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  • biker bashing over on money saving expert forum!!
  • PeterPoddy
    Free Member

    There comes a point where you have so many restrictions to negotiate which are clearly aimed at dealing with the problems caused by cars, not cyclists, that you just think "why should this apply to me?

    You know, that's the best way I've ever seen that argument put. Well done.

    Full Member

    You're allowed to jump temporary lights (even in a car) provided that you can see that the way is clear.

    Well, as you said, you're wrong. But your're right that you can jump lights if you suspect them to be broken and you can can see the way is clear – e.g.. if you;ve been there for ten minutes and nothing's come through, or you've been waiting ages and can see the other side and there's nothing there etc etc

    On topic for bikes, given that some permanent lights are activated by induction circuits that a bike will not trigger, you can go through them provided it is safe to do so.

    Free Member

    yeah, there's a couple of lights in bus lanes that are the only red's i'll ever jump as they're demand driven by loop detectors and my bike doesn't set them off.

    Free Member

    On topic for bikes, given that some permanent lights are activated by induction circuits that a bike will not trigger, you can go through them provided it is safe to do so.

    neodymium magnet on the BB shell. Problem solved.

    Full Member

    There was a Court of Appeal case a while back where an emergency vehicle had run a red light and unfortunately killed a chap in the process. The driver of the ambulance (or whatever) was prosecuted. In their decision, the judges basically said that traffic lights fulfil the same function as a policeman stood in the centre of the town square directing traffic. If the ambulance had come up to the junction the policeman would more than likely have waved it through.

    I realise the same lenience is never going to be granted to bicycles, as most of us don't have an emergency to get to, but I think a lot of people apply a similar logic in deciding whether or not to observe a red light. That said, some of them are just kn0bs too. 🙂

    Full Member

    neodymium magnet on the BB shell. Problem solved.

    Do you have lots of roadworks near you on very narrow country lanes, or are you caught up in an obsessive quest to make sure that you never ever break the law?

    Full Member

    neodymium magnet on the BB shell. Problem solved.

    Place your bike lengthways along the loop (not at 90 degrees to it) and, hey presto, it has the same effect as a car.

    Problem solved.

    Full Member

    Coupled of points:

    1. I can cannot believe that our low life double talking, lying (this could go on for a while but you get the gist) government was actually deliberately making congestion worse to make a few measelly extra quid in taxes as late as April this year. Whilst that sort of thing is happening at government level what the hell right do they have to lecture us on energy efficiency, congestion and global warming. I'm gobsmacked at the hypocrisy.

    2. Temporary lights, I recently had a set on my commute over a longish distance up a steep hill. The timing was set so that in my unfit state I didn't have a chance of getting even halfway across before the lights changed, even if I crossed the 'line' as soon as they changed. I got to the point with the lights that as I didn't have a hope of complying with the rules I might as well ignore them altogether and use common sense. What's everybodies biews on when the authorities set something up that we physically can't comply with, should I have got off and pushed my bike up the footway?

    Free Member

    2. Temporary lights,

    I think that would come into "faulty" setup just like lights that are stuck on red – go but proceed with caution IMHO!

    Free Member

    Do you have lots of roadworks near you on very narrow country lanes, or are you caught up in an obsessive quest to make sure that you never ever break the law?
    yes to both, although I wouldn't really call it an 'obsessive quest'. Just can't see why some people think that they can pick and choose which laws they can break. If I were to screw your typical RLJ's front and back doors shut, then set fire to their house whilst their children were sleeping, would that be OK as long as I didn't think the law applied to me?

    Free Member

    I'm assuming your commute doesn't go through any traffic lights then!?! I can recall about 6 red light jumpers on my way into work this morning. There was even a car that jumped the light on my way home (turning right up zetland road at the gloucester road lights outside maplin)

    I take in Jacob Wells and Anchor Road…

    Free Member

    If I were to screw your typical RLJ's front and back doors shut, then set fire to their house whilst their children were sleeping, would that be OK as long as I didn't think the law applied to me?

    Haha – what? 😕

    Free Member

    On topic for bikes, given that some permanent lights are activated by induction circuits that a bike will not trigger, you can go through them provided it is safe to do so.

    Exactly what I was referring to earlier – slightly disappointed that nobody got me to expand on the issue. Happens at a set I have to go through on the way to or from my house – the right turn I normally make coming home doesn't sense my bike (again). I've got them to adjust it several times, but have now given up – not sure if it goes out of adjustment or somebody regularly comes along and adjusts it back down to prevent false alarms.

    Place your bike lengthways along the loop (not at 90 degrees to it) and, hey presto, it has the same effect as a car.

    Not really that useful with my carbon frame (not that I see why I should have to do that anyway). It should sense my rims, but if it doesn't I don't think there's a lot I can do (it's never ever sensed my TT bike with carbon frame and rims!) Anyway, given it's my regular lights I know the sequence. After it goes red for straight ahead, the next phase is right turn if it's sensed me – if it goes green for the road I'm turning into without giving me a phase, then I know it's not sensed me so is faulty, and I'll go during that phase (obviously giving way to cars who are on green) perfectly safely.

    Full Member

    AndyP, your debating skills are fail.

    Free Member

    AndyP, your debating skills are fail.
    what am I debating?

    Free Member

    Just can't see why some people think that they can pick and choose which laws they can break.

    The thing is, I'm not breaking the law by going through a light which doesn't sense a bike without a magnet on it.

    Full Member

    what am I debating?

    Whether it is sometimes OK to jump red lights, or whether it is in fact the legal and moral equivalent of burning a family to death in their beds and cackling maniacally as they scream in pain.

    Free Member

    Whether it is sometimes OK to jump red lights, or whether it is in fact the legal and moral equivalent of burning a family to death in their beds and cackling maniacally as they scream in pain.
    really? I thought I just asked if that was ok with the forum lawbreakers. Your definition of debate is fail.

    Free Member

    I can't actually remember the last time I saw a cyclist RLJ on my commute if I'm honest… (Bristol)

    Whereas I often ride across town South to North or vice versa, everyday. I see about a half dozen cyclists RLJ'ing on almost every journey. Generally though, as many motor vehicles are RLJ'ing at the same time ..

    Free Member

    I thought I just asked if that was ok with the forum lawbreakers.

    Do you really not understand the difference between (safely) jumping red lights and committing arson and murder?

    Full Member

    AndyP, I must admit that you have shown me the error of my ways, and that in occasionally nipping through a red light when the road is utterly empty I am no better than a multiple murderer.

    However, before I go to the police station to turn myself in, you do realise that it is a criminal offence to tamper with the operation of traffic signals under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, as you are arguably doing with your fancy pants magnet? See you in jail!

    Free Member

    …and whilst you were all frothing at the nostrils, MSE has deleted the thread in question. Or maybe it self-combusted.

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