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  • Benefit claims on 10:00 news
  • carbon337
    Free Member

    Anyone seen the ITN news about benefit culture and the single mother in Methyr Tydfill who gets the equivalent in 25k per year for not working.

    Incapcity 425
    Mobility 250
    Child Benefit 133
    Child Tax credits 440
    Housing Allowance 325


    Free Member

    Did i log on to the daily mail website? 🙄

    Free Member

    How about some of the tax dodging scum?

    Free Member

    she works hard for that money :S

    Free Member

    she's welsh, she deserves it

    Free Member

    Bit of a racist remark, OP.

    Free Member

    Makes me angry that there's no jobs in Merthyr Tydfil too carbon337.

    And now that the Tories are back in, things are set to get much much worst 😐

    Of course the Tories will try to deflect criticism by suggesting that none of it is their fault, but all the fault of the "benefit culture".

    In fact, I've believe they have already started to shift the blame – even before their disastrous policies have had a chance to bite.

    Still, you won't be falling for that one carbon337 – will you ?

    Full Member

    Was it not the tories the last time they were in that put a lot of people on incapacity/disability benefit to fudge the buroo figures

    Free Member

    so there are no jobs but shes not moved to where there is work ?

    our forefathers would have died had they adopted that attitude …

    of course alot of them did die in their quest for work – shipping out to austrailia and canada

    the excuse there is no work doesnt wash with me , i moved to a new town with my girlfriend for her uni course without a job and within 6 hours i had a job working in a shop just from walking round the town , within 2 weeks id got an offer of a job as an engineer …

    of course they use the excuse as per the radio today and i quote "i aint not sweeping the streets innit , i want a job i enjoy for a wage that is worth while me coming off benifits" – "what are your qualifications" "couple of a levels"

    Fair enough but does anyone other than jedi and s8tannorm have a job they really really enjoy ?

    Free Member


    I may as well jack in my job; I wouldn't actually see much of a pay cut TBH! Sponging scum.

    Full Member

    Trail rat how is she meant to move to get work if she has no spare cash ?

    Free Member

    incapacity benefit. probably means that she is not fit for work. plenty of people that outwardly appear to be fit for work are far from it.

    Free Member

    go to most carehomes in the uk and a fair proportion of the staff are non-native.
    go to most farms and the pickers are non-native.

    There are jobs but there are always excuses why they can't do them.

    Free Member

    Problem is she only gets £250 for mobility, and £425 for incapacity. If they swapped that about she'd be more mobile.

    Free Member

    I didn't see the programme but if she's getting child benefit I reckon there's a good chance she's got kids – just moving away searching for work and by extension taking the kids out of school isn't very practical. My dad was in the RAF and moving around – I went to 5 different primary schools – is pretty gash to be honest.

    By mobility do you mean the mobility component of disability living allowance? This benefit is not means tested – eg, a millionaire could get it as could someone on incapacity or jobseekers allowance. She'll have to have a significant disability to claim it which could also affect her ability to access certain jobs or move away.

    I know the system is abused but the examples used on the news are not as widespread as the media would have you believe. The majority of people I have met who are unemployed would much prefer to be working.

    Free Member

    Trail Rat – like you some of us have work ethics!

    Full Member

    Bad luck and hard times or illness can fall on anyone. I've been off sick and had state help myself (although always got back into work asap). I accept that you can't see into the future when you give birth to children, but it surely can't be right to keep on breeding when you are on benefits and have no intention or prospect of gaining employment.

    Having said that, how much did the mps' expenses jamboree cost us taxpayers, and how much did the ensuing enquiry cost too?

    Free Member

    the excuse there is no work doesnt wash with me

    Indeed …….. just watch a whole lot more people suddenly get lazy, now the Tories are back in power.

    Free Member

    I wonder how long you would live her life for, before you realised it probably isn't all that great being a disabled, single parent with no real job prospects?

    Some people are so quick to judge, based on what…a sensationalised news story?! 😐

    Free Member

    Indeed …….. just watch a whole lot more people suddenly get lazy, now the Tories are back in power.

    you're living in a dream world ernie. You're somehow justifying 14 years of inaction by nu labour by blaming the Tories for something they may or may not do as part of a coalition government over the next 4-5 years. Priceless.

    Full Member

    Rich – Member

    I wonder how long you would live her life for, before you realised it probably isn't all that great being a disabled, single parent with no real job prospects?

    Yup. Assuming her claims are actually legit of course, I wouldn't trade a full time job with health and freedom for a life of benefits and disability and looking after 3 kids.

    Free Member

    ernie. You're somehow justifying 14 years of inaction by nu labour

    I would never try to justify 14 (or even 13) years of inaction by nu labour.

    My comments are completely based on factual evidence that Tory governments, through their policies, push unemployment up.

    Never at any time during the 18 years when the Tories were last in power, did unemployment ever come down to the level it had been when they were first elected.

    Anyone who claims that unemployment is high when the Tories are in power because people suddenly become lazy under Tory governments, is, as you put it, "living in a dream world".

    Free Member

    Some people are so quick to judge, based on what…a sensationalised news story?

    Nowhere truer than on STW.

    Free Member

    My comments are completely based on factual evidence that Tory governments, through their policies, push unemployment up.

    Just like the last two Labour governments then – unemployment higher in 2010 than in 1997, and higher in 1979 than in 1974.

    Free Member

    All this Tory bashing is histerical… We are living in a broken country that for a generation has been governed by labour, wake up, it's broken… Time to make changes, and at least this coalition offer real change….

    Free Member

    Nowhere truer than on STW.

    And I'm impressed how presumably, carbon337 had a pen and paper ready to jot down the figures as the ITN news presenter spoke.

    Do you think he had an inclination that there would be a sensational news story ?

    Free Member

    Just like the last two Labour governments then

    No, not like that. Read it again :

    Never at any time during the 18 years when the Tories were last in power, did unemployment ever come down to the level it had been when they were first elected.

    Most of the time during all the New Labour governments of 1997-2010, unemployment was lower than it had been when they first got elected. The Tories over 18 years never managed to do that. And 18 years is a long time to sort things out.

    You can spin it as much as you want, but you can't change the facts.

    Free Member

    Maybe he just has a PVR 😕

    Free Member

    Maybe he just has a PVR

    What, he video recorded the news ?

    So that he could play it back and make notes concerning the most sensational news stories ?

    What a good idea 😀

    Free Member

    You can spin it as much as you want, but you can't change the facts.

    You're doing enough spinning for both of us Ernie.

    How come Labour in their 13 years never managed to bring unemployment back down to 1979 rates if they were so wonderful (having inherited falling unemployment in 1997)?

    Free Member

    What, he video recorded the news ?

    I presume you've not got a PVR then Ernie – that being a device which allows you to pause and rewind what you're watching automatically.

    Free Member

    I presume you've not got a PVR then Ernie

    No I haven't. But I think I'm going to get one now – they sound like a really good idea 8)

    Having said that, I'm still not entirely convinced by these newfangled "home computer" thingamajigs

    ……….if it weren't for the porn, I don't think I would have bothered.

    Free Member

    Oh sorry aracer I forgot :

    How come Labour in their 13 years never managed to bring unemployment back down to 1979 rates

    They did. Have a look :

    Free Member

    Uk annual budget, the big orange bit is benefits….

    Free Member

    so looking at that chart, all we need to do is drive the sick and idle into the sea and we'll save nearly half our budget for tax cuts for deserving millionnaires

    Free Member

    daily mail song

    nuff said really.

    Free Member

    Despite all the political chat you don't get incapacity benefit for nothing. Looks to me like someone with a disability that prevents them working gets a good amount (more than i get for working but about where i would like to be to doing ok cash wise…). I'm fine with that. Wake me up when we do a big rant on the lazy gits who don't work through choice. I bet they don't get 25k though.

    Free Member

    Don't get sick. Don't grow old. Don't be poor. Do what you're told.

    Free Member

    you'd have to pay me triple that to live in Methyr Tydfill

    Free Member

    They did. Have a look

    Oops, sorry – I'd forgotten lots of the economically inactive weren't "unemployed" by that point.

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