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  • arrogant posh boys
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    it’s not necessarily the case that the cabinet needs to be representative of the populous. what it needs to be is empathetic with the needs of the whole country. your social class does not dictate your ability to be ‘well-rounded’.

    we put them there, it’s our duty to remove them.
    unfortunately a democracy relies on the people, all we have is a majority who are either apathetic or politically misguided (ignorant).

    Free Member

    it’s not necessarily the case that the cabinet needs to be representative of the populous. what needs it to be is empathetic with the needs of the whole country. your social class does not dictate your ability to be ‘well-rounded’.


    Free Member

    But working class!
    Edit; Perhaps not. He has a honorary degree, does this count?

    Free Member

    Paddy Ashdown wasn’t exactly lacking in “life” was he?

    And the press destroyed him, your point is? 😀

    Free Member

    Easy one to answer – because if they have one ounce of personality/charisma the media will rip them apart in no time. Would love to see am MP who’s experienced more of life’s rich tapestry but they would never get past the starting gate.

    Much as I loathe him, George Galloway refutes this.

    Full Member

    doesnt sound working class to me:

    Ashdown was largely brought up in Northern Ireland, where his father bought a farm in 1945[2] near Donaghadee.[6] He was educated first at a local primary school, then as a weekly boarder at Garth House Preparatory School in Bangor[6] and from age 11 at Bedford School in England, where his Irish accent earned him the nickname “Paddy”.

    it’s not necessarily the case that the cabinet needs to be representative of the populous. what needs it to be is empathetic with the needs of the whole country. your social class does not dictate your ability to be ‘well-rounded’.

    true but having some people around you from a different socio economic backgound would help would it not?

    Full Member

    We need more MP’s who are capable of delivering a decent left hook

    Theres not one single MP out of the present lot who looksup to it. I suppose Erik Pickles could belly flop on you 😆

    Free Member

    1) Most of the jobs the person in question was offered were well above minimum wage. Not “support the whole family” well paid, but in the 18-22K range. Some were indeed poor, I remember one down at 14 but that was a commission based role.
    2) I’m not sure where the numbers come from so it’s hard to say, but the number of jobs in the job centre were no reflection of the true scale of jobs available if you scratch the surface and don’t just wander about your local high street asking in your favourite clothes stores.

    Thing is, personal anecdotes are a poor substitute for national statistics.

    Free Member


    true, but I am not thinking in party political terms here.

    AA what are you gettign at then as you keep moving the goalposts? Are you sure that you and TJ haven’t melded together?

    Free Member

    This question genuinely staggers me. As a small example, if we want to get the long term benefit climents back into work surely it might be better if someone knew something about what their life was like and why they have been on benefits so long?

    Knowing something and living it are not mutually exclusive. I am glad I have “staggered” you, but perhaps you are misinterpreting the question. My point is, why do you have to come from the 90% of the populas to be able to represent them?

    I would rather a business owner in charge of the country than the checkout staff, for instance. That does not mean the business owner has no empathy or understanding of his staff.

    Free Member

    coffeeking, the idea that it’s easy to get well paid jobs based on one persons second hand experience is a bit ridiculous tbh, and kind of offensive to those generally struggling. Yes there are work shy people out there but total vacancies are far lower than the unemployed total, and many of the vacancies are short term, badly paid, with poor conditions etc

    Full Member

    toys this is what I put in the first post I dont think I’ve moved the goalposts

    What is the stw view on government and mp’s. I think all parties should make more effort to have people who reflect the socio economic structure of the society it serves. Can people like Cameron, Osbourne and indeed Clegg And Blair and Brown and Balls etc etc. have the insight needed to help/understand everyone in our country?

    tree magnet, a checkout worker may have all the correct skills to be a prime minister or an MP, but you are just taking an extreme view. I didnt say MP’s had to come from the majority just that more a mix may be beneficial.

    Free Member

    Much as I loathe him, George Galloway refutes this.

    True, but what cabinet post do you think he will be offered?

    Gorgeous George is, at least, not (to quote Ben Elton c1983) “a grey suit full of **** all”.

    Free Member

    doesnt sound working class to me:

    Never went to uni though!
    The navy sponsored his junior education (to A level) when his dads business went bust.

    Free Member

    There’s been a couple of TV programs where politicians went out and lived the lives of people at the lower end of the economy
    Michael Portillo and Matthew Parris spring to mind but there are others.

    I’ve not seen one that wasn’t totally shocked by the experience and I’m positive it made them better politicians

    Free Member

    Be careful what you wish for. Tommy Sheridan used to be flag boy for the working classes up in Scotland, and we all know how well that turned out. I blame myself, I voted for his party (no women in my electorate that year) and he got in on the list MP system.

    Free Member

    Be careful what you wish for.

    Just as not every working-class person is a good egg, not every old-Etonian is out to feather their own nest at the expense of the rest of us. But it’s not unreasonable to say that politicians would benefit from a little more life experience, no?

    Free Member

    I like properly posh people. They have nice manners.

    Free Member

    The most high-profile MP from a working class background that I can think of is Maggie. Be careful what you wish for…

    Errmm- shopkeepers daughter – middle class

    Free Member

    Errmm- shopkeepers daughter – middle class

    Vicars son – middle class

    Full Member

    I like properly posh people. They have nice manners.

    So they’re frightfully polite as they inform you that, frightfully sorry old chap but your living standards are going to have to drop significantly, as myself and my chums don’t see why we should pay any tax

    Free Member

    John Major is a pretty good example of someone who came from humble beginnings.

    Full Member

    John Major was just a useful idiot to the Tory elite. And not even that for the rest of us

    Free Member

    your living standards are going to have to drop significantly, as myself and my chums don’t see why we should pay any tax

    Any tax? wouldnt it be more accurate to wonder why a small minority has to pay the majority of the taxes?

    Do you think the fire brigade comes to your house faster if you pay more tax? shouldnt everyone pay an equal amount?

    Does fairness not demand equality.

    Full Member

    There seems to be an assumption that being educated in the most expensive and elitist schools and universities makes you intelligent. Nothing further from the truth.

    Only a very small % of OxBridge places go to non-paying students. A good proportion of the students from public schools and overseas students gain entry via the the cheque book.

    Elitist education = elitist employment oppertunity = elitist political postions or influence = career politicians.

    Like others have said, no real life experience.

    Free Member

    Can a working class person become an MP these days?

    The most high-profile MP from a working class background that I can think of is Maggie. Be careful what you wish for…

    Eric Pickles?
    John Prescott?

    Full Member

    OMG zulu has turned up with a graph and completely unrelated rant… mods please close the thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    John Major was just a useful idiot to the Tory elite. And not even that for the rest of us

    I am sure he speaks highly of you too. It does not change the fact that he came from humble beginnings yet held the highest political office in the land.

    Free Member

    Any tax? wouldnt it be more accurate to wonder why a small minority has to pay the majority of the taxes?

    Yes, we’ve all seen the West Wing.

    You forgot to add that poor people pay a higher percentage of their income in tax, than any other group.

    Full Member

    Good on him but that was what? 20 years ago?

    Free Member

    yet held the highest political office in the land.

    It’s what he did in that office with Edwina Currie that gives me nightmares

    Free Member

    Only a very small % of OxBridge places go to non-paying students. A good proportion of the students from public schools and overseas students gain entry via the the cheque book.

    Sorry but this is not true.

    It is true that a chequebook will help you get a better education by sending you too a good school and hence making you appear smarter, but you don’t get into a top uni without the grades.

    Free Member

    And more to the point, you don’t get into Oxford or Cambridge even if you have top marks in all your A-levels if you don’t have good interviews – I was a case in point 😀

    Obviously the education thing helps with that too ( So I have no excuse 😉 ), but the claims that money directly buys places at Oxbridge (to any significant degree – I’m sure it’s happened at some point) are just wrong.

    But back to the OP, yes, there should be efforts made to remove the barriers that exist to poorer people getting into politics. None of the main parties are doing anything about that whether it be the ConDems or Labour.

    Free Member

    anagallis_arvensis – Member

    not not more or at least up ere we arent

    i am lower class

    self employed


    Free Member

    He then, as his father and elder brother had done before him, moved to Gordonstoun, in northern Scotland, and was appointed Head Boy in his last term. ****** obtained a C-grade and two D-grades at A-level,[5] and after his schooling spent a gap year abroad, working as a house tutor and junior master for two terms in September 1982 at the Wanganui Collegiate School in New Zealand.

    Upon his return to Britain, ****** matriculated at Jesus College, Cambridge, to read history

    Can you name this Royal?

    Free Member

    you forgot to add that poor people pay a higher percentage of their income in tax, than any other group.

    They should stop spending so much on beer and fags then!

    The government could maybe lower the tax on petrol as well, that should have the greenies up in arms.

    Job jobbed!

    Full Member


    you want to have a low income to pay less tax, was simply a joke sorry if it offended.

    Free Member

    clubber a council house origin mate of mine got in to cambridge on less than good grades because of their interview and extra curricular performance.

    Free Member

    Exactly. A classic case of cream rising to the top which is fine for the very best from poorer backgrounds but there’s a lot of people who are equally able as those that do get in from better off backgrounds but don’t because they’re outperformed at exams/interviews because they’ve not had the same level of support.

    Free Member

    no offece taken just dint know what you meant
    maybe i should read the thread properly

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