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  • Automatic forwarding of work e-mail to a personal e-mail
  • scuttler
    Full Member

    Auto forwarding work email to somewhere else. Especially google etc. Wasn’t it in the news recently that legally email is their property if you send it to their servers?

    How many international organisations innocently use Google Translate or third-party tools using the API for quick and easy translation of internal documents and communications? I’m not up on the current terms of service but you can bet they’re somewhat vague as to the rights around the data.

    Free Member

    Why can’t you get MobileIron on your own phone. Its part of their sales pitch is it lets corporate IT support Bring Your Own Device.

    As for autoforward – they will, or should, spot that risk and turn the capability off.

    Full Member

    Hmm. This is made especially tricky by the fact you’re freelance.

    One option may be to ask if you can surrender your corporate email account, and then provide an address of your own for them to use. But this depends on how freelance you are, if you get my drift.

    I wouldn’t contravene their (dumb) IT policy, given your employment status. Why they’re using a pretty good MDM platform like MobileIron to do exactly what it was built not to do, I don’t know.

    The other problem is that while the managers bicker, you’re stuffed. Even saying ‘This will affect how well I do my job very severely’ won’t help, because being in the position of saying ‘I told you so’ later on will not further your cause, even if you’re completely right.

    Free Member

    There may be, but you can only do it with your company’s co-operation. If they say no, you have to find a way of getting them to say yes. Where I work you can use personal devices for work, as long as they comply with strict guidelines, but you still use the corporate email servers.

    Our people use if they want to use iDevices for work email, my boss does it, seems to work well except for needing to convert all PowerPoint presentations to PDFs so he can see them properly!

    Full Member

    Just a thought: if they’re dumping all this dosh on a solution like MobileIron, surely they’d be stupid not to invest in endpoint devices too?


    Free Member

    What IHM and Coyote say is correct, don’t forward to personal account.

    I work for Large International IT Co. and we use VPN (Cisco Client VPN)to enable emails from home, also firewall is mandatory.

    Free Member

    OK, from my perspective.

    Our corporate policy is don’t do this. I set that. Here’s why.

    1. People forwarding emails to personal accounts killed our email gateways twice when emails were getting passed backwards and forwards.

    2. When someone sends an enterprise an email, they expect it to stay in the enterprise. Passing it unprotected into the public domain is not what they expect to happen. Imagine if it got out into the public domain and was traced back to you?

    3. If your personal device is not protected via a managed solution, if it gets stolen (and your personal security is poor), now someone has access to sensitive information. And that’s your fault. Your company is liable and you are culpable. Guess who’s getting sacked….

    4. There’s a reason that every single legal firm specialising in email litigation has gone out of business. Email over the internet is not secure.

    5. Data protection does not apply outside the eu, and every large email provider hosts outside the eu. If you’re recieving emails containing DPA related information, you’re breaking the law.

    6. Do you recieve data your company doesn’t want outside it’s boundary? Because most employees do. Oops.

    Show some respect for your company policies. They’re often not the IT team being arses, they’re a result of a business driver being enforced by the IT team. If your company needs you to recieve emails at all times, they’ll provide you with a managed mobile device, if they don’t they won’t.

    Hope this helps.

    Full Member

    I’ve been assured that there is a setting in MS Exchange to disable the ability for users to set up automatic forwarding to external addresses. So it may not be an option anyway. It is a bad idea though, as documented in plenty of detail in this thread.

    I am also aware of someone who had an automatic forward set up, left the company they worked for, and continued to receive internal emails to their personal address for several months. So not all companies use the option or delete mailboxes when people leave…

    Full Member

    Now, forgive me as I know stuff all about IT stuff but….

    I can access my work e-mail on any device, personal or public using Cisco or something like that and Microsoft web app.. It is possible.

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