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  • Batten down the hatches again – snow’s a-coming!
  • tyger
    Free Member

    According to the latest weather report. Russian winds will hit us on Sunday!

    Free Member

    bugger. :(

    why can’t it just be dry and warm eh?

    Free Member

    great, just as i’m cycling from ludlow back to birmingham on my first ‘tour’

    Full Member

    great, just as i’m cycling from ludlow back to birmingham on my first ‘tour’

    the forecast would suggest there may well be a headwind but no sweat – good luck – meanwhile me and the kiddies will be sledging!!!!

    Free Member

    why can’t it just be dry and warm eh?

    ’cause we’re not on the equator ?

    Free Member

    I think you will fing the equator tends not to be dry, you need to be at around 30 degrees north or south for that, y’know, hadley cells and all that….

    Free Member

    It was dry when I sailed through it once.

    Full Member

    According to the latest weather report. Russian winds will hit us on Sunday!

    Been forecast since last week.

    Free Member

    So it must be true then……

    Free Member

    Excellent, just in time for me to be 4 storeys up on a scaffold demolishing a chimney on the monday :|

    Free Member

    i hope all you northeneres are prepared from lots of posts and news about the weather from london.

    Free Member

    It was dry when I sailed through it once.

    Don’t you normally need some water for sailing?

    Free Member

    I wimped out of biking today – 70 mph winds and heavy rain when its this cold is not really my bag. Really want to test out my new adjustable seatpost though. :P

    Free Member

    Bollocks… I haven’t got new tyres for the car yet, which means that the drive over the Southern Uplands on Monday is going to be far too exciting… again (was shocking a couple of weeks ago, back end all over the place on the M74 and that’s in a 4×4!).

    It’s not that my tyres are illegal on tread btw. Just 3/4 worn on the rears and they have been utterly crap anyway (not a big fan of the Bridgestones). Got to source some Yokohamas to get fitted soon.

    Free Member

    So that’s what’s forcast then is it. So it’s gonna be BBQ weather in other words.

    Free Member

    [Russian wind]

    All that cabbage.

    Free Member

    We had a warning of 70 to 80 Mph winds a couple of weeks ago. I put the wheelybin in the garage and went round the house making sure all the windows were locked and put an extra length of rope around the tarpaulin covering my motorbike.

    What happened we had enough wind to blow out the candles on a 5 year olds birthday cake.

    BBC weather is crap, if you live outside London your better off with a bit of seaweed.

    Free Member

    Move to Ireland… too far West for these nasty continental winds.

    *looks out window*

    wet and windy again..

    Maybe don’t move to Ireland…

    Free Member

    The weather forecasters always tell you the worst possible scenario coz if it’s better than that nobody cares

    Free Member

    There will just be a light dusting, just as there always is when it snows in this country.
    Lots of people with claim that there are ‘blizzards’ etc of course.

    Free Member

    More than a light dusting on the Lake District fells last weekend – up to a meter in places.

    Free Member

    BBC weather is crap

    Here we go again…………the BBC gets all it’s weather forecasts from the MOD.

    Of course Sky News viewers will be getting a heat-wave forecast, which means that they will all be experiencing a nice warm sunny week – lucky fukkers.

    Free Member

    lol! The MOD? not the met office then?

    p.s. grumm, 1m on lee slopes in the mountains is a dusting.

    Free Member

    OK, what do you consider ‘proper’ snow then? I would call a dusting a couple of cms on higher fells – 2-3 inches down to 150m with a meter in places seems a reasonable covering to me, and I’ve been to the alps and everything.

    Free Member

    The met office is crap too, consistently wrong no matter where I am in the country. I just accept weather will change, people will grow old, none of it can be stopped, changed or predicted very well.

    Free Member

    glenh – Member

    lol! The MOD? not the met office then?

    Yeah that’s right – the MET office which is part of the Ministry of Defence.

    ” The Met Office is part of the MoD for both historical and supply reasons. Originally a small department within the Board of Trade, the Met Office was taken under the wing of the Air Ministry just after the First World War, later moving into the MoD. Additionally, by owning the Met Office, in times of a national crisis the MoD can guarantee access to the forecasting service.”

    Obviously a completely unreliable service then :roll:

    Free Member

    Obviously a completely unreliable service then [:roll:]

    Have you tried booking a kitesurfing session 3 days in advance using met office forecasts? You’re better off pinning a tail on a donkey.

    Free Member

    Have you tried booking a kitesurfing session 3 days in advance using met office forecasts?

    What role does the Met Office play in advising the armed forces?

    ” It ranges from tactical mission planning to investigating the impact of environmental stresses in areas of potential unrest. The Met Office’s aim is to ensure that weather and natural environment conditions are used to an advantage in order to improve effectiveness. The Mobile Met. Unit is often sent to areas of conflict involving British forces, such as the Gulf War or Afghanistan.
    Most of the services the Met Office provides to RAF and Army customers are for flying: there are on-site forecasting staff at about 30 military airfields in the UK and overseas. The armed services, QinetiQ (formerly Defence Evaluation and Research Agency), NATO and the US Air Force in Europe form the Met Office’s existing defence customer base. In addition, its Mobile Met. Unit provides flexible front-line support to the armed forces of the UK and NATO.

    That might explain why we’re losing the Afghan war then ?

    I knew it couldn’t be Our Boy’s fault.

    Free Member

    There will just be a light dusting, just as there always is when it snows in this country.

    I read a snippet in the paper a while back about a snowstorm in Devon at some point in the 70s I think, where 10ft of snow got deposited in a local area. Telegraph poles were buried not to mention people being snowed entirely into their cars and having to be dug out to be rescued.

    Just a dusting tho, of course. :roll:

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