeping my chin up etc etc once again I now have a good few months of no walking and lots of rehab. anybody got any timescales i can use to plan my route back to riding, the hopefuly dry and dusty trails in the summer?
    using the rip off tv in hospfor net and keyboard is rubbish so apols for grammar etc

    Full Member

    tough break 😉

    I broke my heal bone last year, not sure how it relates but was 9 weeks imobilised and 12 weeks before i was on my bike
    did every tedious physio exercise with the big rubber band they give you amd tried to do upper body weights etc etc
    at 12 weeks i was swimming as often as possible trying to loose the podge id built up

    16 week later i rode the megavalnche

    just keep your chin up and fill your time; my bikes have never been so well maintained as they were in those 9 weeks!

    Free Member

    Healing vibes!

    Full Member

    Been there and done it. Chin up, get the phisio done and get back in the saddle.
    Get well soon.
    Ps, does your new bike have floats or talus forks??

    Free Member

    You are not alone white101.

    I had a big off on Thursday morning on black ice.

    I’ve broken the spiky bits of four Vertebrae. Kind of know how you are feeling, although I should imagine loosing your mum is going to take a good while to get over….and not being able to get out on your bike and clear your head doesn’t help.

    Keep your chin up mate, give it a few weeks and things will start to improve.

    Remember, there are always others in crappy situations too.

    I can’t poop or sneeze without tears forming in my eyes 😉

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