Riding home yesterday evening on the motorbike the last few miles is along a windy B road. There's a twee village along the way and inevitably there's some old duffer in a Daewoo trundling along at 22 mph braking for every corner and yesterday was no different.
Except this time there was a 63 plate S3 between me and the dawdler. There are a few straights where I/we could've got by but despite having being on the bike it was one of those evenings where I simply CBA so I stuck with it until said dawdler turned off.
I have to say at this point the S3 simply disappeared. There was a puff of smoke out of the 4 exhausts and it just cleared off. I had kind of expected to breeze past it (as one does on an R1) but not this time.
Sadly a mile or so up the road the S3 had to slow down for another dawdler but even so I was impressed by its turn of speed and cornering ability - a really quick car.
Hmmm £30k...