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  • Beau Is Afraid
  • desperatebicycle
    Full Member

    Anyone seen it? Planning to see it?
    I absolutely loved Hereditary and Midsommar, so went last night.. on my own cos nobody likes the same weirdness as me. Hmm, I kinda think they were right. Although, it’s pretty amazing (I’m pretty sure I was grinning for most of the 3 hours)… Just not sure how much I liked it as a whole.

    On a side note, the Take That movie was a wholly inappropriate trailer before it. I shall be writing to Vue about that!! 😂

    Free Member

    Also loved Midsommar and Hereditary, but judging from the trailers BIA looks quite different? A lot more surreal? Glad to hear you thought it worth a watch!

    Full Member

    The trailer totally confuses me. But then Ari Aster is not know for an easy fix.

    Full Member

    I don’t think I’ve ever been angrier than I was after watching Hereditary and Midsommar. I’m a fan of some pretty weird films, but I couldn’t stand either of them. Hereditary in particular. Toni Colette was the only saving grace, but the son was so bad I was genuinely wished he would be possessed.

    Full Member

    I thought Hereditary was mind blowing.

    I could not figure any of it out until right at the end.

    Full Member

    BIA looks quite different?

    Yeah, you could say that. You could definitely say that.

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