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Are you Bored enough to watch... Project DS911

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For anyone a bit late to the party, I am adding some Catch Up Compilation videos which just slam about 5 episodes into a single 30 minute clip.

There will be more today as fast as my poor computer can cope, taking you up to the latest episode.

The main reason I am doing this is that I am playing with carbon fibre construction for the headlight frame right now and I wanted to look back at what I did before. It takes ages with all the little episodes to find what I wanted.

Posted : 02/08/2024 9:46 am
jamesoz and jamesoz reacted
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I have been waiting for 2 weeks for some wheel spacers to push the front wheels out a bit. Until I get those I cannot get the wing shape right. Until I do those I cannot get the replacement air dam. Until I get that I cannot finish the bonnet.....

While I have been waiting I made the proper headlight mounting brackets out of carbon fibre. I believe these are the pieces that will remain on the final car so they had to be right, which is a challenge when you don't know what right looks like.

I wasn't going to release the video until later this week when I had carefully shaped the headlight brackets but the man finally delivered the wheel spacers while I was doing a sneaky hours work during my lunchtime so I just when with what I had recorded.

Enjoy. Please add comments etc as all feedback is always welcome.

Posted : 13/08/2024 2:30 pm
Full Member

I have been waiting for 2 weeks for some wheel spacers to push the front wheels out a bit. Until I get those I cannot get the wing shape right.

Is that due to the law stating(I think) that the wheels cant stick out beyond the arches ?

Posted : 14/08/2024 8:56 am
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[i]Is that due to the law stating(I think) that the wheels cant stick out beyond the arches ?[/i]

No, theses are TUV approved for safety and the Porsche wheels are inset by about 15mm to allow snow chains to be fitted without extending out too far. As long as I don't use snow chains then I am fine.

The delay was caused by the 1st supplier not stocking the items on their website and not being able to get them from the manufacturer. Then the 2nd supplier had the wrong colour shown on the website so paused my order and sent me an email confirming I wanted to continue. Unfortunately that went into the 'promotions' email bin and I didn't see it for a few days. They responded quickly when I confirmed the colour was fine.

It is frustrating because I have now lost the light evenings so everything takes longer because I have a shorter working window. I was planning on doing the CF work in the garage when it was too dark to work on the bodywork.

Posted : 14/08/2024 12:42 pm
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Guess what I was doing over the Bank Holiday weekend?

Posted : 27/08/2024 11:27 am
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This video is a landmark episode as I both listen to feedback on the video style and also make* that last of the bodywork components. The release is a bit close to the last one but most of this was filmed during my weeks leave as well and I know you simply can't wait for the latest dose of video boredom.

The listen to feedback bit is true, I was told to make the videos with more clips showing me hands on with the tasks rather than jumping to the end result. Please let me know if this is an improvement, worse, or no different. Do you like the videos a bit longer, like this one, or were the 5-6 minute clips better?

I think this is only about 11 minutes so tell me what you think the right duration is.

*Please note that I said 'make' and not 'complete'

Posted : 05/09/2024 10:59 pm
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Something to cheer/bore you on a Monday morning. I had a busy weekend.

Please add comment and advice if you have any

Posted : 16/09/2024 10:13 am
fasthaggis, razorrazoo, bruk and 3 people reacted
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Sorry for the delay and the slightly shorter clip this week but real life got a bit shit and slowed stuff down.

Posted : 13/10/2024 8:58 pm
TedC and TedC reacted
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Another good episode...ta.

Posted : 13/10/2024 9:45 pm
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Here is a compilation that brings any slackers almost up to date :

I make these to remind myself that I am actually making progress rather than justy endlessly sanding and breaking things.

Posted : 16/10/2024 12:27 pm
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This just popped up on my YT feed!

Posted : 31/10/2024 6:31 pm
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BLimey, I thought I was indecisive. that car went through more changes in that one clip than I could keep track of.

Here are just some I managed to screen grab.

PS I hope to get the next episode out at after the weekend if I can just finish the bumper bits and the airdam dryingh in the kitchen at the moment

Posted : 31/10/2024 10:52 pm
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Here is the latest release as I get the design buck ready to paint.

Huge progress but stay to the end to improve my viewer duration, I mean to see the crazy dilema I now face!!!!

Posted : 02/11/2024 12:06 pm
leegee and leegee reacted
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Bump for the Sunday night viewers

Posted : 03/11/2024 9:29 pm
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Not certain that 11:30pm on a tuesday is prime time to get views but I am finished for the night in the garage and just uploaded the latest episode "Disaster Recovery"

If you haven't already, please subscribe to get an update next time I wdo one as I am not sure how long it will take to recover from the operation I am having on Friday.


Posted : 18/11/2024 11:26 pm
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Exciting times - The Pre-Christmas Reveal!!!

Well, it is ready for primer anyway.

Posted : 17/12/2024 4:56 pm
fasthaggis, DickBarton, DickBarton and 1 people reacted
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has the design changed from Citroen to Chevette?

Posted : 17/12/2024 7:46 pm
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Looks good!

Posted : 17/12/2024 7:52 pm
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[i]has the design changed from Citroen to Chevette?[/i]

No, and I think it is much more like a Mk1 Cavalier Coupe than a bloody Chevette!

Posted : 17/12/2024 8:11 pm
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I like the first red one, not so keen on the yellow one as the front wings don't flow and the back end looks like a melted AM Vantage from the 70's and the white one looks a bit too bulky.

In other news, I have just come back from the garage having put the (hopefully) last coat of filler on the first part I am going to make a mold from. A bit of sanding to take it down to 1000 grit and then I am going to try gelcoat and a mold without using a primer, just lots of mold release.

This is the small part under the front of the bonnet that rests on the bumper. If it all goes horribly wrong, I have only ruined the smallest panel. If it works then I don't need to learn how to spray primer. With luck and good weather, there will be another episode out within a week.

Posted : 06/01/2025 9:39 pm
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And back by Popular [s]Demand[/s] disinterest

Posted : 26/01/2025 12:56 pm
leegee, cvilla, Yak and 3 people reacted
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Coming along nicely WCA.

Posted : 28/01/2025 6:57 am
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I managed to get the mould polished up nicely last night so the wait for the next episode shouldn't be so long. First 'production' carbon piece coming soon!

Posted : 28/01/2025 1:41 pm
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And the latest episode where I have finally made something!!!




Posted : 10/02/2025 3:05 pm
fasthaggis reacted
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I start working on the Left Wing but it doesn't go to plan.

Do not start working 14 hours into a mentally strenuous day after a week of much work and little sleep.

The statement "extreme tiredness is like being drunk" is largely accurate, as research shows that severe sleep deprivation can significantly impair cognitive function in a similar way to alcohol intoxication, affecting reaction time, concentration, and decision-making abilities, making it dangerous to drive or perform complex tasks when extremely tired; essentially, being very sleep deprived can have a similar effect on your brain as being drunk

Posted : 02/03/2025 7:57 am
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Secret Diary Of Benjamin Haworth Age 47 3/4

Last Minute Tuscany

Digital Detox

singletrack issue 159 cover image

Issue 159